JINTBAS0101PENELOPE Engine Version 1.2MQ08qp}s AUpdate Service TApril 1996 Update Service  U1Locate People or Companies via Online Phone Books VPC Troubleshooting  WIt's Time for Spring Planting   End of Update Service Topic List/J CUserObject Aa CPresObject$aATO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsG CShapeList CTextShape!aPDaP CParagraphjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP CDIBShape!mƭEamCDibBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c.mm^3 3 33^^<^3.333^v33<^vm rA/Dsmmū^mmc^^! 3^^mm^^3 ^m3^^ 3^^m^m^m^ <^ v^m^m̫k7/[ mm^^^mm3^^! ^ .ȁ^3 3^<.^.mmm^<33^^mmv^^ <^^m^^vv^3 m 3<<<^c^mmrD8Zfmmmm^m.^^m3 ..^mmm^!3m3m <33m^3^^mm^̫rK8fmm^^^^<<^^<!!3c  .cm^^^^^mm̫ū ̫ſ́m̫̫^^^m^mmȿ%Ȗ[/Drmmv<< ^m^^3^3v^mm 5.3 m|mmm^ m%m3 ^^^3mȋm̫^c^<<.<<^^^ 灄<<^^ <^^^^^%дr8Usmc^^<f<^^%mc^<^m!3&^^^mmcȄm ! ^<^mm^<^m^c%ȌP8f mm5 vmm 3ms3 3^m m 3^mmm3c !. <^ < c^m%%̴Ъk8K|^mm<3ξmm s<竡^̪ mm  mmc3^mm<3.^^ !!.m^ ^^. 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To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tp$pT@oSY*.1http://www.stars.com/Vlibh !<xdpx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ To$oTHoSY*.31http://www.netscape.com/comprod/at_work/index.htmlh !<xdox =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tn$nTXoSY*./1http://www.wilsonWeb.com/articles/why-come.htmh !<xdnx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tm$mTaoSY*.1http://www.pepsi.comh !<xdmx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tl$lTnoSY*.*1http://www.fau.edu/rinaldi/net/netpol.txth !<xdlx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tk$kTeoSY*.$1http://www.bdd.com/romance is abouth !<xdkx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Tj$jT|oSY*.'1http://homepage.seas.upenn.edu/~museumh !<xdjx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Ti$iTtoSY*.1http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/h !<xdix =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.TJ Ta$aTTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsS !aPPaP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭQamBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cS/ /!'!6mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr EXvvvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\vv]4vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm vvvv]vv]rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?/(vv4]v=mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSv]v)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvvvvvvv4vvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v]vv]4444]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@4]emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTvvv mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv4mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]]Tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}]]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]!!>>HXXX=)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm[[yggy4}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]]'XXXX!!gXvvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv!!!X('yH!y]vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)H:yy[[>[mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvvH!g(((H] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTvvHH[[׏[[!!![v}mmmmmmmmmmmmmm>[ygH[!HHH(mmmmmmmmmmmmme]&[(>]6mmmmmmmmmmmm]]([g>>vmmmmmmmmmmm X]v mmmmmmmmm4rmmmmmmmmm]mmmmmmmmvvvvv@mmmmmmm]mmmmmmvvmmmm]vemmmm@vmm]v)mmevr]vv]bbbb1GbS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.bbbbbbbbS !t2ƭRg2BAVBMV6(2dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9ccwX^}::P.J.wX7@C777r:eJe66@6.!^E0ͫhTR$Click to read This Month's Editorial`^EeditorUeditorDeditorBABM6(^E".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Uk$kUroSY*.,1http://www.best.com/~jgro/phoneSearch.shtmlm !<xikx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Uj$jUtoSY*."1http://www.natltele.com/form.htmlm !<xijx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Ui$iUnoSY*.1http://www.bigbook.com/m !<xiix =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Ua$aUTO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments\ !aPYaP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭZamBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Uc$cU^oSY*.1http://wyp.net/m !<xicx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Ud$dUZoSY*.1http://www.switchboard.com/n !<xidx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Ue$eU`oSY*.1http://www.telephonebook.com/n !<xiex =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Uf$fUooSY*.1http://www.niyp.com/m !<xifx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Ug$gUuoSY*."1http://ypo.com/search/ypocomp.htmm !<xigx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ Uh$hUuoSY*.$1http://www.tollfree.att.net/dir800/m !<xihx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.UJ U`$`UB5 w'w'           `% !Q&0Q&0`&0 [What does your phone number spell? #khttp://www.best.com/~jgro/phoneSearch.shtml$k0 !" " " `  ?NTC Phone Phinder #jhttp://www.natltele.com/form.html$j  CFreehand!YKE?9)YKE?YKE?YKE?`D=C5C3C2C1C0B/B.B-B,B+B*B)B(B'B&B%B#B"B!C CCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D D D D DDDDDDDCBA@?>876543210/.-,+*)('%$#"!       !""#$%&'()**+,--./012345 6 7 8 9 9 : ; < = = < ; :9999999999999 9!9"9#9$9%9&9'9(9)9*9+9,9-9/90919293949595868778695:5;5<5=5>5?5@5A5B58;M:Lԁ!dkQ,ydkQdkQdkQ`hNMe7d8c9c:b:a;a<`=_>^>]?\@[@Z@Y@X@W@WAVAUATASARAQAPAOANAMALAKAJBIBICHDHEGEGFGGGHGIGJFJFKEKDKCKBKAK@K?K=K<K;K:K9J8I7I7H6G5G4G3F2F1E0E0D/D.D-D-C,C+C*C)C(C'C&C%C$C#C#D"D!D DDDDCBA@@?>=<<;:98765433210/....--,+++**)('&%$#"!!!!""###$$$#""!!                      !"#$&()*+-./0123456666666666 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 : :;;<<=>>??@@AABBCDEFGHHIJJKLL M N!O"P#Q$Q%R%R&S&T&T'U'V(W)X)Y*Z*Z+[+[,\,\-]-].^.^/_/`0a1b1b2c2d3e4e5e6d6Fԁ!n6kn6n6n6`n6n l k jiihhhgffeddccba``_^^^]]\\[[ZZ Y Y X W U TTSRRQPONNMLKKJIIHGFEDCBBA@?>=<; : 9 3 1 0 / . - , + + * *))((''&%%$#"!                 ! 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This site includes links to online telephone, fax, and business directories from around the world. * .!4mƭ0ͫaUE1Click for instructions on Update Service comments`mupdtsrvUupdtsrvDupdtsrvBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Ve$eV[oSY*.1http://www.yahoo.comr !<xnex =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vd$dVQoSY*.1http://www.hp.comr !<xndx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vc$cVIoSY*.1http://www.ibm.coms !<xncx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vb$bVQoSY*.1http://www.microsoft.coms !<xnbx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Va$aVTO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments_ !aP\aP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭ]amBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vh$hVIoSY*.!1http://www.altavista.digital.comw !<xshx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vi$iVIoSY*.*1http://www.melbpc.org.au/others/index.htmw !<xsix =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.VJ Vj$jV'@!<\Appropriate NewsgroupsB !  Aj  Here is a list of appropriate +newsgroups,: comp.infosystems.www.+browsers,.ms-windows comp.periphs.printers comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.GUS comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.advocacy comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.games comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.music comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.tech comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.cd-rom comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.comm comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networkin comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video comp.+protocols,.tcp-ip.ibmpc comp.+protocols,.ppp comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy comp.periphs comp.os.ms-windows.setup comp.os.ms-windows.setup.win3x comp.os.ms-windows.setup.win95 comp.os.ms-windows.video comp.os.ms-windows.win95.misc comp.os.ms-windows.win95.setup comp.os.ms-windows.pre-release comp.os.ms-windows.announce comp.os.ms-windows.apps comp.os.ms-windows.apps.comm comp.os.ms-windows.apps.compatibility.win95 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.financial comp.os.ms-windows.apps.misc comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.mail comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.misc comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.news comp.os.ms-windows.apps.word-proc comp.os.ms-windows.misc comp.os.ms-windows.networking.mis comp.os.ms-windows.networking.ras comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip comp.os.ms-windows.networking.win95 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.windows VJ V`$`VB5 w' w        ` !5#޽0ͫjV !Pnok` List of Newsgroups"Arials?JLJJ`9/ on5#5#5#kLists appropriate newsgroups`# !_<ƭ _<_<_<i`BABM6(x#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cBM>6()#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.WJ Wk$kW\oSY*.1news:rec.gardens.orchids| !<xxkx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.WJ Wj$jWZoSY*.1news:rec.gardens| !<xxjx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.WJ Wi$iWYoSY*. 1news:alt.landscape.architecture| !<xxix =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.WJ Wh$hWVoSY*.1news:alt.building.landscapex !<xthx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.WJ Wg$gWdoSY*.(1http://reality.sgi.com/employees/peteo/x !<xtgx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. 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