; K95.INI - Kermit 95 initialization file for AFB NET.
; amended For use with ASAP
; by Gregory J. Rosmaita, [email protected]
; Information Systems Department
; American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
; New York, New York 
; Last modified 22 January 1997
; Based on the Standard Kermit 95 initialization file: V2.3, June 1997
; This file sets up the standard and expected environment for Kermit 95.
; Please don't edit this file.

echo Executing \v(cmdfile) for \v(system)...

; Dialing and Network directories

set dial directory ckermit.kdd cis.kdd sprint.kdd tymnet.kdd
set netw directory ckermit.knd

; Editor - Version 1.1.9 or later required

if < \v(xversion) 119 forward custom  ; K95 too old
if def \v(editor) forward netedit     ; Picked up from registry?

; Set up the default editor for the EDIT command.  If you would rather use
; a different editor, then either define an EDITOR environment variable, or
; add a SET EDITOR command to your K95CUSTOM.INI file to override this one.
xif not def \$(EDITOR) {
    xif def \$(SystemRoot) {                    ; Windows NT
        set editor \$(SystemRoot)\\NOTEPAD.EXE
    } else {
        xif def \$(windir) {                    ; Windows 95
            set editor \$(windir)\\NOTEPAD.EXE
        } else {
            echo ERROR setting default editor name --
            echo Unable to locate proper Windows Environment variables  


; NETEDIT macro -- See UPDATES.DOC for an explanation.
def _NETEDIT {
    switch \v(protocol) {
      :kermit,   output kermit -s \%1\13, break
      :zmodem,   output sz -a \%1\13, break
      :ymodem,   output sb -a \%1\13, break
      :ymodem-g, output sb -a \%1\13, break
      :xmodem,   output sx -a \%1\13, break
      :default, end 1 "\v(protocol)" - protocol unexpected
    receive \%1
    if fail end 1 "\%1" - Download failed
    edit \%1
    if def WAIT_FOR_EDITOR getok
    if not exist \%1 end 1 -
      File "\%1" missing after edit - Did you change its name\?
    set file type text
    send \%1
    asg status \v(status)
    delete \%1
    if not = \m(status) 0 end 1 Upload failed
    end 0

    local mode current
    asg mode \v(ftype)			; Save things
    set term autodownload off
    asg current \v(directory)
    if def \v(download) cd \v(download)
    do _netedit \%1			; Execute the macro
    asg status \v(status)
    set term autodownload on		; Restore things
    cd \m(current)
    set file type \m(mode)
    end \m(status)			; Return

; The K95CUSTOM.INI file is created for you by SETUP.
; You can edit K95CUSTOM.INI to suit your preferences.


; begin AFB customization by GJR
set printer {LPT1}
set bell audible system-sounds
set editor C:\os\util\ed.exe
set file download-directory H:\
set terminal autodownload on
;added following 4 lines 01/07/98
set terminal color terminal-screen lightgray black
set terminal color help-text yellow dgray
set terminal statusline off
set terminal mouse off
set terminal apc on
set terminal margin-bell on 72
set terminal screen-update fast
set terminal type VT102
set telnet terminal-type VT102
set terminal key vt102 \264 \{127}	; Backspace
set scrollback 

; Modifications for use with ASAP by Frank da Cruz
set key \400  \Kignore	; NumLock
set key \4543 \Kignore	; Keypad Slash    Num Lock On
set key \362  \Kignore	; Keypad Multiply Num Lock On
set key \365  \Kignore	; Keypad Minus    Num Lock On
set key \363  \Kignore	; Keypad Plus     Num Lock On
set key \4365 \Kignore	; Keypad Enter    Num Lock On
set key \366  \Kignore	; Keypad Period   Num Lock On
set key \352  \Kignore	; Keypad 0        Num Lock On
set key \353  \Kignore	; Keypad 1        Num Lock On
set key \354  \Kignore	; Keypad 2        Num Lock On
set key \355  \Kignore	; Keypad 3        Num Lock On
set key \356  \Kignore	; Keypad 4        Num Lock On
set key \357  \Kignore	; Keypad 5        Num Lock On
set key \358  \Kignore	; Keypad 6        Num Lock On
set key \359  \Kignore	; Keypad 7        Num Lock On
set key \360  \Kignore	; Keypad 8        Num Lock On
set key \361  \Kignore	; Keypad 9        Num Lock On
;End of modifications for use with ASAP

;if exist \$(K95CUSTOM) -
;  take \$(K95CUSTOM)
;else if exist \v(startup)K95CUSTOM.INI -
;  take \v(startup)K95CUSTOM.INI 
;else if exist \v(inidir)K95CUSTOM.INI -
;  take \v(inidir)K95CUSTOM.INI 
;else if exist \v(exedir)K95CUSTOM.INI -
;  take \v(exedir)K95CUSTOM.INI 

if < \v(ntime) 43200 echo Good Morning and Welcome to AFB NET, smile!
  else if < \v(ntime) 61200 echo Good Afternoon and Welcome to AFB NET, smile!
  else echo Good Evening and Welcome to AFB NET, smile!