C-Kermit 8.0.206 Announcement

From: [email protected] (Frank da Cruz)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.announce
Subject: Announcing C-Kermit 8.0.208
Date: 10 Mar 2003 16:20:16 -0500
Organization: Columbia University

This is to announce C-Kermit 8.0.208, a minor update of C-Kermit 8.0 that fixes all known bugs, adds a couple new features, and coincides with Kermit 95 2.1.4 (soon to be announced).

Improvements and new features since C-Kermit 8.0.206:

New commands:

New switches or operands for existing commands:

New or fixed makefile targets:

Bugs fixed (general):

FTP client bugs fixed:

Where to Find It:


Special Thanks To:

Martin Vorlaender, Gerry Belanger, Peter Eichhorn, and everybody else who helped by contributing code, reporting bugs, making suggestions, testing new features, building binaries, and telling people that C-Kermit is cool.

If you can make C-Kermit 8.0.208 binaries that are not already in the updated binaries table:


please send them in:


And of course report any trouble by e-mail to the regular address:

[email protected]


Frank da Cruz, Jeffrey Altman The Kermit Project, Columbia University

C-Kermit 8.0.206 Announcement / The Kermit Project / Columbia University / [email protected] / 10 March 2003