Kermit FAQ - Where to Get Kermit Manuals

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3 Where to Get Kermit Manuals

CLICK HERE for an illustrated version of this section with hot links to publishers, etc. MS-DOS Kermit, full-featured communications software for IBM and compatible PCs with DOS or Windows 3.x, is documented in:

Christine M. Gianone, Using MS-DOS Kermit, Second Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1992, 345 pages, ISBN 1-55558-082-3. Packaged with the current version of MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles on a 3.5-inch diskette. In computer and book stores, or order direct from Columbia University or from Digital Press.
A German-language edition is also available:
Christine M. Gianone, MS-DOS Kermit, das universelle Kommunikationsprogramm, Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover, Germany (1991), 414 pages. Packaged with version 3.12 of MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles on a 5.25-inch diskette, including German- language help files. Deutsch von Gisbert W. Selke. ISBN 3-88229-006-4.
And a French-language edition:
Christine M. Gianone, Kermit MS-DOS mode d'emploi, Deuxieme edition, Heinz Schiefer & Cie., Versailles (1993), 406 pages. Packaged with version 3.11 of MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles on a 5.25-inch diskette. Adaption francaise: Jean Dutertre. ISBN 2-901143-20-2.
There is also a Japanese book about MS-DOS Kermit, concentrating on the NEC PC9801:
Hirofumi Fujii and Fukuko Yuasa, MS-Kermit Nyumon, Computer Today Library 6, Saiensu-Sha Co., Ltd., publishers (1993), 160 pages. ISBN 4-7819-0669-9 C3355 P1854E.
C-Kermit 6.0, full-function communication software for UNIX, VMS, AOS/VS, VOS, OS-9, QNX, the Commodore Amiga, and other platforms, is documented in:
Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Using C-Kermit, Second Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1997, 622 pages, ISBN 1-55558-164-1. In computer and book stores, or order direct from Columbia University or from Digital Press.
A German-language edition is also available:
Frank da Cruz und Christine M. Gianone, C-Kermit--Einfuehrung und Referenz, Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover, Germany (1994). ISBN 3-88229-023-4. Deutsch von Gisbert W. Selke.
The Kermit File transfer protocol is specified in the following book, which also includes tutorials on computers, file systems, data communications, and using Kermit:
Frank da Cruz, Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Worburn, MA, 1987, 379 pages, ISBN 0-932376-88-6. In computer and book stores, or order direct from Columbia University or from Digital Press.
Kermit software for hundreds of different computers and operating systems is available from Columbia University. Contact Columbia for a free Kermit software catalog.


  1. In computer and book stores, or order direct from the publisher, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann with MasterCard, Visa, or American Express:
         +1 800 366-2665   (Woburn, MA office for USA & Canada,
                            Toll-free M-F 8AM-6PM Eastern time)
         +1 617 928 2613   (Newton, MA office for sales/marketing info)
         +44 1865 314627   (Oxford, England distribution centre for
         +61 03 9245 7111  (Melbourne, Vic, office for Australia & NZ)
         +65 356-1968      (Singapore office for Malaysia, Singapore,
                            Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand)
         +27 (31) 2683111  (Durban office for South Africa)
  2. From Columbia University:
         The Kermit Project
         Columbia University
         612 West 115th Street
         New York NY  10025-7799
         Tel.  +1 212 854-3703
         Fax.  +1 212 663-8202
    Domestic and overseas orders accepted. Add $10 US PER BOOK for shipping outside of North America. Orders may be paid by MasterCard or Visa, or prepaid by check in US dollars. Add $65 bank fee for checks not drawn on a US bank. Price includes shipping. Do not include sales tax. Quantity discounts are available. Single-copy US prices (in US dollars):
         Using MS-DOS Kermit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 44.95
         Using C-Kermit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 44.95
         Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol . . . . . . . . . . .$ 39.95
         All three  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 90.00


  MS-DOS Kermit, das universelle Kommunikationsprogramm: DM 20,00
  C-Kermit--Einfuhrung und Referenz: . . . . . . . . . . DM 25,00

  Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH & Co. KG
  Helstorfer Strasse 7
  D-30625 Hannover, GERMANY
  Tel.  +49 (05 11) 53 52-0
  Fax.  +49 (05 11) 53 52-1 29

FRENCH: Kermit MS-DOS Mode d'Emploi: . . . . . . . . . . . FF 495,00

  Heinz Schiefer & Cie.
  45 rue Henri de Regnier
  F-78000 Versailles, FRANCE
  Tel.  +33 39 53 95 26
  Fax.  +33 39 02 39 71

JAPANESE: MS-Kermit Nyumon: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 Y

  Saiensu-Sha Co., Ltd.
  Abe-toku Building
  2-4 Kanda-suda cho, Chiyoda-ku
  Tokyo 101, JAPAN
  Tel.  +81-3-3256-1091

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