Catalog for database: ./index Date: Dec 6 02:19:49 1995 2664 total documents Document # 1 Type: TEXT Headline: No Title DocID: 0 0 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Van Baak The File Disk Drive DocID: 0 84 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 3 Type: TEXT Headline: David F. Bacon OptiMach: Optimistic Recovery of Mach Tasks DocID: 84 204 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 4 Type: TEXT Headline: Rong Chen Building A Fault-Tolerant System Based On Mach DocID: 204 331 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 5 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Chesson Dogzilla: A Battle Computer for Dogfight DocID: 331 491 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 6 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas E. Comer, Efficient Order-Dependent Communication in a Distributed Virtual Memory Environme DocID: 491 747 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 7 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Hahn Pragmatic Issues in the Design of Flexible Libraries for C++ DocID: 747 875 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 8 Type: TEXT Headline: Rand Hoven Mach Interfaces to Support Guest O.S. Debugging DocID: 875 978 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 9 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad The Evolving Role of the System Administrator DocID: 978 1133 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 10 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter S. Langston Auditals: the Graftals of the Ear DocID: 1133 1298 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 11 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas G. Aguierre Smith Parsing Movies in Context DocID: 1298 1445 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 12 Type: TEXT Headline: Alfred Spector Critical Technologies for Transaction Systems DocID: 1445 1611 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 13 Type: TEXT Headline: Turner Whitted Image Synthesis on Personal Computers DocID: 1611 1777 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 14 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Allman ( ) San Francisco Conference Wrapup DocID: 1777 1873 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 15 Type: TEXT Headline: Piete Brooks ( ) An NRS processor in C and the future DocID: 1873 2007 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 16 Type: TEXT Headline: John E. Richards ( ) GKS in C++ DocID: 2007 2114 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 17 Type: TEXT Headline: Geoff Collyer (Augu) A Proposal for an Othello Referee DocID: 2114 2224 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 18 Type: TEXT Headline: Darwyn Peachey (Octo) Buffer Deadlock in UNIX DocID: 2224 2355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 19 Type: TEXT Headline: John L. Bass (Febr) Implementation Description for File Locking DocID: 2355 2498 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 20 Type: TEXT Headline: Piers Lauder (Marc) Share Scheduling Works! DocID: 2498 2617 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 21 Type: TEXT Headline: Piers Lauder (Marc) MX - An indirect driver for multiplexing virtual "tty" lines DocID: 2617 2771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 22 Type: TEXT Headline: Piers Lauder (Marc) SUN - The Sydney Unix Net DocID: 2771 2891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 23 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth A. Reek (Marc) Modifications for Unix on Small CPU's DocID: 2891 3043 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 24 Type: TEXT Headline: David A. Mosher (June) F77 Performance DocID: 3043 3193 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 25 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas E. Ferrin (Nove) Performance Issues of VMUNIX Revisited DocID: 3193 3354 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 26 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth R. Anderson (Summ) QDP - A Quick Plotting Tool DocID: 3354 3534 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 27 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Chernick (Summ) NBS Projects On Software Technology and Computer Based Office Systems DocID: 3534 3788 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 28 Type: TEXT Headline: Ben Domenico (Summ) Rocky Mountain Area Implementors Group - Corrections and Enhancements for the D DocID: 3788 4054 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 29 Type: TEXT Headline: Neil P. Groundwater (Summ) Navy Software Development With ratfor -T and Software Tools DocID: 4054 4302 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 30 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon Hanshew (Summ) The Software Tools On The Data General NOVA DocID: 4302 4496 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 31 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Hathaway (Summ) Software Tools TOPS-20 Implementation DocID: 4496 4693 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 32 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Louden (Summ) Software Tools Bulletin Board DocID: 4693 4887 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 33 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric S. Rosenthal (Summ) Spelling Checkers, Compound Words, and Variant Spellings DocID: 4887 5102 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 34 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Upshaw (Summ) Portability in the Virtual Operating System DocID: 5102 5314 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 35 Type: TEXT Headline: Andreas Bechtolsheim (Summ) The SUN Workstation DocID: 5314 5477 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 36 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Bender (Summ) Selecting a Data Base Management System for a Super Micro DocID: 5477 5646 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 37 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Caplinger (Summ) [Phi]NIX: A UNIX Emulator for VAX/VMS DocID: 5646 5811 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 38 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel R. Carter (Summ) Perkin-Elmer's Hardware/I-O System: Flexibility That Matches UNIX DocID: 5811 6025 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 39 Type: TEXT Headline: Brad J. Cox (Summ) The Object Oriented Pre-Compiler: Programming Smalltalk 80 Methods in C Language DocID: 6025 6257 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 40 Type: TEXT Headline: Jack Dixon (Summ) UNIX and Manufacturing Testing DocID: 6257 6425 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 41 Type: TEXT Headline: Eugene F. Dronek (Summ) Benchmarking to Eliminate the Benchwarmers DocID: 6425 6606 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 42 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael E. Duffy (Summ) Interfacing UNIX to Backend Database Machines DocID: 6606 6771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 43 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Dyer (Summ) Bad-Sector Handling on the BBN C Machines DocID: 6771 6940 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 44 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Fortier (Summ) Design of an Intelligent Bitmap Terminal DocID: 6940 7133 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 45 Type: TEXT Headline: Johann George (Summ) Real-Time Performance DocID: 7133 7296 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 46 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Gerkin (Summ) Introduction to UNIX - Videotape DocID: 7296 7489 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 47 Type: TEXT Headline: George Goble (Summ) What's New at Purdue/EE Department - A Dual Processor VAX 11/780 DocID: 7489 7698 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 48 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert B. Greenberg (Summ) Is UNIX as a Standard Doomed? DocID: 7698 7855 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 49 Type: TEXT Headline: James R. Hanley (Summ) A Survey of UNIX Usage in Scientific and Business Applications DocID: 7855 8085 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 50 Type: TEXT Headline: A.V. Hays, Jr. (Summ) Implementing a Multiple-Process Real-Time System Under UNIX DocID: 8085 8321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 51 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Heffler (Summ) Description of a Menu Creation and Interpretation System DocID: 8321 8532 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 52 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark T. Horbal (Summ) ATLAS Test Language - A Real Time Application Under UNIX DocID: 8532 8717 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 53 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Horton (Summ) The New Curses and Terminfo Package DocID: 8717 8884 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 54 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Isaak (Summ) Real-Time Systems DocID: 8884 9046 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 55 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Jackson (Summ) MASCOT DocID: 9046 9179 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 56 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Joy (Summ) 4.2BSD Overview DocID: 9179 9326 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 57 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Joy (Summ) 4.2BSD Interprocess Communications Primer DocID: 9326 9499 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 58 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Joy (Summ) 4.2BSD Questions and Answers DocID: 9499 9690 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 59 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas I. Kalish (Summ) Programdb: Maintaining Symbol Use Data for Source Code Control DocID: 9690 9899 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 60 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred M. Katz (Summ) Time and Tuples: Concurrency Control in LOGIX DocID: 9899 10086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 61 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred M. Katz (Summ) The Logical Softshell: A full-screen interface to UNIX DocID: 10086 10282 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 62 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas P. Kingston, III (Summ) The Multiple Device Queuing System DocID: 10282 10484 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 63 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey L. Kodosky (Summ) UNIX etc. at National Instruments DocID: 10484 10651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 64 Type: TEXT Headline: John Z. Kornatowski (Summ) Current Database Research at the Computer Systems Research Group, Univer DocID: 10651 10900 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 65 Type: TEXT Headline: John Z. Kornatowski (Summ) Current Status of Mistress (Version 2) and Future Plans DocID: 10900 11110 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 66 Type: TEXT Headline: Masatoshi Kurihara (Summ) Application Programming Environment on UNIX DocID: 11110 11330 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 67 Type: TEXT Headline: Sam Leffler (Summ) 4.2BSD Network Communications DocID: 11330 11491 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 68 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Lucas (Summ) Everything you wanted to know about System III but Bell was Afraid to tell you DocID: 11491 11734 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 69 Type: TEXT Headline: Heinz Lycklama (Summ) A Family of Portable Systems Based on System III DocID: 11734 11940 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 70 Type: TEXT Headline: Roger McKee (Summ) The Coming UNIX Crash DocID: 11940 12090 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 71 Type: TEXT Headline: Kirk McKusick (Summ) 4.2BSD File System DocID: 12090 12242 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 72 Type: TEXT Headline: Philip J. Mercurio (Summ) The UCSD MSG System: Iterative Design in the UNIX Environment DocID: 12242 12431 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 73 Type: TEXT Headline: Dennis F. Meyer (Summ) Optimizing Database Queries in SQL DocID: 12431 12616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 74 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Minter (Summ) A High-Performance Computer System Suited to UNIX DocID: 12616 12807 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 75 Type: TEXT Headline: David Mosher (Summ) 4.2BSD Licensing DocID: 12807 12956 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 76 Type: TEXT Headline: William R. Northlich, Jr. (Summ) Embedding UNIX in a Product (or, is 'Real-Time' Real?) DocID: 12956 13167 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 77 Type: TEXT Headline: Gregory J. O'Brien (Summ) Porting UNIX to a Personal Computer DocID: 13167 13358 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 78 Type: TEXT Headline: Sanand Patel (Summ) UNIX Emulation, Again DocID: 13358 13552 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 79 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Perlman (Summ) Data Analysis Programs on CSL UNIX DocID: 13552 13708 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 80 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Perlman (Summ) MENUNIX: An Interface to UNIX Files and Programs DocID: 13708 13878 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 81 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) Merging Bitmap Graphics and UNIX DocID: 13878 14048 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 82 Type: TEXT Headline: David J. Preston (Summ) News From Perkin-Elmer DocID: 14048 14207 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 83 Type: TEXT Headline: T. Scott Pyne (Summ) IAFORM, An On-Screen Definition Package for Data Retrieval Forms DocID: 14207 14419 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 84 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Reeves (Summ) UNIX at Lucasfilm Ltd. or Does Darth Vader Code in C? DocID: 14419 14605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 85 Type: TEXT Headline: Mario Ruggiero (Summ) Ped - A Portable Editor DocID: 14605 14757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 86 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard Salwen (Summ) On Ring Architected Local Networks DocID: 14757 14924 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 87 Type: TEXT Headline: Curtis Sanford (Summ) Development of a Commercial Applications System Under UNIX DocID: 14924 15139 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 88 Type: TEXT Headline: Chaim E. Schaap (Summ) Portability of C Language Programs DocID: 15139 15324 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 89 Type: TEXT Headline: Jack A. Test (Summ) NUnix Window System Description DocID: 15324 15464 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 90 Type: TEXT Headline: Rebecca Thomas (Summ) The Commercialization of UNIX DocID: 15464 15654 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 91 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael C. Tilson (Summ) How to Use Lots of Memory DocID: 15654 15842 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 92 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael C. Toy (Summ) Rogue: Where It has Been, Why It Was There, And Why It Shouldn't Have Been Th DocID: 15842 16102 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 93 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin Tuori (Summ) A UNIX Benchmarking Tool with Results from the PDP-11/44, VAX 11/780, and Perki DocID: 16102 16311 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 94 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Tuthill (Summ) Teaching awk as a First Programming Language DocID: 16311 16488 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 95 Type: TEXT Headline: Gordon W. Waidhofer (Summ) Tabstar - Information Data Base Management DocID: 16488 16684 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 96 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Walsh (Summ) UTS: UNIX on the Amdahl 470 DocID: 16684 16850 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 97 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Walsh (Summ) UTS: UNIX on the Amdahl 470 DocID: 16850 17016 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 98 Type: TEXT Headline: Elwyn Wareham (Summ) Systems Designers Limited Vendor Presentation on Angus DocID: 17016 17214 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 99 Type: TEXT Headline: James L. Weiner (Summ) UNIX/Prime: Porting the UNIX operating system to Prime machines DocID: 17214 17452 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 100 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Weisman (Summ) C Compiler for Data General AOS/VS DocID: 17452 17637 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 101 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Williams (Summ) A Business-Oriented File Manager under UNIX, with Contention Control and ISAM DocID: 17637 17844 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 102 Type: TEXT Headline: Benjamin J. Woznick (Summ) Managing a Roomful of UNIX Systems DocID: 17844 18011 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 103 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Banahan (Wint) The Loosing of the Sticky bit, or How to Speed up Your UNIX DocID: 18011 18154 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 104 Type: TEXT Headline: Luigi Cerofolini (Wint) UNIX for the STD bus DocID: 18154 18285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 105 Type: TEXT Headline: Tony Cornah (Wint) An ONYX implementation of an allocation checking technique DocID: 18285 18469 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 106 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Dawson (Wint) An implementation of Henderson's SECD machine under UNIX DocID: 18469 18616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 107 Type: TEXT Headline: Patrick A. Fitzhorn (Wint) C: Toward a Concise Syntactic Description DocID: 18616 18797 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 108 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Long (Wint) Proposed Changes to C DocID: 18797 18920 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 109 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Long (Wint) Formatting C DocID: 18920 19034 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 110 Type: TEXT Headline: Dennis F. Meyer (Wint) C Style and Coding Standards DocID: 19034 19177 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 111 Type: TEXT Headline: Zdravko Podolski (Wint) UNIFLEX Evaluation DocID: 19177 19306 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 112 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Wint) Design and Structure of an Open Distributed Operating System DocID: 19306 19509 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 113 Type: TEXT Headline: Andy Tanenbaum (Wint) Some Benchmarks DocID: 19509 19652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 114 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Banahan (Autu) Benchmark Programs Release 'A' DocID: 19652 19764 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 115 Type: TEXT Headline: Timothy Murphy (Autu) Circular UNIX DocID: 19764 19888 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 116 Type: TEXT Headline: James A. Woods (Febr) Finding Files Fast DocID: 19888 20014 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 117 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark R. Horton (June) Usenet: The Network News DocID: 20014 20135 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 118 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan S. Watt (June) List of Sources for UNIX Device Drivers DocID: 20135 20285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 119 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Spri) Two programs, many UNIX systems DocID: 20285 20452 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 120 Type: TEXT Headline: Teus Hagen (Summ) Cookbook for setting up a National UNIX systems Users Group DocID: 20452 20598 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 121 Type: TEXT Headline: David S.H. Rosenthal (Summ) How to Connect to EUNET DocID: 20598 20769 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 122 Type: TEXT Headline: Morris Bader (Summ) New Ratfor Tools for Numeric and Graphics Processing DocID: 20769 21006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 123 Type: TEXT Headline: Theresa Breckon (Summ) Environments and Search Paths for the Software Tools DocID: 21006 21235 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 124 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry J. Deroo (Summ) A Command Line Scanning Package DocID: 21235 21435 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 125 Type: TEXT Headline: Ben Domenico (Summ) Minimal Test Cases for the VOS Software Tools DocID: 21435 21684 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 126 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian W. Kernighan (Summ) A Bit of History DocID: 21684 21895 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 127 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Orr (Summ) Imposing Character-Oriented I/O on a Record-Oriented System DocID: 21895 22147 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 128 Type: TEXT Headline: Phil Scherrer (Summ) Performance of Tools: Minis versus Micros DocID: 22147 22373 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 129 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald Baecker (Summ) On Enhancing the Presentation of C Source Code DocID: 22373 22616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 130 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Balter (Summ) Everything You Wanted to Know about System V, and Then Some DocID: 22616 22828 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 131 Type: TEXT Headline: P.L. Barrett (Summ) An Implementation of UNIX For The Intel iAPX286 DocID: 22828 23015 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 132 Type: TEXT Headline: J.P. Black (Summ) The Newcastle Connection: Current Status and Future Plans DocID: 23015 23214 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 133 Type: TEXT Headline: Laura Breeden (Summ) CSNET: A Computer Science Research Network DocID: 23214 23413 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 134 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Bryan (Summ) VCHK - A Maintenance Program for UNIX File Hierarchies DocID: 23413 23594 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 135 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Buxton (Summ) A User Interface Management System DocID: 23594 23811 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 136 Type: TEXT Headline: John Chambers (Summ) UNIX System V and 4.1C BSD DocID: 23811 24002 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 137 Type: TEXT Headline: Clement T. Cole (Summ) Attaching an Array Processor in the UNIX Environment DocID: 24002 24215 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 138 Type: TEXT Headline: J.R. Cordy (Summ) Turing: A New General Purpose Computer Language Under UNIX DocID: 24215 24416 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 139 Type: TEXT Headline: Brad J. Cox (Summ) Objective C: Programming Smalltalk-80 Methods in C Language DocID: 24416 24632 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 140 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Daniel (Summ) Z - A High Performance Raster Graphics Package for UNIX Operating Systems DocID: 24632 24870 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 141 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry Dunietz (Summ) The Use of the Z80 I/O Processor by the TRS-XENIX Operating System DocID: 24870 25086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 142 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Farley (Summ) A C Source Language Debugger DocID: 25086 25280 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 143 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Fostel (Summ) Developing a UNIX Validation Set DocID: 25280 25470 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 144 Type: TEXT Headline: Dick Foster (Summ) EtherTIP - A Virtual Terminal Interface to Ethernet DocID: 25470 25665 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 145 Type: TEXT Headline: Deborah L. Franke (Summ) Early Experiences Using UNIX on the Gould SEL Concept Computers DocID: 25665 25893 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 146 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Gafke (Summ) Local Network with Virtual Ports DocID: 25893 26086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 147 Type: TEXT Headline: Michel Gien (Summ) The Sol Operating System DocID: 26086 26223 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 148 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward Haenlin (Summ) A Data Base Frontend, Driven By Tables Generated from a Data Dictionary DocID: 26223 26428 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 149 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward Hirgelt (Summ) Enhancing MAKE or Re-inventing a Rounder Wheel DocID: 26428 26598 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 150 Type: TEXT Headline: R.C. Holt (Summ) TUNIS: A Portable, UNIX Compatible Kernel Written in Concurrent Euclid DocID: 26598 26837 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 151 Type: TEXT Headline: Clyde W. Hoover (Summ) A User Information Data Base for UNIX (What to do when /etc/passwd just isn' DocID: 26837 27065 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 152 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel Isaacson (Summ) A General Purpose Programming Language with an Embedded Data Base Interface DocID: 27065 27281 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 153 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry K. Isley (Summ) UNIX Licensing and New AT&T Product Offerings DocID: 27281 27468 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 154 Type: TEXT Headline: Samuel C. Kendall (Summ) Bcc: Runtime Checking for C Programs DocID: 27468 27645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 155 Type: TEXT Headline: Tomihiko Kojima (Summ) A Multiplexed Interactive System PWB/II DocID: 27645 27849 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 156 Type: TEXT Headline: Tomihiko Kojima (Summ) An Approach to a Machine Independent UNIX - UNIX on HITAC M-series Virtual M DocID: 27849 28097 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 157 Type: TEXT Headline: David Korn (Summ) KSH - A Shell Programming Language DocID: 28097 28270 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 158 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Kridle (Summ) Performance Effects of Disk Subsystem Choices for Vax Systems Running 4.2BSD UNIX DocID: 28270 28485 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 159 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lesk (Summ) Technology Driven Software vs. Psychology of Users: An Irresistible Force Meets DocID: 28485 28736 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 160 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Lucas (Summ) A General-Purpose Object-File Format DocID: 28736 28944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 161 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lutz (Summ) Running the UNIX Kernel in User Mode DocID: 28944 29127 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 162 Type: TEXT Headline: Heinz Lycklama (Summ) Status Report from the /usr/group Standards Committee DocID: 29127 29331 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 163 Type: TEXT Headline: David Mankins (Summ) A Simple Window Management Facility for the UNIX Timesharing System DocID: 29331 29558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 164 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin J. McGowan, III (Summ) Mm4 - Make with M4 for Maintaining Makefiles DocID: 29558 29799 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 165 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim McKie (Summ) Where is Europe? DocID: 29799 29955 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 166 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Kirk McKusick (Summ) gprof: A Call Graph Execution Profiler DocID: 29955 30108 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 167 Type: TEXT Headline: Wayne McLaren (Summ) UNIX a la Data General DocID: 30108 30278 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 168 Type: TEXT Headline: Osamu Nakamura (Summ) On-line Manual System For Software Development on UNIX DocID: 30278 30471 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 169 Type: TEXT Headline: Laura Neff (Summ) Virtual Memory Management in GENIX DocID: 30471 30648 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 170 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert E. Novak (Summ) Using Make Effectively DocID: 30648 30826 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 171 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael O'Dell (Summ) Berkeley UNIX after 4.2BSD: Where is it going and why do we want it to get th DocID: 30826 31061 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 172 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. O'Dell (Summ) UNIX and Electronic Mail: Trials, Tribulations, and Proposals DocID: 31061 31279 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 173 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Patriquin (Summ) File System Considerations in a Multiple Processor UNIX Environment DocID: 31279 31493 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 174 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Perlman (Summ) The Interface Arsenal: Software Tools for User-Interface Development DocID: 31493 31707 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 175 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) UNIX Style, or cat -v Considered Harmful DocID: 31707 31897 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 176 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas J. Ross (Summ) UNIX Support for Guaranteed Real-Time Processing DocID: 31897 32103 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 177 Type: TEXT Headline: Ralph Ryan (Summ) A New Portable Compiler for XENIX DocID: 32103 32295 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 178 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Scheulen (Summ) Version 7 Compatibility Under System 3/5 DocID: 32295 32467 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 179 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles R. Smith (Summ) UNIX Writer's Workbench DocID: 32467 32643 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 180 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph L. Steffen (Summ) The Edit Shell - Combining Screen Editing and the History List DocID: 32643 32870 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 181 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Summ) A UNIX Tool Kit for Making Portable Compilers DocID: 32870 33087 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 182 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin Tuori (Summ) Talking to UNIX - Some Experience with Speech Input DocID: 33087 33263 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 183 Type: TEXT Headline: A. Wambecq (Summ) NETIX: A Distributed Operating System Based on UNIX Software and Local Networking DocID: 33263 33503 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 184 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael E. Wilens (Summ) SERIX - A High Performance Implementation of UNIX for the IBM Series/1 DocID: 33503 33735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 185 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Wolfe (Summ) A Powerful Accounting Package for UNIX-Based Systems DocID: 33735 33964 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 186 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay Zelitzky (Summ) Compilers on the NS16000 DocID: 33964 34141 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 187 Type: TEXT Headline: A. Adamson (Wint) Description of the 'bed' Binary Editor DocID: 34141 34274 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 188 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Keizer (Wint) The Amsterdam Compiler Kit DocID: 34274 34445 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 189 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Wint) Mapping the UUCP Network DocID: 34445 34605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 190 Type: TEXT Headline: Theo de Ridder (Wint) Some Self-Reproducing Programs DocID: 34605 34735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 191 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Wint) Two programs, many UNIX systems (reprint) DocID: 34735 34912 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 192 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Calland (Wint) Enhancements to format DocID: 34912 35115 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 193 Type: TEXT Headline: Charlie Dolan (Wint) LISP for the Software Tools VOS DocID: 35115 35369 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 194 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Hausman (Wint) Tools in Australia DocID: 35369 35540 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 195 Type: TEXT Headline: John Henshew (Wint) Update on Software Tools Implementation - Data General's RDOS DocID: 35540 35767 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 196 Type: TEXT Headline: Van Jacobson (Wint) Interactive Data Analysis using the Software Tools DocID: 35767 36001 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 197 Type: TEXT Headline: Phil Scherrer (Wint) Software Tools in C? DocID: 36001 36188 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 198 Type: TEXT Headline: Joe Sventek (Wint) A Portable Mail System for the Software Tools Virtual Operating System DocID: 36188 36445 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 199 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Upshaw (Wint) West Coast Implementors Group Proposed Standards DocID: 36445 36710 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 200 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Upshaw (Wint) New Tools for the Virtual Operating System DocID: 36710 36936 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 201 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Allen (Wint) REGULUS, a Real-Time UNIX Lookalike DocID: 36936 37111 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 202 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Allman (Wint) Mail Systems and Addressing in 4.2bsd DocID: 37111 37273 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 203 Type: TEXT Headline: Mitch Bishop (Wint) Handling Very Large Programs on a 16-bit Super-micro DocID: 37273 37445 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 204 Type: TEXT Headline: Kent Blackett (Wint) A Menu-Driven Real-Time UNIX System DocID: 37445 37600 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 205 Type: TEXT Headline: Jack Blevins (Wint) The Port of UNIX to the Gould 32/27 DocID: 37600 37757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 206 Type: TEXT Headline: Luigi Cerofolini (Wint) UNIX for the STD Bus DocID: 37757 37926 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 207 Type: TEXT Headline: John Chambers (Wint) UNIX System III and 4.1BSD; a Practical Comparison DocID: 37926 38139 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 208 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Chen (Wint) Experiences in Porting 4.1BSD UNIX to the [lambda]750 VLSI Development System DocID: 38139 38372 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 209 Type: TEXT Headline: Frederick W. Clegg (Wint) Hewlett-Packard's Entry into the UNIX Community DocID: 38372 38559 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 210 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert E. Conant (Wint) COBOL Compiler Construction Experiences Using lex and yacc DocID: 38559 38765 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 211 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Cragun (Wint) UNIX System Definitions and Standards DocID: 38765 38954 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 212 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Denny (Wint) Delivering UNIX to the End-User Market DocID: 38954 39139 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 213 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Dickey (Wint) Architectural Implications of UNIX (or Pitfalls for UNIX Porters!) DocID: 39139 39404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 214 Type: TEXT Headline: Camran Elahian (Wint) New UNIX Markets in Engineering DocID: 39404 39587 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 215 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven R. Evans (Wint) Windows with 4.2BSD DocID: 39587 39755 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 216 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerome Feder (Wint) Evolution of UNIX System Performance DocID: 39755 39949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 217 Type: TEXT Headline: W.R. Guffy (Wint) System V Offering DocID: 39949 40091 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 218 Type: TEXT Headline: R.C. Haight (Wint) ARIEL: An Experimental UNIX-based Interactive Video Information System DocID: 40091 40321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 219 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Harvey (Wint) UNIX Logo DocID: 40321 40452 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 220 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Hidley (Wint) Device Independent Graphics Enhancements at ITTDCD DocID: 40452 40647 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 221 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay R. Hosler (Wint) Meeting the Coming UNIX Training Challenge DocID: 40647 40826 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 222 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Isaak (Wint) Standards Organization: Levels and Measurement DocID: 40826 41024 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 223 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry K. Isley (Wint) Licensing Activity and Pricing DocID: 41024 41186 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 224 Type: TEXT Headline: M.A. Jenkins (Wint) The NIAL Language Project DocID: 41186 41339 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 225 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Karels (Wint) An Implementation of the vfork System Call for PDP-11 UNIX DocID: 41339 41535 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 226 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Katsive (Wint) UNIX Markets and Competition DocID: 41535 41706 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 227 Type: TEXT Headline: Laura L. King (Wint) The Informix Commercial DBMS for UNIX DocID: 41706 41901 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 228 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Kramer (Wint) LINUS (Leading Into Noticeable UNIX Security) DocID: 41901 42091 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 229 Type: TEXT Headline: D.J. Kretsch (Wint) C Programming Environment DocID: 42091 42270 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 230 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Eli Lamb (Wint) Towards a UNIX System Ada Programming Support Environment DocID: 42270 42482 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 231 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Lawson (Wint) UNIX Research at Lucasfilms DocID: 42482 42646 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 232 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Levine (Wint) Interactive System/Three and the Intel Data Base Processor DocID: 42646 42848 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 233 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Loomis (Wint) Computer Animation at UCSD DocID: 42848 43037 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 234 Type: TEXT Headline: Heinz Lycklama (Wint) The /usr/group Standards Committee DocID: 43037 43215 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 235 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Lyon (Wint) 4.2BSD on the Sun Workstation (or What we Did on our Summer Vacation)(or How to Emu DocID: 43215 43478 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 236 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Mackay (Wint) Terminal-Independent Plotting Packages: An Example and Suggestions for Standards DocID: 43478 43681 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 237 Type: TEXT Headline: Rod Manis (Wint) /rdb: A Relational Data Base Management System DocID: 43681 43831 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 238 Type: TEXT Headline: Marlene Martin (Wint) Distribution and Differentiation DocID: 43831 44010 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 239 Type: TEXT Headline: John Mashey (Wint) Software Army on the March - Project Strategies and Tactics DocID: 44010 44204 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 240 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Mashey (Wint) SOLID: for On-Line Systems Development DocID: 44204 44399 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 241 Type: TEXT Headline: James A. Moyer (Wint) BIBFIND - A Bibliographic Retrieval System DocID: 44399 44570 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 242 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Neelands (Wint) UNIX for the National 16032 DocID: 44570 44803 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 243 Type: TEXT Headline: James A. Neyer (Wint) UNIX Time-sharing Menu-driven Office System for Terminals (UTMOST) DocID: 44803 45007 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 244 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike O'Dell (Wint) Portability in the UNIX World - What UNIX Can Learn from the Software Tools DocID: 45007 45233 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 245 Type: TEXT Headline: Darwyn Peachey (Wint) Improved Schedulers for Non-Paged UNIX Systems DocID: 45233 45434 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 246 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Petersen (Wint) The History and Purpose of Standards DocID: 45434 45608 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 247 Type: TEXT Headline: Monte Pickard (Wint) The Plexus Networked UNIX DocID: 45608 45779 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 248 Type: TEXT Headline: George Powers (Wint) A Global Optimizing C Compiler DocID: 45779 45932 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 249 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Pozgaj (Wint) UNIX for the Computer Automation 4/95 DocID: 45932 46130 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 250 Type: TEXT Headline: William Raves (Wint) Development of a Digital Simulation System in a UNIX Environment DocID: 46130 46342 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 251 Type: TEXT Headline: G. Brendan Reilley (Wint) CSNET Status Report DocID: 46342 46512 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 252 Type: TEXT Headline: Spencer Rugaber (Wint) A Uniform and Simple User Interface to UNIX DocID: 46512 46700 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 253 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Sandel (Wint) System V Support Offering DocID: 46700 46866 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 254 Type: TEXT Headline: Donn Seeley (Wint) VAX11 Compatibility on PDP-11s DocID: 46866 47020 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 255 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Shantz (Wint) Graphics Standards for Personal Workstations DocID: 47020 47199 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 256 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric R. Shienbrood (Wint) UNIX on Apollo Computers (Yet Another UNIX Emulation) DocID: 47199 47444 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 257 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn C. Skinner (Wint) UNIX on the National Semiconductor NS16032 DocID: 47444 47638 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 258 Type: TEXT Headline: J.L. Steffen (Wint) Ctrace - A Portable Debugger for C Programs DocID: 47638 47809 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 259 Type: TEXT Headline: F.W. Stitt (Wint) Research Database Management Software for UNIX-based Microcomputers DocID: 47809 48022 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 260 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Swartz (Wint) Criteria for Standards DocID: 48022 48186 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 261 Type: TEXT Headline: Berkley A. Tague (Wint) The UNIX System: New Directions DocID: 48186 48375 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 262 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Tilson (Wint) A Tutorial on C Portability DocID: 48375 48552 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 263 Type: TEXT Headline: William Torcaso (Wint) The IS/1 Workbench for VAX/VMS DocID: 48552 48740 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 264 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Tuthill (Wint) Development of refer: Bug Fixes and Enhancements (or (unofficially) "Refer Madn DocID: 48740 48947 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 265 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Verbaeten (Wint) Porting UNIX DocID: 48947 49114 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 266 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Robert Ward (Wint) The Design and Implementation of the DB Relational Database Management System DocID: 49114 49356 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 267 Type: TEXT Headline: Anthony I. Wasserman (Wint) RAPID: A Tool for Building Interactive Information Systems DocID: 49356 49572 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 268 Type: TEXT Headline: Anthony I. Wasserman (Wint) Focus/USE: A Low Keystroke Database Editor and Browser DocID: 49572 49781 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 269 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry A. Wehr (Wint) UNIX File System Evolution DocID: 49781 49962 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 270 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Wilder (Wint) Getting Venture Capital DocID: 49962 50150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 271 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellen Williams (Wint) EUNICE DocID: 50150 50308 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 272 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean Wood (Wint) VMS C Compiler DocID: 50308 50472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 273 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph Yao (Wint) UNIX APL DocID: 50472 50627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 274 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean Yates (Wint) Writing User Documentation for UNIX Systems DocID: 50627 50824 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 275 Type: TEXT Headline: Arthur Zemon (Wint) A Friendly Text Processing Environment DocID: 50824 50989 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 276 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Zucker (Wint) Contiguous Load Modules for UNIX DocID: 50989 51175 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 277 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven Zucker (Wint) IS/3: A Compatible Extension of UNIX System III DocID: 51175 51365 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 278 Type: TEXT Headline: Lou Katz (Dece) USENET in the Sky DocID: 51365 51465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 279 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Alborough (Janu) Reloadable UNIX Device Drivers DocID: 51465 51639 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 280 Type: TEXT Headline: Ross Bott (Janu) OSx: Towards a Single UNIX System for Superminis DocID: 51639 51832 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 281 Type: TEXT Headline: Chet Britten (Janu) Multiprocessor Debugging on a Shared Memory System DocID: 51832 52042 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 282 Type: TEXT Headline: Curtis B. Downing (Janu) Transparent Implementation of Shared Libraries DocID: 52042 52306 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 283 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan R. Feuer (Janu) You CAN Feel Good Knowing it is Written in C DocID: 52306 52500 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 284 Type: TEXT Headline: Matthew S. Hecht (Janu) A Distributed File System for UNIX DocID: 52500 52735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 285 Type: TEXT Headline: Kathleen Hemenway (Janu) Proposed Syntax Standard for UNIX System Commands DocID: 52735 52958 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 286 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert J.K. Jacob (Janu) User-Level Window Manager for UNIX DocID: 52958 53152 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 287 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Janu) Mapping the UUCP Network DocID: 53152 53351 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 288 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Kridle (Janu) New 1/2-inch Tape Options and Trade-Offs for 4.2BSD UNIX on DEC VAX Processors DocID: 53351 53564 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 289 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Lindberg (Janu) A Layered Implementation of the UNIX Kernel on the HP9000 Series 500 Computers DocID: 53564 53788 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 290 Type: TEXT Headline: Byron Look (Janu) Real-time Extensions to the UNIX Operating System DocID: 53788 53991 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 291 Type: TEXT Headline: Heinz Lycklama (Janu) /usr/group Standards Effort DocID: 53991 54180 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 292 Type: TEXT Headline: Rex McDowell (Janu) A UNIX-Based Color Graphics Workstation DocID: 54180 54368 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 293 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean McNamara (Janu) Writing Device Drivers for XENIX Systems DocID: 54368 54593 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 294 Type: TEXT Headline: Lambert Meertens (Janu) An Implementation of the B Programming Language DocID: 54593 54795 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 295 Type: TEXT Headline: Joaquin Miller (Janu) Connecting a UNIX System to an X.25 Network DocID: 54795 55006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 296 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Northlich (Janu) The Excelan TCP/IP Protocol Package DocID: 55006 55217 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 297 Type: TEXT Headline: D.A. Nowitz (Janu) Experimental Implementation of UUCP - Security Aspects DocID: 55217 55452 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 298 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael T. O'Brien (Janu) CSNET Grows Up DocID: 55452 55663 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 299 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven T. Polyak (Janu) Life with UNIX in Real-Time DocID: 55663 55869 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 300 Type: TEXT Headline: T. Scott Pyne (Janu) MIPS: A UNIX-Based Microcomputer Message Switching System DocID: 55869 56081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 301 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian E. Redman (Janu) Behind Every Binary License ins the UNIX Heritage DocID: 56081 56333 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 302 Type: TEXT Headline: David Robboy (Janu) UNIX Block I/O Optimization on Microcomputers DocID: 56333 56525 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 303 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles M. Robins (Janu) Adapting UNIX for Data Communications DocID: 56525 56722 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 304 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph L. Steffen (Janu) Software Administration over Computer Networks - The Exptools Experience DocID: 56722 56949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 305 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Tannenbaum (Janu) Political History of UNIX DocID: 56949 57115 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 306 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellen Ullman (Janu) Building Tunnels and Bridges: Constructing a Commercial Application Under UNIX DocID: 57115 57364 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 307 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collinson (July) On the Design of the UNIX Operating System DocID: 57364 57505 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 308 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Goodwin (July) System V Performance Enhancements DocID: 57505 57651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 309 Type: TEXT Headline: Nelson Beebe (Summ) A Portable TOPS-20-like Command Parser DocID: 57651 57871 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 310 Type: TEXT Headline: Allen Cole (Summ) A Ratfor Implementation of KERMIT DocID: 57871 58071 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 311 Type: TEXT Headline: Neil Groundwater (Summ) Ada? Yet Another VOS? DocID: 58071 58285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 312 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Martin (Summ) Avionics Simulation Package: A Large Systems Application in Ratfor DocID: 58285 58537 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 313 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Meine (Summ) An Update on the Software Tools Standards Effort DocID: 58537 58763 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 314 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Norred (Summ) Mine Planning Applications in Ratfor DocID: 58763 58973 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 315 Type: TEXT Headline: Vern Paxson (Summ) A LEX Tool for the VOS DocID: 58973 59188 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 316 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Appelbe (Summ) An Adaptable Object Code Optimizer for UNIX Systems DocID: 59188 59405 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 317 Type: TEXT Headline: Maurice J. Bach (Summ) A Multiprocessor UNIX System DocID: 59405 59602 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 318 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard A. Becker (Summ) Experiences with a Large Mixed-Language System Running Under the UNIX Oper DocID: 59602 59844 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 319 Type: TEXT Headline: Stowe Boyd (Summ) SYSTANT: An Integrated Programming Environment for Modular C under UNIX DocID: 59844 60040 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 320 Type: TEXT Headline: T.W. Butler (Summ) The UNIX System help Facility DocID: 60040 60230 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 321 Type: TEXT Headline: David A. Butterfield (Summ) Network Tasking in the Locus Distributed UNIX System DocID: 60230 60450 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 322 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter E. Collins (Summ) WINDX - Windows for the UNIX Environment DocID: 60450 60635 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 323 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas E. Comer (Summ) DRAGONMAIL: A Prototype Conversation-Based Mail System DocID: 60635 60845 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 324 Type: TEXT Headline: Piers Dick-Lauder (Summ) ACSNET - The Australian Alternative to UUCP DocID: 60845 61060 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 325 Type: TEXT Headline: Gene Dronek (Summ) Relating Benchmarks to Performance Projections, or What do you do with 20 pounds DocID: 61060 61325 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 326 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Elz (Summ) Resource Controls, Privileges, and other MUSH DocID: 61325 61507 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 327 Type: TEXT Headline: Stuart I. Feldman (Summ) An Architecture History of the UNIX System DocID: 61507 61697 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 328 Type: TEXT Headline: James Gettys (Summ) Project Athena DocID: 61697 61854 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 329 Type: TEXT Headline: Riccardo Gusella (Summ) TEMPO - A Network Time Controller for a Distributed Berkeley UNIX System DocID: 61854 62095 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 330 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark R. Horton (Summ) What is a Domain? DocID: 62095 62257 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 331 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark R. Horton (Summ) Proposal for a UUCP/Usenet Registry Host DocID: 62257 62483 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 332 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay Hosler (Summ) Interactivity in Packaged UNIX Training: A Modest Proposal DocID: 62483 62680 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 333 Type: TEXT Headline: Evan L. Ivie (Summ) The Readers Workbench - A System for Computer Assisted Reading DocID: 62680 62882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 334 Type: TEXT Headline: Van Jacobson (Summ) 4bsd UNIX TCP/IP and VMS DECNET: Experience in Negotiating a Peaceful Coexisten DocID: 62882 63173 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 335 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Kahrs (Summ) Adventures with Typesetter-Independent TROFF DocID: 63173 63367 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 336 Type: TEXT Headline: Berry Kercheval (Summ) A Reliable Mail Service for the UUCP Net: Implementation Status Report DocID: 63367 63581 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 337 Type: TEXT Headline: T.J. Killian (Summ) Processes as Files DocID: 63581 63750 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 338 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas P. Kingston, III (Summ) MMDFII: A Technical Review DocID: 63750 63950 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 339 Type: TEXT Headline: Perry S. Kivolowitz (Summ) Optical Storage Management under the UNIX Operating System DocID: 63950 64174 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 340 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Summ) Automatic Software Distribution DocID: 64174 64357 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 341 Type: TEXT Headline: Clara S. Lai (Summ) Memory Management Units and the UNIX Kernel DocID: 64357 64553 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 342 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey P. Lankford (Summ) UNIX System V and 4BSD Performance DocID: 64553 64740 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 343 Type: TEXT Headline: Kok-Weng Lee (Summ) An Optimizing Portable C Compiler for the New CDC CYBER 180 DocID: 64740 64973 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 344 Type: TEXT Headline: Sam Leffler (Summ) Measuring and Improving the Performance of 4.2BSD DocID: 64973 65187 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 345 Type: TEXT Headline: Manton Matthews (Summ) The FP-Shell DocID: 65187 65364 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 346 Type: TEXT Headline: Bubette McLeod (Summ) Introducing People to UNIX DocID: 65364 65539 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 347 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Miller (Summ) A Demand Paging Virtual Memory Manager for System V DocID: 65539 65745 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 348 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles C. Mills (Summ) A Transition Diagram Editor DocID: 65745 65950 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 349 Type: TEXT Headline: Erik Reeh Nielsen (Summ) An Expandable Object-based UNIX Kernel DocID: 65950 66182 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 350 Type: TEXT Headline: Kiyoki Ohkubo (Summ) LIPs: Knowledge Base Development System DocID: 66182 66355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 351 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Pawlowski (Summ) The Dynamics of a Semi-Large Software Project with Specific Reference to a U DocID: 66355 66595 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 352 Type: TEXT Headline: Alex Phillips (Summ) The Livermore Interactive Network Communication System DocID: 66595 66819 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 353 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) A Text-Oriented Terminal Multiplexor for Blits DocID: 66819 67012 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 354 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael L. Powell (Summ) Using Modula-2 for System Programming with UNIX DocID: 67012 67209 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 355 Type: TEXT Headline: Bakul Shah (Summ) A Dynamic Bad-Block Forwarding Algorithm DocID: 67209 67439 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 356 Type: TEXT Headline: T.C. Slattery (Summ) Circuit Design Aids - CDA: A Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing System DocID: 67439 67672 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 357 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas B. Terry (Summ) The Berkeley Internet Name Domain Server DocID: 67672 67916 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 358 Type: TEXT Headline: Walter F. Tichy (Summ) Towards a Distributed File System DocID: 67916 68098 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 359 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Tilson (Summ) Towards a UNIX Standard DocID: 68098 68273 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 360 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Torek (Summ) The Maryland Window System DocID: 68273 68451 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 361 Type: TEXT Headline: Paresh K. Vaish (Summ) Techniques for Debugging XENIX Device Drivers DocID: 68451 68655 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 362 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Walsh (Summ) Converting the BBN TCP/IP to 4.2BSD DocID: 68655 68838 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 363 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert P. Warnock, III (Summ) User-Mode Development of Hardware and Kernel Software DocID: 68838 69061 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 364 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert P. Warnock, III (Summ) A Simple Simulation Toolkit in C DocID: 69061 69299 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 365 Type: TEXT Headline: P.J. Weinberger (Summ) The Version 8 Network File System DocID: 69299 69498 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 366 Type: TEXT Headline: Lauren Weinstein (Summ) Broadcasting of Netnews and Network Mail via Satellite DocID: 69498 69666 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 367 Type: TEXT Headline: Piers Lauder (Augu) Domain Addressing in ACSnet DocID: 69666 69789 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 368 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael S. Saxon (Augu) Using gsck - A Guide to the UNIX File System Check Program DocID: 69789 69959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 369 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Duff (Dece) Quaternion Splines for Animating Orientation DocID: 69959 70155 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 370 Type: TEXT Headline: Adrian Freed (Dece) MacMix: Mixing Music with a Mouse DocID: 70155 70327 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 371 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Haeberli (Dece) A Data-flow Environment for Interactive Graphics DocID: 70327 70530 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 372 Type: TEXT Headline: Roy Hall (Dece) Scattered Thoughts on Color DocID: 70530 70715 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 373 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Hume (Dece) Folding Regular Polyhedra DocID: 70715 70895 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 374 Type: TEXT Headline: Carlo H. Sequin (Dece) A Modular Rendering and Modeling System DocID: 70895 71105 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 375 Type: TEXT Headline: Spencer W. Thomas (Dece) A Low Cost Graphics Workstation DocID: 71105 71293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 376 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronen Barzel (Octo) Patchwork: A Dataflow Model for Efficient Graphics Programming DocID: 71293 71477 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 377 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Bigelow (Octo) Principles of Structured Font Design for the Personal Workstation DocID: 71477 71632 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 378 Type: TEXT Headline: Julian E. Gomez (Octo) A UNIX Image Production Pipeline DocID: 71632 71790 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 379 Type: TEXT Headline: Roy Hall (Octo) Software Architecture for Animation Systems DocID: 71790 71944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 380 Type: TEXT Headline: S. McGeady (Octo) Window Managers are Operating Systems: Software for a Distributed Graphics System DocID: 71944 72133 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 381 Type: TEXT Headline: Spencer W. Thomas (Octo) The Alpha_1 Computer-Aided Geometric Design System in the UNIX Environment DocID: 72133 72321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 382 Type: TEXT Headline: Theo de Ridder (Summ) Yet Another Implementation of Coroutines for C DocID: 72321 72468 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 383 Type: TEXT Headline: Evan Adams (Summ) Dbxtool - A Window-Based Symbolic Debugger for Sun Workstations DocID: 72468 72683 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 384 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Allman (Summ) An Exception Handler for C DocID: 72683 72847 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 385 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Allman (Summ) Sendmail Revisited DocID: 72847 73006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 386 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Bachrach (Summ) A XINU Virtual Machine DocID: 73006 73220 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 387 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Beck (Summ) VLSI Assist in Building a Multiprocessor UNIX System DocID: 73220 73416 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 388 Type: TEXT Headline: C. Gordon Bell (Summ) Computer Structures are Changing: Will UNIX Change with Them? DocID: 73416 73685 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 389 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Berens (Summ) Array Processing Under UNIX DocID: 73685 73849 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 390 Type: TEXT Headline: Catherine A. Brooks (Summ) Experiences with Electronic Software Distribution DocID: 73849 74039 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 391 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis Felipe Cabrera (Summ) The Impact of Buffer Management on Networking Software Performance in Be DocID: 74039 74331 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 392 Type: TEXT Headline: JoMei Chang (Summ) SunNet DocID: 74331 74466 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 393 Type: TEXT Headline: Clement T. Cole (Summ) An Implementation of an Extended File System for UNIX DocID: 74466 74675 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 394 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Ellis (Summ) A Stable Storage Package DocID: 74675 74828 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 395 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Ewens (Summ) Tunis: A Distributed Multiprocessor Operating System DocID: 74828 75054 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 396 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Ferrin (Summ) A Recipe for Establishing Point-to-Point TCP/IP Network Links with 4.2 BSD UNI DocID: 75054 75283 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 397 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan R. Feuer (Summ) si - An Interpreter for the C Language DocID: 75283 75451 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 398 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. Fowler (Summ) The Fourth Generation Make DocID: 75451 75625 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 399 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Gould (Summ) Device Drivers in a Multiprocessor Environment DocID: 75625 75784 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 400 Type: TEXT Headline: Curt Gridley (Summ) Improving the Performance of Scientific Applications on a Supermicro Using a Cu DocID: 75784 76057 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 401 Type: TEXT Headline: Marion O. Harris (Summ) Thoughts on an All-Natural User Interface DocID: 76057 76240 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 402 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Hawley (Summ) UNIX Tools for a Personal Database DocID: 76240 76404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 403 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Hawley (Summ) Windows for UNIX at Lucasfilm DocID: 76404 76584 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 404 Type: TEXT Headline: Denise Hewson (Summ) Integral Array Processing in a Multiprocessor UNIX Environment DocID: 76584 76798 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 405 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Himelstein (Summ) Multi-process Debugging DocID: 76798 76977 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 406 Type: TEXT Headline: Jack Inman (Summ) Implementing Loosely Coupled Functions on Tightly Coupled Engines DocID: 76977 77174 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 407 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Jaenson (Summ) A Parallel Array Processing Environment under 4.2bsd UNIX DocID: 77174 77413 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 408 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert S. Jung (Summ) Porting the AT&T Demand Paged UNIX Implementation to Microcomputers DocID: 77413 77607 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 409 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Leon Kazar (Summ) Camphor: A Programming Environment for Extensible Systems DocID: 77607 77806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 410 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas J. Kelly (Summ) A Portable Intermediate Code Optimizer for C DocID: 77806 78018 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 411 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Kepecs (Summ) Lightweight Processes for UNIX Implementation and Applications DocID: 78018 78215 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 412 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Summ) The Snocone Programming Language DocID: 78215 78392 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 413 Type: TEXT Headline: David G. Korn (Summ) In Search of a Better Malloc DocID: 78392 78583 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 414 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Summ) User-Level Shared Variables (in a Hierarchical Control Environment) DocID: 78583 78785 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 415 Type: TEXT Headline: Heinz Lycklama (Summ) UNIX on a Microprocessor - 10 Years Later DocID: 78785 78966 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 416 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Lyon (Summ) All the Chips that Fit DocID: 78966 79136 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 417 Type: TEXT Headline: Manton M. Matthews (Summ) LEVI: A Prototype Active Assistance Interface DocID: 79136 79338 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 418 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Kirk McKusick (Summ) Performance Improvements and Functional Enhancements in 4.3BSD DocID: 79338 79563 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 419 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Mee (Summ) OEM Application DocID: 79563 79695 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 420 Type: TEXT Headline: Eben Ostby (Summ) SM: A Small Mailer DocID: 79695 79851 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 421 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) The Hideous Name DocID: 79851 80027 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 422 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) Face the Nation DocID: 80027 80202 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 423 Type: TEXT Headline: D.L. Presotto (Summ) Interprocess Communication in the Eighth Edition Unix System DocID: 80202 80424 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 424 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Presotto (Summ) Upas - a simpler approach to network mail DocID: 80424 80615 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 425 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian E. Redman (Summ) Who Answers Your Telephone When You're in the Information Age? DocID: 80615 80818 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 426 Type: TEXT Headline: Rocky Rhodes (Summ) Mex - A Window Manager for the IRIS DocID: 80818 81017 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 427 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall T. Rose (Summ) MH.5: How to process 200 messages a day and still get some real work done DocID: 81017 81261 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 428 Type: TEXT Headline: P.K. Rowe (Summ) A Multiprocessor Performance Measurement Tool DocID: 81261 81469 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 429 Type: TEXT Headline: Russel Sandberg (Summ) Design and Implementation of the Sun Network Filesystem DocID: 81469 81719 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 430 Type: TEXT Headline: Ariel Shattan (Summ) Documenting UNIX: Beyond Man Pages DocID: 81719 81895 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 431 Type: TEXT Headline: Grant Stokes (Summ) University Application DocID: 81895 82047 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 432 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Summ) An Extensible I/O Facility for C++ DocID: 82047 82229 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 433 Type: TEXT Headline: Tracy Tims (Summ) A Portable Reference Optimizer for the System V Loader DocID: 82229 82428 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 434 Type: TEXT Headline: R.D. Trammell (Summ) A Capability Based Hierarchic Architecture for UNIX Window Management DocID: 82428 82615 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 435 Type: TEXT Headline: Lauren Weinstein (Summ) Project Stargate DocID: 82615 82739 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 436 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean Wood (Summ) Parlez-Vous L'UNIX? The European Perspective, Past and Future DocID: 82739 82975 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 437 Type: TEXT Headline: David Yost (Summ) The Cloned Tree Method of Revision Control or A Rich Person's Revision Control Sy DocID: 82975 83267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 438 Type: TEXT Headline: Songnian Zhou (Summ) A File System Tracing Package for Berkeley UNIX DocID: 83267 83494 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 439 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven A. Zimmerman (Summ) A Debugger for the UNIX Kernel DocID: 83494 83649 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 440 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Aitken (Wint) DIBOLIX - An Implementation of DIBOL under UNIX DocID: 83649 83854 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 441 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Bame (Wint) A High-performance Model for 2-D Alphanumeric Display Generation DocID: 83854 84036 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 442 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Comer (Wint) Tilde Trees in the UNIX Environment DocID: 84036 84213 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 443 Type: TEXT Headline: Ian Darwin (Wint) Can't Happen or /* NOTREACHED */ or Real Programs Dump Core DocID: 84213 84416 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 444 Type: TEXT Headline: Morris Djavaheri (Wint) Modula-2 - An Alternative to C for System Programming DocID: 84416 84625 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 445 Type: TEXT Headline: Raymond B. Essick, IV (Wint) Notesfiles: Why You Should Use Them DocID: 84625 84819 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 446 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Filipski (Wint) Latent Source Bugs and UNIX System Portability DocID: 84819 84995 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 447 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric J. Finger (Wint) A Multi-CPU Version of the UNIX Kernel - Technical Aspects and Market Need DocID: 84995 85237 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 448 Type: TEXT Headline: N.H. Gehani (Wint) Concurrent C - An Overview DocID: 85237 85418 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 449 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Honeyman (Wint) A Parser for Electronic Mail Addresses DocID: 85418 85607 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 450 Type: TEXT Headline: Vince Kasten (Wint) Development of a Compiler for the Bourne Shell DocID: 85607 85799 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 451 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Klein (Wint) A Capability Based Protection Mechanism Under Unix DocID: 85799 85979 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 452 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Wint) Whither the Gurus DocID: 85979 86156 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 453 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert P. Lawson (Wint) Geritol for Old Programs or Troff's Got a Lot of Life In It Yet! DocID: 86156 86395 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 454 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen J. Mahler (Wint) Access - A Program to Interpret Pathname Access Permissions for the UNIX O DocID: 86395 86630 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 455 Type: TEXT Headline: James E. Mankovich (Wint) Porting the 4.2BSD UNIX Virtual Memory Subsystem DocID: 86630 86837 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 456 Type: TEXT Headline: William J. Meyers (Wint) Monitoring System and Process Performance DocID: 86837 87006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 457 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert T. Nicholson (Wint) The Clipboard Data Interchange Facility DocID: 87006 87171 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 458 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan Nycum (Wint) Research into Liability Issues in Netnews Transmission DocID: 87171 87385 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 459 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael T. O'Brien (Wint) Automatic Forwarding of Mail in CSNET DocID: 87385 87560 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 460 Type: TEXT Headline: James O'Toole (Wint) Implementing XNS Protocols for 4.2BSD DocID: 87560 87756 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 461 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Perlman (Wint) An Overview of the SETOPT Command Line Option Parser Generator DocID: 87756 87961 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 462 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph E. Requa (Wint) UNIX Kernel Networking Support and the LINCS Communications Architecture DocID: 87961 88181 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 463 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert R. Richards (Wint) A Basic Direct Access Method for UNIX DocID: 88181 88358 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 464 Type: TEXT Headline: John Saxer (Wint) Interpreting UNIX Benchmarks DocID: 88358 88501 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 465 Type: TEXT Headline: M.D. Scheer (Wint) A UNIX-based Ada Runtime System DocID: 88501 88686 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 466 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph L. Steffen (Wint) Interactive Examination of a C Program with Cscope DocID: 88686 88883 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 467 Type: TEXT Headline: Karen Summers-Horton (Wint) Status of the USENIX UUCP Project DocID: 88883 89082 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 468 Type: TEXT Headline: Judi Uttal (Wint) Transparent Integration of UNIX and MS-DOS DocID: 89082 89293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 469 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Walsh (Wint) Overview of the Sun Network File System DocID: 89293 89566 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 470 Type: TEXT Headline: Lauren Weinstein (Wint) Netnews via Satellite: A Progress Report (12/84) DocID: 89566 89739 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 471 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Bershad (Janu) Load Balancing With Maitre d' DocID: 89739 89894 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 472 Type: TEXT Headline: Erik E. Fair (Janu) A Perspective on the USENET DocID: 89894 90030 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 473 Type: TEXT Headline: James S. Schoner (Janu) Ease: A Configuration Language for Sendmail DocID: 90030 90202 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 474 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas A. Bohannon (July) Reflections On A UNIX Scheduler DocID: 90202 90343 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 475 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Rieken (July) HoneyDanBer UUCP - Bringing UNIX Systems in the Information Age, Part 2: Error H DocID: 90343 90567 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 476 Type: TEXT Headline: Irwin Tillman (July) Netnews Under VM/CMS DocID: 90567 90712 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 477 Type: TEXT Headline: Eugene H. Spafford (Marc) A Report on the Accuracy of Some Floating Point Math Functions on Selecte DocID: 90712 90941 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 478 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Rieken (May/) HoneyDanBer UUCP - Bringing UNIX Systems into the Information Age, Part 1: Perfo DocID: 90941 91154 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 479 Type: TEXT Headline: C.D. Blewett (Nove) A Multi-Representation, Bitmap Interface to the UNIX File System Constructed fr DocID: 91154 91453 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 480 Type: TEXT Headline: Owen M. Densmore (Nove) Object Oriented Programming in NeWS DocID: 91453 91642 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 481 Type: TEXT Headline: David M. Geshwind (Nove) Computer Assisted Color Conversion DocID: 91642 91836 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 482 Type: TEXT Headline: Julian E. Gomez (Nove) A High-End High-Performance Graphics System for Computational Fluid Dynamics DocID: 91836 92171 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 483 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Hawley (Nove) Porting Unix to the Bosendorfer DocID: 92171 92349 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 484 Type: TEXT Headline: William E. Johnston (Nove) A Low Cost, Video Based, Animated Movie System for the Display of Time D DocID: 92349 92673 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 485 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Myers (Nove) Pictorial Conversation: Design Considerations for Interactive Graphical Media DocID: 92673 92912 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 486 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Myers (Nove) Plasm: A Fish Sample DocID: 92912 93132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 487 Type: TEXT Headline: John W. Peterson (Nove) The Utah Raster Toolkit DocID: 93132 93346 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 488 Type: TEXT Headline: Carlo H. Sequin (Nove) Procedural Spline Interpolation in UNICUBIX DocID: 93346 93558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 489 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Tannenbaum (Nove) Recollections DocID: 93558 93714 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 490 Type: TEXT Headline: Spencer W. Thomas (Nove) Scattered Thoughts on B-Splines DocID: 93714 93900 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 491 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Taylor (Nove) Personalizing the Impersonal and Other Tales of Communication in the Computer Ag DocID: 93900 94099 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 492 Type: TEXT Headline: A. Terry Bahill (Sept) Cogito, An Expert System to Give Installation Advice for UNIX 4.2BSD DocID: 94099 94295 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 493 Type: TEXT Headline: Etienne Beeker (Spri) Image Synthesis with UNIX DocID: 94295 94457 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 494 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew P. Rifkin (Spri) RFS Architectural Overview DocID: 94457 94671 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 495 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Accetta (Summ) Mach: A New Kernel Foundation for UNIX Development DocID: 94671 94959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 496 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Appelbe (Summ) Porting UNIX to a Network of Diskless Micros or UNIX on Tinfoil DocID: 94959 95224 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 497 Type: TEXT Headline: James Q. Arnold (Summ) Shared Libraries on UNIX System V DocID: 95224 95373 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 498 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Atlas (Summ) Error Recovery in a Stateful Remote Filesystem DocID: 95373 95549 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 499 Type: TEXT Headline: Amnon Barak (Summ) MOS - Scaling Up UNIX DocID: 95549 95730 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 500 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Bloom (Summ) Experiences Implementing BIND, A Distributed Name Server for the DARPA Intern DocID: 95730 95973 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 501 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruno Borghi (Summ) SmScript: An Interpretor for the PostScript Language under UNIX DocID: 95973 96192 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 502 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis-Felipe Cabrera (Summ) The Influence of Workload on Load Balancing Strategies DocID: 96192 96389 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 503 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis-Felipe Cabrera (Summ) Pollster: A Document Annotation System for Distributed Environments DocID: 96389 96613 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 504 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Daniel (Summ) Programming with Windows on the Major Workstations or Through a Glass Darkly DocID: 96613 96862 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 505 Type: TEXT Headline: Dale S. DeJager (Summ) The AT&T Mail Service and Network DocID: 96862 97031 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 506 Type: TEXT Headline: Gregory Dudek (Summ) How to make friends with number-crunchers: adding single-user array-processor DocID: 97031 97305 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 507 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Evans (Summ) The Notifier DocID: 97305 97447 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 508 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean Marc Fenart (Summ) OSI and TCP/IP Protocols on a UNIX System DocID: 97447 97691 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 509 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Gancarz (Summ) Uwm: A User Interface for X Windows DocID: 97691 97867 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 510 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert E. (Rick) Genter (Summ) Unix as a Virtual Machine Environment DocID: 97867 98045 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 511 Type: TEXT Headline: Vida Ghodssi (Summ) Global Optimizer for Sun FORTRAN, C & Pascal DocID: 98045 98253 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 512 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Gould (Summ) The Network File System Implemented on 4.3BSD DocID: 98253 98410 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 513 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul E. Haeberli (Summ) A Data-Flow Manager for an Interactive Programming Environment DocID: 98410 98606 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 514 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Hawley (Summ) MIDI Music Software for UNIX DocID: 98606 98757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 515 Type: TEXT Headline: David Hitz (Summ) A Mail File System for Eighth Edition UNIX DocID: 98757 98944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 516 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Honeyman (Summ) PATHALIAS or The Care and Feeding of Relative Addresses DocID: 98944 99152 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 517 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald P. Hughes (Summ) The Transparent Remote File System DocID: 99152 99325 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 518 Type: TEXT Headline: William E. Johnston (Summ) UNIX Based Distributed Printing in a Diverse Environment DocID: 99325 99543 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 519 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert S. Jung (Summ) Kanji UNIX: Yunikkusu wa Nihongo o Hanasemasu (UNIX Speaks Japanese) DocID: 99543 99757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 520 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Karels (Summ) Network Performance and Management with 4.3BSD and IP/TCP DocID: 99757 99988 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 521 Type: TEXT Headline: S.R. Kleiman (Summ) Vnodes: An Architecture for Multiple File System Types in Sun UNIX DocID: 99988 100179 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 522 Type: TEXT Headline: David M. Kristol (Summ) Four Generations of Portable C Compiler DocID: 100179 100355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 523 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter S. Langston (Summ) (201) 644-2332 or Eedie & Eddie on the Wire - An Experiment in Music Gener DocID: 100355 100574 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 524 Type: TEXT Headline: David C. Lennert (Summ) Decreasing Realtime Process Dispatch Latency Through Kernel Preemption DocID: 100574 100780 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 525 Type: TEXT Headline: David C. Lennert (Summ) A System V Compatible Implementation of 4.2BSD Job Control DocID: 100780 100974 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 526 Type: TEXT Headline: Philip M. Mills (Summ) A Multiuser Multiprocessor Benchmark to Compare UNIX Systems DocID: 100974 101159 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 527 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Nachbar (Summ) When Network File Systems Aren't Enough: Automatic Software Distribution Revi DocID: 101159 101380 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 528 Type: TEXT Headline: David J. Olander (Summ) A Framework for Networking in System V DocID: 101380 101575 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 529 Type: TEXT Headline: Craig Partridge (Summ) Mail Routing using Domain Names: An Informal Tour DocID: 101575 101757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 530 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Rees (Summ) An Extensible I/O System DocID: 101757 101963 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 531 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew P. Rifkin (Summ) RFS Architectural Overview DocID: 101963 102200 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 532 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Rodriguez (Summ) The Generic File System DocID: 102200 102386 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 533 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Rodriguez (Summ) A System Call Tracer for UNIX DocID: 102386 102551 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 534 Type: TEXT Headline: Mordecai B. Rosen (Summ) NFS Portability DocID: 102551 102747 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 535 Type: TEXT Headline: Tatsuo Suzuki (Summ) A Real-time Electronic Conferencing System Based on Distributed UNIX DocID: 102747 103005 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 536 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward W. Sznyter (Summ) A New Virtual-Memory Implementation for Unix DocID: 103005 103213 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 537 Type: TEXT Headline: Bradley Taylor (Summ) Secure Networking in the Sun Environment DocID: 103213 103402 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 538 Type: TEXT Headline: D.M. Tilbrook (Summ) Tools for the Maintenance and Installation of a Large Software Distribution DocID: 103402 103631 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 539 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Truscott (Summ) A State-wide UNIX Distributed Computing System DocID: 103631 103840 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 540 Type: TEXT Headline: James Waldo (Summ) Modelling Text As A Hierarchical Object DocID: 103840 104007 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 541 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Clark (Wint) AFQL - A Flexible, General Purpose Interface to Relational Database Management Sy DocID: 104007 104221 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 542 Type: TEXT Headline: Doug Kingston (Wint) A Study in Digital Image Reduction or How to Make Small Faces DocID: 104221 104405 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 543 Type: TEXT Headline: Gerrit C. van der Veer (Wint) UNIX and the electronic office - cognitive ergonomic reflections DocID: 104405 104561 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 544 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl Auerbach (Wint) A UNIX Subsystem on the Cray Time Sharing System (CTSS) DocID: 104561 104757 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 545 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Bilyeu (Wint) Experience with Large Applications on Unix DocID: 104757 104968 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 546 Type: TEXT Headline: Lisa M. Campbell (Wint) An Overview of the Ada [1] Shell DocID: 104968 105147 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 547 Type: TEXT Headline: T.A. Cargill (Wint) The Feel of Pi DocID: 105147 105302 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 548 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan Edler (Wint) Considerations for Massively Parallel UNIX Systems on the NYU Ultracomputer and IB DocID: 105302 105545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 549 Type: TEXT Headline: G.W. Elsesser (Wint) Managing Separate Compilation in AT&T's UNIX Ada System DocID: 105545 105761 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 550 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph R. Eykholt (Wint) Porting UNIX to the System/370 Extended Architecture DocID: 105761 105944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 551 Type: TEXT Headline: Herman Fischer (Wint) Ada, "C", and UNIX DocID: 105944 106095 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 552 Type: TEXT Headline: Herman Fischer (Wint) SVID As A Basis For CAIS Implementation DocID: 106095 106267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 553 Type: TEXT Headline: Mitchell Gart (Wint) Targeting Ada to 68000/Unix DocID: 106267 106413 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 554 Type: TEXT Headline: James Gettys (Wint) Problems Implementing Window Systems in UNIX DocID: 106413 106600 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 555 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel P. Gill (Wint) A Proposal for Interwindow Communication and Translation Facilities DocID: 106600 106813 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 556 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen Gill (Wint) A Comparison of UNIX and CAIS System Facilities DocID: 106813 107019 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 557 Type: TEXT Headline: James Gosling (Wint) SUNDEW: A Distributed and Extensible Window System DocID: 107019 107193 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 558 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark S. Grossman (Wint) Real-Time Resource Sharing for Graphics Workstations DocID: 107193 107396 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 559 Type: TEXT Headline: Timothy W. Hoel (Wint) A Unix-based Operating System for the Cray 2 DocID: 107396 107589 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 560 Type: TEXT Headline: Herb Jacobs (Wint) A User-tunable Multiple Processor Scheduler DocID: 107589 107763 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 561 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen N. Kahane (Wint) Windows in the Hospital or A Workstation-Based Inpatient Clinical Informat DocID: 107763 108143 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 562 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Kolstad (Wint) High Performance Enhancements of C-1 Unix DocID: 108143 108357 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 563 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Lewis (Wint) Galadriel: A Display List-Based Window Manager DocID: 108357 108520 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 564 Type: TEXT Headline: S. McGeady (Wint) Next-Generation Hardware for Windowed Displays DocID: 108520 108687 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 565 Type: TEXT Headline: E.N. Miya (Wint) User Requirements for UNIX on "Big Iron" DocID: 108687 108857 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 566 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Neuendorffer (Wint) GLO - A Tool for Developing Window-Based Programs DocID: 108857 109045 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 567 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl A. Nyberg (Wint) Implementing Curses in Ada DocID: 109045 109199 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 568 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Probert (Wint) A Straightforward Implementation of 4.2BSD on a High-performance Multiprocessor DocID: 109199 109458 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 569 Type: TEXT Headline: Dick Schefstrom (Wint) Revision Control Tools and the Ada Program Library DocID: 109458 109631 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 570 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward T. Smith (Wint) Flamingo: Object-Oriented Abstractions for User Interface Management DocID: 109631 109855 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 571 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Sterk (Wint) Full Duplex Support on Mainframes DocID: 109855 110011 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 572 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey H. Straathof (Wint) UNIX Scheduling for Large Systems DocID: 110011 110223 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 573 Type: TEXT Headline: Jack A. Test (Wint) Multi-Processor Management In The Concentrix Operating System DocID: 110223 110428 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 574 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Foxley (1987) Music: A Troff Preprocessor for printing music scores DocID: 110428 110582 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 575 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lesk (1987) Packets vs. Circuits, in Two Centuries DocID: 110582 110693 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 576 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J.C. Terry (1987) An Overview of the Native Language System DocID: 110693 110842 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 577 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain D.D. Williams (1987) Grouse: Messages and Prompts in Programs DocID: 110842 110993 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 578 Type: TEXT Headline: Janet Abbate (Apri) User Account Administration at Project Athena DocID: 110993 111203 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 579 Type: TEXT Headline: Diane Alter (Apri) Electronic Mail Gone Wild DocID: 111203 111397 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 580 Type: TEXT Headline: Julie Becker-Berlin (Apri) Software Synchronization at the Federal Judicial Center DocID: 111397 111631 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 581 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Apri) Sharing Accounts DocID: 111631 111817 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 582 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Chahley (Apri) Next Generation Planning Tool DocID: 111817 112006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 583 Type: TEXT Headline: Pete Cottrell (Apri) Password File Management at the University of Maryland DocID: 112006 112232 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 584 Type: TEXT Headline: M.K. Fenlon (Apri) A Case Study of Network Management DocID: 112232 112408 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 585 Type: TEXT Headline: Pennie Hall (Apri) Resource Duplication for 100% Uptime DocID: 112408 112602 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 586 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Harkness (Apri) A Centralized Multi-System Problem Tracking System DocID: 112602 112820 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 587 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Harkness (Apri) A Cron Facility for Downtime DocID: 112820 113019 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 588 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Apri) Maintaining a Consistent Software Environment DocID: 113019 113259 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 589 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Heilman (Apri) Priv: An Exercise in Administrative Expansion DocID: 113259 113449 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 590 Type: TEXT Headline: Carlton B. Hommel (Apri) System Backup in a Distributed Responsibility Environment DocID: 113449 113664 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 591 Type: TEXT Headline: Harris Jaffee (Apri) Restoring from Multiple Tape Dumps DocID: 113664 113874 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 592 Type: TEXT Headline: Denis Joiret (Apri) Administration of a Unix Machine Network DocID: 113874 114072 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 593 Type: TEXT Headline: Von Jones (Apri) Balancing Security and Convenience DocID: 114072 114295 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 594 Type: TEXT Headline: Yoon W. Kim (Apri) Electronic Mail Maintenance/Distribution DocID: 114295 114502 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 595 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher Koenigsberg (Apri) Release of Replicated Software in the Vice File System DocID: 114502 114742 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 596 Type: TEXT Headline: Evelyn C. Leeper (Apri) Login Management for Large Installations DocID: 114742 114936 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 597 Type: TEXT Headline: Pierette Maniago (Apri) Consulting via Mail at Andrew DocID: 114936 115144 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 598 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall M. Midden (Apri) Academic Computing Services and Systems (ACSS) DocID: 115144 115368 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 599 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Perry (Apri) Using News Multicasting with UUCP DocID: 115368 115565 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 600 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Poepping (Apri) Backup and Restore for UNIX Systems DocID: 115565 115776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 601 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Rodriquez (Apri) Software Distribution in a Network Environment DocID: 115776 115985 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 602 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Sigmon (Apri) Automatic Software Distribution DocID: 115985 116182 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 603 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Slezak (Apri) Managing Modems and Serial Ports DocID: 116182 116396 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 604 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey M. Smith (Apri) Creating an Environment for Novice Users DocID: 116396 116603 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 605 Type: TEXT Headline: Thorn Smith (Apri) Excelan Administration DocID: 116603 116776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 606 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Spence (Apri) Intelligent Distributed Printing/Plotting DocID: 116776 116978 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 607 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Stone (Apri) System Cloning at Hp-sdd DocID: 116978 117160 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 608 Type: TEXT Headline: Lloyd W. Taylor (Apri) An Automated Student Account System DocID: 117160 117385 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 609 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Uitti (Apri) Hacct - A Charge Back System DocID: 117385 117578 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 610 Type: TEXT Headline: Alix Vasilatos (Apri) Automated Dumping at Project Athena DocID: 117578 117778 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 611 Type: TEXT Headline: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Autu) A Framework for Man Machine Interfaces Design DocID: 117778 117982 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 612 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Beer (Autu) DES - Support for the Graphical Design of Software DocID: 117982 118200 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 613 Type: TEXT Headline: Roger Bivand (Autu) A user interface for geographers - what can UNIX offer? DocID: 118200 118380 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 614 Type: TEXT Headline: Stuart Borthwick (Autu) An Intelligent, Window Based Interface to UNIX DocID: 118380 118598 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 615 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Chedgey (Autu) Developing Ada Software Using VDM in an Object-Oriented Framework DocID: 118598 118838 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 616 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Chedgey (Autu) Papillon - Support Tools for the Development of Graphical Software DocID: 118838 119036 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 617 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Crampton (Autu) MUSK - a Multi-User Sketch Program DocID: 119036 119209 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 618 Type: TEXT Headline: Lori S. Grob (Autu) Automatic Exploitation of Concurrency in C: Is It Really So Hard? DocID: 119209 119429 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 619 Type: TEXT Headline: Neil P. Groundwater (Autu) A SunView User-Interface for Authoring and Accessing a Medical Knowledge DocID: 119429 119675 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 620 Type: TEXT Headline: S. Hanrot (Autu) A Knowledge Based CAD System in Architecture on UNIX DocID: 119675 119939 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 621 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Hawley (Autu) More MIDI Software for UNIX DocID: 119939 120090 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 622 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter R. Innocent (Autu) Experiments with the User Interface for UNIX Mail DocID: 120090 120314 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 623 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel V. Klein (Autu) UBOAT - A Unix Based On-line Aid to Tutorials DocID: 120314 120495 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 624 Type: TEXT Headline: Hans-Jurgen Kugler (Autu) Uncle - A Case Study in Constructing Tools for the PCTE DocID: 120495 120707 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 625 Type: TEXT Headline: Bart N. 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Kirslis (Nove) A Style for Writing C++ Classes DocID: 126132 126310 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 655 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Linton (Nove) The Design and Implementation of InterViews DocID: 126310 126505 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 656 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Linton (Nove) The Design of the Allegro Programming Environment DocID: 126505 126726 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 657 Type: TEXT Headline: Xing Liu (Nove) Program Translation By Manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees DocID: 126726 126931 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 658 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Rafter (Nove) Extending C++ Stream I/O to Include Formats DocID: 126931 127104 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 659 Type: TEXT Headline: Raghunath Raghavan (Nove) A C++ Class Browser DocID: 127104 127309 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 660 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. 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Douglas Blewett (Summ) A New IPC System for Bitmap Graphics Applications: Review, Model, and Ben DocID: 134287 134561 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 694 Type: TEXT Headline: Allan Bricker (Summ) Experiences with DREGS DocID: 134561 134778 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 695 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard Chartock (Summ) RFS in SunOS DocID: 134778 134924 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 696 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Cheng (Summ) Virtual Address Cache in UNIX DocID: 134924 135081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 697 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Chesson (Summ) Protocol Engine Design DocID: 135081 135228 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 698 Type: TEXT Headline: Patrick Clancy (Summ) UNIX on a VLIW DocID: 135228 135507 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 699 Type: TEXT Headline: Terrence Crowley (Summ) The Diamond Multimedia Editor DocID: 135507 135721 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 700 Type: TEXT Headline: Terence H. 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Heydon (Augu) Miro: A Visual Language for Specifying Security DocID: 149093 149358 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 767 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Kramer (Augu) On Incorporating Access Control Lists into the UNIX Operating System DocID: 149358 149566 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 768 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Lester (Augu) Computer Security Measures at Eastman Kodak, Product Software Engineering Departm DocID: 149566 149806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 769 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Lindsley (Augu) Making Your Console Secure DocID: 149806 149979 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 770 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Lindsley (Augu) Suggested Levels of Security DocID: 149979 150137 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 771 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Lindsley (Augu) Identifying Security Concerns DocID: 150137 150368 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 772 Type: TEXT Headline: M.D. McIlroy (Augu) Multilevel Security with Fewer Fetters DocID: 150368 150562 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 773 Type: TEXT Headline: M.D. McIlroy (Augu) Multilevel Windows on a Single-level Terminal DocID: 150562 150763 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 774 Type: TEXT Headline: B. Clifford Neuman (Augu) Authentication of Unknown Entities on an Insecure Network of Untrusted Wo DocID: 150763 151049 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 775 Type: TEXT Headline: T.M. Raleigh (Augu) CRACK: A Distributed Password Advisor DocID: 151049 151249 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 776 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Shipley (Augu) HACKMAN: A Systematic Study Of Real Computer Security Holes DocID: 151249 151451 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 777 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Winsor (Augu) Access for Operators that Require Root Privileges (SUID & SGID) DocID: 151451 151640 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 778 Type: TEXT Headline: B.S. Yee (Augu) StrongBox: Support for Self-Securing Programs DocID: 151640 151871 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 779 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert A. Morris (Fall) An Unorthodox Approach to Undergraduate Software Engineering Instruction DocID: 151871 152078 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 780 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Rozier (Fall) CHORUS Distributed Operating Systems DocID: 152078 152359 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 781 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Fall) Type-safe Linkage for C++ DocID: 152359 152501 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 782 Type: TEXT Headline: Jaap Akkerhuis (Janu) Spacing Out on Troff DocID: 152501 152649 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 783 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul E. McKenney (July) Charge Number Accounting Without Kernel Modifications DocID: 152649 152808 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 784 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles H. Sauer (July) Presenting a Single System Image with Fine Granularity Mounts DocID: 152808 152991 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 785 Type: TEXT Headline: Venu P. Banda (May ) Debugging Distributed Real-Time Software DocID: 152991 153225 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 786 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Barr (May ) Co-Resident Operating System: UNIX and Real-Time Distributed Processing DocID: 153225 153473 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 787 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas E. Bihari (May ) Functional vs. Object-Oriented Development of Robot-Control Software (A Com DocID: 153473 153771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 788 Type: TEXT Headline: Sara Biyabani (May ) The Integration of Deadline and Criticalness Requirements in Hard Real-Time Sy DocID: 153771 154077 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 789 Type: TEXT Headline: Gianfranco Ciccarella (May ) Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Multivariable Adaptive Contro DocID: 154077 154341 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 790 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan B. Davidson (May ) Partial Computation in Real-Time Database Systems DocID: 154341 154591 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 791 Type: TEXT Headline: Ahmed Gheith (May ) CHAOS and CHAOS-ART - Extensions to an Object-Based Kernel DocID: 154591 154874 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 792 Type: TEXT Headline: David H. Jameson (May ) ORE: Programming Real-Time Applications DocID: 154874 155081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 793 Type: TEXT Headline: I. Lee (May ) Specifying Scheduling Paradigms for Time Dependent Processes DocID: 155081 155339 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 794 Type: TEXT Headline: Kwei-Jay Lin (May ) Refinement and Enhancement: Primitives for Monotonic Computations DocID: 155339 155623 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 795 Type: TEXT Headline: Jane W.S. Liu (May ) Scheduling Hard Real-Time Transaction DocID: 155623 155864 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 796 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon McSwain (May ) Real-Time Control of an Autonomous Land Vehicle DocID: 155864 156102 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 797 Type: TEXT Headline: Aloysius K. Mok (May ) Task Management Techniques for Enforcing ED Scheduling on Periodic Task Set DocID: 156102 156361 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 798 Type: TEXT Headline: Ragunathan Rajkumar (May ) Task Synchronization in Real-Time Operating Systems DocID: 156361 156617 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 799 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Ralya (May ) Real-Time Operating System Architecture: Worksteps and Related Subjects DocID: 156617 156841 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 800 Type: TEXT Headline: Lou Salkind (May ) The SAGE Operating System DocID: 156841 157036 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 801 Type: TEXT Headline: Sang H. Son (May ) A Message-Based Approach to Distributed Database Prototyping DocID: 157036 157269 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 802 Type: TEXT Headline: Hugh Sparks (May ) Butterfly HOSE: Graphical Programming for Parallel Systems DocID: 157269 157516 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 803 Type: TEXT Headline: Hideyuki Tokuda (May ) Scheduler 1-2-3: It's better to be predicatable than ad hoc DocID: 157516 157771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 804 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat H. Watson (May ) An Overview of Architectural Directions for Real-Time Distributed Systems DocID: 157771 158025 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 805 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Schaffer (May/) LOCK/ix: An Implementation of UNIX for the LOCK TCB DocID: 158025 158187 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 806 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Carter (Nove) Update on Systems Administration Standards DocID: 158187 158404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 807 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert E. Van Cleef (Nove) System Administration and Maintenance of Fully Configured Workstations DocID: 158404 158656 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 808 Type: TEXT Headline: Wayne C. Connelly (Nove) Unix Login Administration at Bellcore DocID: 158656 158876 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 809 Type: TEXT Headline: Marybeth Schultz Cyganik (Nove) System Administration in the Andrew File System DocID: 158876 159111 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 810 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Datdeva (Nove) Lazy Man's Guide to UNIX System Administration DocID: 159111 159338 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 811 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael A. Erlinger (Nove) A Notice Capability for UNIX DocID: 159338 159542 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 812 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel E. Geer, Jr. (Nove) Service Management at Project Athena DocID: 159542 159751 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 813 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Goldberg (Nove) Combining Two Printing Systems Under a Common User Interface DocID: 159751 159979 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 814 Type: TEXT Headline: W.H. Gray (Nove) Project Accounting on a Large-Scale UNIX System DocID: 159979 160224 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 815 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Nove) A Batching System for Heterogeneous Unix Environments DocID: 160224 160473 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 816 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Nove) A Flexible Backup System for Large Disk Farms or What to do with 20 Gigaby DocID: 160473 160746 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 817 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Ryan Hawley (Nove) Netdump: A Tool for Dumping Filesystems DocID: 160746 160980 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 818 Type: TEXT Headline: James Hayes (Nove) Standards and Guidelines for Unix Workstation Installations DocID: 160980 161209 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 819 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Hecht (Nove) Andrew Backup System DocID: 161209 161406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 820 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce H. Hunter (Nove) Password Administration for Multiple Large Scale Systems DocID: 161406 161628 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 821 Type: TEXT Headline: Ola Ladipo (Nove) A Subscription-Oriented Software Package Update Distribution System (SPUDS) DocID: 161628 161873 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 822 Type: TEXT Headline: Deb Lilly (Nove) Administration of network passwd files and NFS file access DocID: 161873 162104 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 823 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Muuss (Nove) BUMP - The BRL/USNA Migration Project DocID: 162104 162339 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 824 Type: TEXT Headline: Earl W. Norwood, III (Nove) Transitioning Users to a Supported Environment DocID: 162339 162571 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 825 Type: TEXT Headline: David Ortmeyer (Nove) Concurrent Access Licensing and NLS DocID: 162571 162773 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 826 Type: TEXT Headline: Patricia E. Parseghian (Nove) A Simple Incremental File Backup System DocID: 162773 162992 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 827 Type: TEXT Headline: Gretchen Phillips (Nove) Makealiases - a mail aliasing system DocID: 162992 163236 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 828 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (Nove) Making a Large Network Reliable DocID: 163236 163440 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 829 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Bruce Watson (Nove) Computer Aided Capacity Planning of a Very Large Information Management Syst DocID: 163440 163709 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 830 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Bruce Watson (Nove) Capacity Testing a HYPERchannel-Based Local Area Network DocID: 163709 163956 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 831 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Nove) Backup at Ohio State DocID: 163956 164151 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 832 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc D. Donner (Nove) Book Review: Operating Systems: Communicating with and Controlling the Comput DocID: 164151 164352 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 833 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Gronke (Nove) Book Review: Programming in ANSI C DocID: 164352 164494 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 834 Type: TEXT Headline: C. Berman (Octo) NAPS - A C++ Project Case Study DocID: 164494 164679 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 835 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas M. Breuel (Octo) Data Level Parallel Programming in C++ DocID: 164679 164872 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 836 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas M. Breuel (Octo) Lexical Closures for C++ DocID: 164872 165051 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 837 Type: TEXT Headline: Dag M. Bruck (Octo) Modelling of Control Systems with C++ and PHIGS DocID: 165051 165239 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 838 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph Eccles (Octo) Porting from Common Lisp with Flavors to C++ DocID: 165239 165417 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 839 Type: TEXT Headline: E.R. Gansner (Octo) Iris: A Class-Based Window Library DocID: 165417 165599 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 840 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary M. Johnston (Octo) A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator DocID: 165599 165820 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 841 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter A. Kirslis (Octo) Implementing a Logic-Based Executable Specification Language DocID: 165820 166052 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 842 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Lea (Octo) libg++, The GNU C++ Library DocID: 166052 166238 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 843 Type: TEXT Headline: S.B. Lippman (Octo) C++: From Research to Practice DocID: 166238 166423 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 844 Type: TEXT Headline: S.B. Lippman (Octo) Pointers to Class Members in C++ DocID: 166423 166620 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 845 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter W. Madany (Octo) A C++ Class Hierarchy for Building UNIX-Like File Systems DocID: 166620 166893 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 846 Type: TEXT Headline: William M. Miller (Octo) Exception Handling without Language Extensions DocID: 166893 167096 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 847 Type: TEXT Headline: R.B. Murray (Octo) Building Well-Behaved Type Relationships in C++ DocID: 167096 167283 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 848 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin J. O'Riordan (Octo) Debugging and Instrumentation of C++ Programs DocID: 167283 167465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 849 Type: TEXT Headline: Troy Otillio (Octo) C++ Approach to Real-Time Systems: Task Interface Library DocID: 167465 167651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 850 Type: TEXT Headline: Vincent F. Russo (Octo) A C++ Interpreter for Scheme DocID: 167651 167856 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 851 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Schulert (Octo) Open Dialogue: Using an Extensible Retained Object Workspace to Support a UI DocID: 167856 168080 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 852 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry Schwarz (Octo) A C++ Library for Infinite Precision Floating Point DocID: 168080 168280 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 853 Type: TEXT Headline: Roger Scott (Octo) GPIO: Extensible Objects for Electronic Design Tools DocID: 168280 168515 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 854 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronan Stokes (Octo) Prototyping database applications with a hybrid of C++ and 4GL DocID: 168515 168705 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 855 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Octo) Parameterized Types for C++ DocID: 168705 168882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 856 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Octo) Type-safe Linkage for C++ DocID: 168882 169060 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 857 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Tiemann (Octo) Solving the RPC problem in GNU C++ DocID: 169060 169265 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 858 Type: TEXT Headline: John M. Vlissides (Octo) Applying Object-Oriented Design to Structured Graphics DocID: 169265 169472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 859 Type: TEXT Headline: H. Stephen Anderson (Sept) Distributed Supercomputer Graphics Using UNIX Tools DocID: 169472 169694 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 860 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth Bobey (Sept) Monitoring Program Performance on Large Parallel Systems DocID: 169694 169913 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 861 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Brown (Sept) The CTSS/POSIX Project DocID: 169913 170124 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 862 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Bryant (Sept) The RP3 Parallel Computing Environment DocID: 170124 170316 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 863 Type: TEXT Headline: Patrick Clancy (Sept) Virtual Memory Extensions in TRACE/UNIX DocID: 170316 170512 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 864 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan Edler (Sept) Process Management for Highly Parallel UNIX Systems DocID: 170512 170764 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 865 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan Edler (Sept) Memory Management in Symunix II: A Design for Large-Scale Shared Memory Multiproce DocID: 170764 171055 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 866 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas E. Engert (Sept) Attaching IBM Disks Directly to a Cray X-MP DocID: 171055 171267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 867 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin Fouts (Sept) Multitasking under UniCos: Experiences with the Cray 2 DocID: 171267 171483 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 868 Type: TEXT Headline: Brewster U. Kahle (Sept) UNIX and the Connection Machine Operating System DocID: 171483 171741 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 869 Type: TEXT Headline: Y. Langue (Sept) PARX: A UNIX-like Operating System for Transputer-based Parallel Supercomputers DocID: 171741 171990 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 870 Type: TEXT Headline: E.N. Miya (Sept) Some Observations on Computer Performance Characterization: Supercomputer and Mini DocID: 171990 172264 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 871 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael John Muuss (Sept) BUMP - The BRL/USNA Migration Project DocID: 172264 172522 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 872 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert M. Panoff (Sept) Real Productivity for Real Science Without Real UNIX DocID: 172522 172745 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 873 Type: TEXT Headline: E.C. Pariser (Sept) Reduction of Static and Dynamic Memory Requirements on the Cray X-MP DocID: 172745 172972 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 874 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Poston (Sept) A High Performance File System for UNIX DocID: 172972 173159 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 875 Type: TEXT Headline: John Renwick (Sept) High-speed networking with Supercomputers DocID: 173159 173368 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 876 Type: TEXT Headline: Dennis M. Ritchie (Sept) A Guest Facility for Unicos DocID: 173368 173570 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 877 Type: TEXT Headline: C.A. Stewart (Sept) Numerical Applications Interprocess Communication Protocol: RPCODE: RPC server DocID: 173570 173826 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 878 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Wohlever (Sept) UNICOS System Administration at the Ohio Supercomputer Center - Tuning Consid DocID: 173826 174086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 879 Type: TEXT Headline: Shane P. McCarron (Sept) An Update on UNIX Standards Activities DocID: 174086 174239 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 880 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul E. McKenney (Sept) Broadcast Storms, Nervous Hosts, and Load Imbalances DocID: 174239 174403 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 881 Type: TEXT Headline: Erik H. Baalbergen (Spri) Design and Implementation of Parallel Make DocID: 174403 174572 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 882 Type: TEXT Headline: J.M. Barton (Spri) Enhanced Resource Sharing in UNIX DocID: 174572 174744 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 883 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian N. Bershad (Spri) Watchdogs - Extending the UNIX File System DocID: 174744 174928 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 884 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. Johnson (Spri) Yacc Meets C++ DocID: 174928 175067 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 885 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lesk (Spri) Can UNIX survive secret source code? DocID: 175067 175203 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 886 Type: TEXT Headline: Paolo Amaral (Spri) OFS - An Optical View of a UNIX File System DocID: 175203 175360 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 887 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Anderson (Spri) Software Re-engineering using C++ DocID: 175360 175541 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 888 Type: TEXT Headline: Maurice J. Bach (Spri) Measuring File System Activity in the UNIX System DocID: 175541 175737 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 889 Type: TEXT Headline: Pascale Le Certen (Spri) A UNIX Environment for the GOTHIC Kernel DocID: 175737 175937 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 890 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Cranmer-Gordon (Spri) System V Release 3, Diskless Workstations and NFS DocID: 175937 176177 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 891 Type: TEXT Headline: Sunil K. Das (Spri) UNIX Around the World DocID: 176177 176328 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 892 Type: TEXT Headline: A. Garribo (Spri) UNO: USENET News on Optical Disk DocID: 176328 176510 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 893 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert A. Gingell (Spri) Evolution of the SunOS Programming Environment DocID: 176510 176692 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 894 Type: TEXT Headline: A.J. van de Goor (Spri) Multiprocessor UNIX: Separate Processing of I/O DocID: 176692 176913 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 895 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Hume (Spri) Grep Wars DocID: 176913 177065 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 896 Type: TEXT Headline: S.A. Hussain (Spri) Implementation of X.25 PLP in ISO 8802 LAN environments DocID: 177065 177272 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 897 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. Johnson (Spri) Yacc Meets C++ DocID: 177272 177426 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 898 Type: TEXT Headline: David Keeffe (Spri) Software Tools for Music or Communications Standard Works! DocID: 177426 177605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 899 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain Kermarrec (Spri) An Overview of the GOTHIX Distributed System DocID: 177605 177764 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 900 Type: TEXT Headline: Samuel J. Leffler (Spri) A Tool-based 3-D Modeling and Animation Workstation DocID: 177764 177970 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 901 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lesk (Spri) Word Manipulation in Online Catalog Searching: Using the UNIX System for Librar DocID: 177970 178196 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 902 Type: TEXT Headline: John Lions (Spri) Help! I'm Losing My Files! DocID: 178196 178356 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 903 Type: TEXT Headline: Axel Mahler (Spri) A toolkit for software configuration management DocID: 178356 178558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 904 Type: TEXT Headline: Jose A. Manas (Spri) Design of and experience with a software documentation tool DocID: 178558 178774 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 905 Type: TEXT Headline: S.G. Marcie (Spri) General Purpose Transaction Support Features for the UNIX Operating System DocID: 178774 178984 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 906 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Mashey (Spri) UNIX Past, Present, and Future: Changing Roles, Changing Technologies DocID: 178984 179182 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 907 Type: TEXT Headline: M.D. McIlroy (Spri) Multilevel Security with Fewer Fetters DocID: 179182 179378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 908 Type: TEXT Headline: Andreas Meyer (Spri) Directly Mapped Files DocID: 179378 179523 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 909 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph P. Moran (Spri) SunOS Virtual Memory Implementation DocID: 179523 179692 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 910 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Morris (Spri) Adventures in UNIX Arithmetic DocID: 179692 179864 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 911 Type: TEXT Headline: Jun Murai (Spri) The JUNET Environment DocID: 179864 180022 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 912 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim R. Oldroyd (Spri) POSIX - A Standard Interface DocID: 180022 180180 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 913 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Palay (Spri) The Andrew Toolkit - An Overview DocID: 180180 180360 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 914 Type: TEXT Headline: David Leo Presotto (Spri) Plan 9 from Bell Labs - The Network DocID: 180360 180543 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 915 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Rafter (Spri) Formatted I/O in C++ DocID: 180543 180689 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 916 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Schragl (Spri) A Protocol for the Communication between Objects DocID: 180689 180886 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 917 Type: TEXT Headline: Ian Stewartson (Spri) UNIX V.3 and Beyond DocID: 180886 181034 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 918 Type: TEXT Headline: David Turner (Spri) An Overview of Miranda DocID: 181034 181181 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 919 Type: TEXT Headline: Pascal Beyls (Spri) An Adaptation of Spell To French DocID: 181181 181303 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 920 Type: TEXT Headline: Nhuan Doduc (Spri) Benchmarking in the AFUU DocID: 181303 181441 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 921 Type: TEXT Headline: Marcin Skubiszewski (Spri) Security of Ethernet Under UNIX and Internet Protocol DocID: 181441 181616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 922 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Summ) An Application of a Fast Data Encryption Standard Implementation DocID: 181616 181788 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 923 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Lesk (Summ) GRAB - Inverted Indexes with Low Storage Overhead DocID: 181788 181937 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 924 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) Window Systems Should Be Transparent DocID: 181937 182083 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 925 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan M. Smith (Summ) Effects of copy-on-write Memory Management on the Response Time of UNIX fo DocID: 182083 182312 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 926 Type: TEXT Headline: Cornelia Boldyreff (Summ) Macro Expansion as Defined by the ANSI/ISO C Draft Standard DocID: 182312 182480 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 927 Type: TEXT Headline: Janet Davis (Summ) Unification and Openness DocID: 182480 182605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 928 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Summ) Receiving News at a Small Commercial Site: Is It Worth It? DocID: 182605 182762 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 929 Type: TEXT Headline: Jun Murai (Summ) The JUNET Environment DocID: 182762 182884 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 930 Type: TEXT Headline: Zoltan Somogyi (Summ) Cake: a Fifth Generation Version of make DocID: 182884 183035 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 931 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald E. Barkley (Summ) A Heap-based Callout Implementation to Meet Real-Time Needs DocID: 183035 183249 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 932 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald E. Barkley (Summ) CASPER the Friendly Daemon DocID: 183249 183429 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 933 Type: TEXT Headline: David S. Bauer (Summ) NIDX - A Real-Time Intrusion Detection Expert System DocID: 183429 183645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 934 Type: TEXT Headline: S.M. Bellovin (Summ) The "Session Tty" Manager DocID: 183645 183882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 935 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collinson (Summ) A low cost bitmapped terminal on the Atari ST DocID: 183882 184059 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 936 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark E. Epstein (Summ) Asmodeus - A Daemon Servant for the System Administrator DocID: 184059 184286 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 937 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark S. Fedor (Summ) Gated: A Multi-Routing Protocol Daemon for UNIX DocID: 184286 184466 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 938 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Fernandez (Summ) Extending the UNIX Protection Model with Access Control Lists DocID: 184466 184675 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 939 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert W. Gray (Summ) [gamma]-GLA - A Generator for Lexical Analyzers That Programmers Can Use DocID: 184675 184891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 940 Type: TEXT Headline: V. Guruprasad (Summ) Prototext: Universal Text Drivers DocID: 184891 185069 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 941 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Summ) Rtools: Tools for Software Management in a Distributed Computing Environme DocID: 185069 185339 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 942 Type: TEXT Headline: Matthew S. Hecht (Summ) Experience Adding C2 Security Features to UNIX DocID: 185339 185586 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 943 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Himelstein (Summ) A RISC Approach to Runtime Exceptions DocID: 185586 185799 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 944 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Hume (Summ) The File Motel - An Incremental Backup System for Unix DocID: 185799 185996 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 945 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Kaufer (Summ) Saber-C - An Interpreter-based Programming Environment for the C Language DocID: 185996 186235 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 946 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Summ) Associative arrays in C++ DocID: 186235 186402 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 947 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Kramer (Summ) Retaining SUID Programs in a Secure UNIX DocID: 186402 186573 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 948 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Lai (Summ) Strengthening Discretionary Access Controls to Inhibit Trojan Horses and Computer V DocID: 186573 186825 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 949 Type: TEXT Headline: Terry Laskodi (Summ) A UNIX File System for a Write-Once Optical Disk DocID: 186825 187026 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 950 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Lord (Summ) Tools and Policies for the Hierarchical Management of Source Code Development DocID: 187026 187238 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 951 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Macklem (Summ) G Shell Environment DocID: 187238 187415 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 952 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel McCormack (Summ) Using the X Toolkit or How to Write a Widget DocID: 187415 187672 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 953 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Kirk McKusick (Summ) Design of a General Purpose Memory Allocator for the 4.3BSD UNIX Kern DocID: 187672 187919 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 954 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Nachbar (Summ) SPIFF - A Program for Making Controlled Approximate Comparisons of Files DocID: 187919 188130 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 955 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Nelson (Summ) Copy-on-Write for Sprite DocID: 188130 188320 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 956 Type: TEXT Headline: S. Margaret Olson (Summ) Concurrent Access Licensing DocID: 188320 188564 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 957 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Peacock (Summ) Big Brother: A Network Services Expert DocID: 188564 188752 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 958 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Rodriguez (Summ) A Dynamic UNIX Operating System DocID: 188752 188975 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 959 Type: TEXT Headline: Robin Schaufler (Summ) X11/NeWS Design Overview DocID: 188975 189133 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 960 Type: TEXT Headline: Ursula Sinkewicz (Summ) A Strategy for SMP ULTRIX DocID: 189133 189302 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 961 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas J. Teixeira (Summ) Stellix: UNIX for a Graphics Supercomputer DocID: 189302 189503 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 962 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent B. Welch (Summ) Pseudo Devices: User-Level Extensions to the Sprite File System DocID: 189503 189733 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 963 Type: TEXT Headline: Benjamin Zorn (Summ) A Memory Allocation Profiler for C and Lisp Programs DocID: 189733 189949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 964 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc D. Donner (Wint) Language and Operating System Features for Real-time Programming DocID: 189949 190161 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 965 Type: TEXT Headline: Calton Pu (Wint) The Synthesis Kernel DocID: 190161 190323 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 966 Type: TEXT Headline: Jane Wilhelms (Wint) Dynamics for Computer Graphics: A Tutorial DocID: 190323 190492 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 967 Type: TEXT Headline: Rafael Alonso (Wint) A Process Migration Implementation for a Unix System DocID: 190492 190691 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 968 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward R. Arnold (Wint) Automatic Unix Backup in a Mass-Storage Environment DocID: 190691 190912 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 969 Type: TEXT Headline: David F. Bacon (Wint) Nest: A Network Simulation and Prototyping Tool DocID: 190912 191132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 970 Type: TEXT Headline: J.M. Barton (Wint) Beyond Threads: Resource Sharing in UNIX DocID: 191132 191324 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 971 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian N. Bershad (Wint) Watchdogs: Extending the UNIX File System DocID: 191324 191523 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 972 Type: TEXT Headline: Nathaniel Borenstein (Wint) A Multi-media Message System for Andrew DocID: 191523 191758 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 973 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Caplinger (Wint) A Memory Allocator with Garbage Collection for C DocID: 191758 191947 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 974 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott D. Carson (Wint) Using Groups Effectively in Berkeley Unix DocID: 191947 192121 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 975 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Comer (Wint) UNIX Systems as Cypress Implets DocID: 192121 192293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 976 Type: TEXT Headline: C. Anthony DellaFera (Wint) The Zephyr Notification Service DocID: 192293 192559 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 977 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen P. Dyer (Wint) The Hesiod Name Server DocID: 192559 192710 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 978 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles K. Eaton (Wint) Project Accounting on UNICOS DocID: 192710 192874 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 979 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph R. Eykholt (Wint) A New Exception Handling Mechanism for the UNIX Kernel DocID: 192874 193059 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 980 Type: TEXT Headline: A.J. van de Goor (Wint) UNIX I/O In a Multiprocessor System DocID: 193059 193252 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 981 Type: TEXT Headline: Graham Hamilton (Wint) An Experimental Symmetric Multiprocessor Ultrix Kernel DocID: 193252 193465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 982 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Hofkin (Wint) System Administration in a Heterogeneous Network DocID: 193465 193673 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 983 Type: TEXT Headline: John H. Howard (Wint) On Overview of the Andrew File System DocID: 193673 193844 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 984 Type: TEXT Headline: Chad Hunter (Wint) Process Cloning: A system for duplicating UNIX processes DocID: 193844 194028 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 985 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Jatkowski (Wint) PMON: Graphical Performance Monitoring Tool DocID: 194028 194203 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 986 Type: TEXT Headline: Von Jones (Wint) System Administration Daemons DocID: 194203 194364 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 987 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Joyce (Wint) Rescuing Data in UNIX File Systems (What to do after rm *) DocID: 194364 194558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 988 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Leon Kazar (Wint) Synchronization and Caching Issues in the Andrew File System DocID: 194558 194756 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 989 Type: TEXT Headline: Eiji Kuwana (Wint) Man-Machine Interfaces for software development environments (HandS) DocID: 194756 194993 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 990 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Luppi (Wint) Building an Equities Trading System in a Distributed UNIX Environment DocID: 194993 195305 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 991 Type: TEXT Headline: K.I. Mandelberg (Wint) Process Migration in UNIX Networks DocID: 195305 195484 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 992 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Mitchell (Wint) Invoking System Calls from Within the UNIX Kernel DocID: 195484 195712 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 993 Type: TEXT Headline: James H. Morris (Wint) "Make or Take" Decisions in Andrew DocID: 195712 195879 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 994 Type: TEXT Headline: R.L. Murphy (Wint) Comparing the Efficiency of the Internet Protocols to DECNET DocID: 195879 196074 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 995 Type: TEXT Headline: Clifford Neuman (Wint) Adding Packet Radio to the Ultrix Kernel DocID: 196074 196267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 996 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew J. Palay (Wint) The Andrew Toolkit - An Overview DocID: 196267 196561 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 997 Type: TEXT Headline: Craig Partridge (Wint) A UNIX Implementation of HEMS DocID: 196561 196720 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 998 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph N. Pato (Wint) A User Account Registration System for a Large (Heterogeneous) UNIX Network DocID: 196720 196960 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 999 Type: TEXT Headline: Dr. J. Kent Peacock (Wint) The Counterpoint Fast File System DocID: 196960 197130 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1000 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Polk (Wint) A Faster UNIX Dump Program DocID: 197130 197303 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1001 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Rosenstein (Wint) The Athena Service Management System DocID: 197303 197513 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1002 Type: TEXT Headline: David Rosenthal (Wint) A Simple X11 Client Program -or- How hard can it really be to write "Hello, DocID: 197513 197724 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1003 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Kim Rowe (Wint) The Integration Toolkit and the Unison Real Time Operating System DocID: 197724 197969 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1004 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan Sanislo (Wint) An RPC/LWP system for Interconnecting Heterogeneous Systems DocID: 197969 198179 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1005 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Spencer (Wint) How to Steal Code -or- Inventing The Wheel Only Once DocID: 198179 198361 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1006 Type: TEXT Headline: Jennifer G. Steiner (Wint) Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems DocID: 198361 198596 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1007 Type: TEXT Headline: V.S. Sunderam (Wint) A Fast Transaction Oriented Protocol for Distributed Applications DocID: 198596 198784 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1008 Type: TEXT Headline: Ralph R. Swick (Wint) The X Toolkit: More Bricks for Building User-Interfaces or Widgets for Hire DocID: 198784 199018 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1009 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Taylor (Wint) The Postman Always Rings Twice: Electronic Mail in a Highly Distributed DocID: 199018 199236 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1010 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Y. Thompson (Wint) Translation Lookaside Buffer Synchronization in a Multiprocessor System DocID: 199236 199502 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1011 Type: TEXT Headline: G. Winfield Treese (Wint) Berkeley UNIX on 1000 Workstations: Athena Changes to 4.3BSD DocID: 199502 199694 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1012 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Yamasaki (Wint) Special Purpose User-Space Network Protocols DocID: 199694 199876 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1013 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven R. Bourne (Apri) What a Source Code Control System Should Do DocID: 199876 200106 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1014 Type: TEXT Headline: Russell Brand (Apri) RAPID: Remote Automated Patch Installation Database DocID: 200106 200342 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1015 Type: TEXT Headline: Nathaniel R. Bronson, III (Apri) CCSLAND DocID: 200342 200506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1016 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Costantinidis, Jr. (Apri) The DV System of Source File Management DocID: 200506 200711 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1017 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan A. 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Hume (Apri) The Use of a Time Machine to Control Software DocID: 201946 202143 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1024 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Kirk McKusick (Apri) The Release Engineering of 4.3BSD DocID: 202143 202384 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1025 Type: TEXT Headline: Barton P. Miller (Apri) An Empirical Study of the Reliability of Operating System Utilities DocID: 202384 202644 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1026 Type: TEXT Headline: Dale Miller (Apri) Controlling Software for Multiple Projects DocID: 202644 202859 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1027 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Nicklin (Apri) Experiences Using a Hypertext Framework to Manage Software DocID: 202859 203061 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1028 Type: TEXT Headline: Melvin J. Pleasant, Jr. (Apri) Transcending Administrative Domains by Automating System Management DocID: 203061 203340 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1029 Type: TEXT Headline: Vic Stenning (Apri) Project Hygiene DocID: 203340 203497 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1030 Type: TEXT Headline: David Tilbrook (Apri) Under 10 Flags (not always smooth sailing) DocID: 203497 203697 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1031 Type: TEXT Headline: Ralph E. Griswold (Fall) Data Structures in the Icon Programming Language DocID: 203697 203873 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1032 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc Shapiro (Fall) SOS: An Object-Oriented Operating System - Assessment and Perspectives DocID: 203873 204196 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1033 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Fall) Multiple Inheritance for C++ DocID: 204196 204353 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1034 Type: TEXT Headline: David F. Davey (Febr) Getting Started and Debugging Guide for SUN III DocID: 204353 204541 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1035 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles L. Hedrick (Febr) Introduction to the Internet Protocols DocID: 204541 204747 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1036 Type: TEXT Headline: Alfredo Almada (Janu) Enhancing the 4.3 BSD UNIX Serial Line Interface DocID: 204747 204936 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1037 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc D. Donner (July) Book Review: Xlib Programming Manual and Xlib Reference Manual DocID: 204936 205114 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1038 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc D. Donner (Marc) C Traps and Pitfalls DocID: 205114 205249 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1039 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Stephen Adolph (May ) High Availability in a UNIX Transaction Processing Environment DocID: 205249 205480 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1040 Type: TEXT Headline: Juan M. Andrade (May ) Building a Transaction Processing System on UNIX Systems DocID: 205480 205728 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1041 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry Clay (May ) UNIX Extensions for High-Performance Transaction Processing DocID: 205728 205955 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1042 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Claybrook (May ) A Transaction Model for Online Transaction Processing Systems DocID: 205955 206172 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1043 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Duchamp (May ) Protocols for Distributed and Nested Transactions DocID: 206172 206377 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1044 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey L. Eppinger (May ) The Nested Top-level Lazy Server-based Transaction DocID: 206377 206584 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1045 Type: TEXT Headline: Dorm Fulton (May ) Distributed Transaction Integrity DocID: 206584 206753 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1046 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Hydar (May ) A Transaction Processing Monitor DocID: 206753 206986 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1047 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Lockwood (May ) A Fault-tolerant Client-Server Transaction Model DocID: 206986 207226 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1048 Type: TEXT Headline: Kirit Talati (May ) Distributed On-line Transaction Processing on UNIX DocID: 207226 207420 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1049 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. 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Pittman (Nove) The Render Button DocID: 208403 208578 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1055 Type: TEXT Headline: Neil Raine (Nove) The Acorn Outline Font Manager DocID: 208578 208800 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1056 Type: TEXT Headline: Ron Reisman (Nove) Design Considerations for Multitasking, Windowing, Networked, Multi-platform, Di DocID: 208800 209080 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1057 Type: TEXT Headline: Carlo. H Sequin (Nove) Microfabrication on the Macintosh DocID: 209080 209276 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1058 Type: TEXT Headline: John F. Shlag (Nove) 3D Animation on the Macintosh with 3DWorks DocID: 209276 209498 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1059 Type: TEXT Headline: David A. Tristam (Nove) Controlling Virtual Words with the Panel Library DocID: 209498 209702 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1060 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Weiser (Nove) Learning from Visualized Garbage Collector DocID: 209702 209934 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1061 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Nove) Report on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG15 (POSIX) Meeting DocID: 209934 210097 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1062 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Nove) An Update on UNIX and C Standards Activity DocID: 210097 210271 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1063 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Hawley (Nove) Audio I/O with the NeXT Computer DocID: 210271 210427 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1064 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Nove) Book Review: !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and Networks DocID: 210427 210615 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1065 Type: TEXT Headline: Francois Armand (Octo) Revolution 89 or "Distributing UNIX Brings it Back to its Original Virtues" DocID: 210615 210920 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1066 Type: TEXT Headline: Henri E. Bal (Octo) A Distributed Implementation of the Shared Data-Object Model DocID: 210920 211203 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1067 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph Boykin (Octo) The Parallelization of Mach/4.3BSD: Design Philosophy and Performance Analysis DocID: 211203 211480 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1068 Type: TEXT Headline: ByoungJu Choi (Octo) Experience with PMothra: A Tool for Mutation Based Testing on a Hypercube DocID: 211480 211744 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1069 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Cohn (Octo) ARCADE: A Platform for Heterogeneous Distributed Operating Systems DocID: 211744 212029 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1070 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominique DeCouchant (Octo) Experience with Implementing and Using an Object Oriented Distributed S DocID: 212029 212367 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1071 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Octo) Experience with Process Migration in Sprite DocID: 212367 212595 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1072 Type: TEXT Headline: Prabha Gopinath (Octo) Experiences with a Family of Multiprocessor Real-Time Operating Systems DocID: 212595 212873 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1073 Type: TEXT Headline: Debra Hensgen (Octo) Dynamic Server Squads in Yackos DocID: 212873 213096 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1074 Type: TEXT Headline: Pierre G. Jansen (Octo) Tumult-64: A Real-Time Multi-Processor System DocID: 213096 213352 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1075 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary M. Johnston (Octo) An Object-Oriented Implementation of Distributed Virtual Memory DocID: 213352 213631 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1076 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Frans Kaashoek (Octo) Experience with the Distributed Data Structure Paradigm in Linda DocID: 213631 213921 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1077 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard P. Katseff (Octo) Debugging and Performance Monitoring in HPC/VORX DocID: 213921 214158 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1078 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Koelbel (Octo) Efficient Implementation of Modularity in RAID DocID: 214158 214410 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1079 Type: TEXT Headline: Julie Kucera (Octo) Making libc Suitable for Use by Parallel Programs DocID: 214410 214639 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1080 Type: TEXT Headline: Rodger Lea (Octo) The Implementation of Aide: A Support Environment for Distributed Object-Oriented DocID: 214639 214919 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1081 Type: TEXT Headline: James E. Lumpp, Jr. (Octo) CAPS - A Coding Aid used with the PASM Parallel Processing System DocID: 214919 215326 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1082 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Massalin (Octo) Fine-Grain Scheduling DocID: 215326 215533 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1083 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc F. Pucci (Octo) Experiences with Efficient Interprocess Communication in DUNE DocID: 215533 215771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1084 Type: TEXT Headline: Umakishore Ramachandran (Octo) An Implementation of Distributed Shared Memory DocID: 215771 216034 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1085 Type: TEXT Headline: Horst Schaaser (Octo) Using Transputer Networks to Accelerate Communication Protocols DocID: 216034 216289 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1086 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael L. Scott (Octo) Implementing Issues for the Psyche Multiprocessor Operating System DocID: 216289 216574 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1087 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc Shapiro (Octo) Prototyping a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating System on Unix DocID: 216574 216806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1088 Type: TEXT Headline: Roger K. Shultz (Octo) A Decentralized Embedded Operating System Supporting Distributed Execution o DocID: 216806 217071 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1089 Type: TEXT Headline: C.J. Wilkenloh (Octo) The Clouds Experience: Building an Object-Based Distributed Operating System DocID: 217071 217486 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1090 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Christiansen (Sept) Op: A Flexible Tool for Restricted Superuser Access DocID: 217486 217719 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1091 Type: TEXT Headline: Raphael Finkel (Sept) Tools for System Administration in a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 217719 217979 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1092 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Foree (Sept) Automated Account Deactivation and Deletion DocID: 217979 218197 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1093 Type: TEXT Headline: Bent Hagemark (Sept) Site: A Language and System for Configuring Many Computers as One Computing Si DocID: 218197 218462 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1094 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Sept) Enhancements to 4.3BSD Network Commands DocID: 218462 218675 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1095 Type: TEXT Headline: Nathan H. Hillery (Sept) Implementing a Consistent System over Many Hosts DocID: 218675 218894 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1096 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard W. Kint (Sept) Administration of a Dynamic Heterogeneous Network DocID: 218894 219173 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1097 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Montgomery (Sept) Filesystem Backups in a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 219173 219421 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1098 Type: TEXT Headline: Gretchen Phillips (Sept) Mkuser -- or how we keep the usernames straight DocID: 219421 219652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1099 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul W. Placeway (Sept) A Better Dump for BSD UNIX DocID: 219652 219874 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1100 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Simicich (Sept) YABS DocID: 219874 220063 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1101 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Spence (Sept) spy: A Unix File System Security Monitor DocID: 220063 220269 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1102 Type: TEXT Headline: C.J. Yashinovitz (Sept) An Optical Disk Backup/Restore System DocID: 220269 220527 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1103 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Zadrozny (Sept) Administering Remote Sites DocID: 220527 220729 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1104 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sept) Disk Space Management Without Quotas DocID: 220729 220940 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1105 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sept) Experiences with Object-Oriented Software Development DocID: 220940 221309 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1106 Type: TEXT Headline: George W. Leach (Sept) Book Review: Programming in C++ DocID: 221309 221427 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1107 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Duff (Spri) Experience with Viruses on UNIX Systems DocID: 221427 221588 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1108 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian W. Kernighan (Spri) Page Makeup by Postprocessing Text Formatter Output DocID: 221588 221797 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1109 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Douglas McIlroy (Spri) Virology 101 DocID: 221797 221941 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1110 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Spri) A Concurrent Window System DocID: 221941 222089 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1111 Type: TEXT Headline: Aarron Gull (Spri) A Port of the MINIX Operating System to the Atari ST DocID: 222089 222291 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1112 Type: TEXT Headline: William Roberts (Spri) Introduction to Window Systems DocID: 222291 222456 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1113 Type: TEXT Headline: Janet Davis (Spri) Overview of UNIX System V Release 4.0 DocID: 222456 222625 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1114 Type: TEXT Headline: Aarron Gull (Spri) A Port of the MINIX Operating System to the Atari ST DocID: 222625 222827 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1115 Type: TEXT Headline: William Roberts (Spri) Introduction to Window Systems DocID: 222827 222992 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1116 Type: TEXT Headline: Colston Sanger (Spri) UNIX Clinic DocID: 222992 223158 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1117 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Richard Stevens (Summ) Heuristics for Disk Drive Positioning in 4.3BSD DocID: 223158 223343 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1118 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Summ) The Evolution of C++: 1985 to 1989 DocID: 223343 223508 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1119 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Ballance (Summ) UFOS: An Intelligent Real-Time Performance Monitor for UNIX System V DocID: 223508 223776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1120 Type: TEXT Headline: F. Bonomi (Summ) Distributing Processes in Loosely-Coupled UNIX Multiprocessor Systems DocID: 223776 224008 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1121 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark. D. Campbell (Summ) TOWER STREAMS-Based TTY: Architecture and Implementation DocID: 224008 224213 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1122 Type: TEXT Headline: Yih-Farn Chen (Summ) The C Program Database and Its Applications DocID: 224213 224390 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1123 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel S. Conde (Summ) ULTRIX Threads DocID: 224390 224583 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1124 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas J. Coppeto (Summ) OLC: An On-Line Consulting System for UNIX DocID: 224583 224860 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1125 Type: TEXT Headline: Janet A. Cugini (Summ) Security Testing of AIX System Calls Using Prolog DocID: 224860 225167 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1126 Type: TEXT Headline: Kate Ehrlich (Summ) Incorporating Usability Studies and Interface Design into Software Development DocID: 225167 225408 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1127 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. 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Mogul (Summ) Simple and Flexible Datagram Access Controls for Unix-based Gateways DocID: 226518 226730 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1133 Type: TEXT Headline: Denise Ondishko (Summ) Administration of Department Machines by a Central Group DocID: 226730 226938 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1134 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Opperman (Summ) At Home With X11/NeWS Windows DocID: 226938 227101 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1135 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Rago (Summ) Out-Of-Band Communication in STREAMS DocID: 227101 227268 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1136 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc J. Rochkind (Summ) A Unified Programming Interface for Character-Based and Graphical Window Sy DocID: 227268 227498 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1137 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Summ) NFSSTONE: A Network File Server Performance Benchmark DocID: 227498 227743 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1138 Type: TEXT Headline: Griffith G. Smith, Jr. (Summ) A Distributed Resource Allocator for UNIX Systems DocID: 227743 227934 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1139 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon F. Spencer (Summ) Factors Affecting Application Portability to a B1 Level Trusted UNIX DocID: 227934 228156 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1140 Type: TEXT Headline: V.S. Sunderam (Summ) An Experiment with Network Shared Libraries DocID: 228156 228325 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1141 Type: TEXT Headline: Mario R. Barbacci (Wint) Developing Applications for Heterogeneous Machine Networks: The Durra Envi DocID: 228325 228594 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1142 Type: TEXT Headline: P.J. Brown (Wint) A Hypertext System for UNIX DocID: 228594 228741 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1143 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Wint) Parameterized Types for C++ DocID: 228741 228885 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1144 Type: TEXT Headline: Ziya Aral (Wint) Variable Weight Processes with Flexible Shared Resources DocID: 228885 229161 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1145 Type: TEXT Headline: Amnon Barak (Wint) MOSIX: An Integrated Multiprocessor UNIX DocID: 229161 229364 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1146 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric J. 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Flink, II (Wint) System V/MLS Labeling and Mandatory Policy Alternatives DocID: 230869 231086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1155 Type: TEXT Headline: Alessandro Forin (Wint) The Shared Memory Server DocID: 231086 231286 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1156 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Gloor (Wint) Dynamically Synchronized Locking - a Lightweight Locking Protocol for Resource L DocID: 231286 231544 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1157 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert L. Henderson (Wint) MSS-II and RASH - A Mainframe UNIX Based Mass Storage System with a Rapi DocID: 231544 231821 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1158 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark C. Holderbaugh (Wint) Minimalist Physical Memory Control in UNIX DocID: 231821 232031 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1159 Type: TEXT Headline: Chet Juszczak (Wint) Improving the Performance and Correctness of an NFS Server DocID: 232031 232228 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1160 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael H. Kelley (Wint) Multiprocessor Aspects of the DG/UX Kernel DocID: 232228 232408 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1161 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent A. Kingsbury (Wint) Job and Process Recovery in a UNIX-based Operating System DocID: 232408 232618 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1162 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel V. Klein (Wint) A Comparison of Compiler Utilization of Instruction Set Architectures DocID: 232618 232827 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1163 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph A. Korty (Wint) Sema: a Lint-like Tool for Analyzing Semaphore Usage in a Multithreaded UNIX DocID: 232827 233031 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1164 Type: TEXT Headline: Leo Lanzillo (Wint) Implementation of Dial-up IP for UNIX Systems DocID: 233031 233246 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1165 Type: TEXT Headline: Geoffrey M. Lee (Wint) Integrating UNIX Terminal Services into a Distributed Operating System DocID: 233246 233466 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1166 Type: TEXT Headline: David Lemke (Wint) Visualizing X11 Clients DocID: 233466 233639 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1167 Type: TEXT Headline: Allison Mankin (Wint) Limiting Factors in the Performance of the Slow-start TCP Algorithms DocID: 233639 233859 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1168 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Martin (Wint) Experience with PARPC DocID: 233859 234084 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1169 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul R. McJones (Wint) Evolving the UNIX System Interface to Support Multithreaded Programs DocID: 234084 234312 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1170 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Raeburn (Wint) Discuss: An Electronic Conferencing System for a Distributed Computing Environme DocID: 234312 234596 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1171 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc J. Rochkind (Wint) XVT: A Virtual Toolkit for Portability Between Window Systems DocID: 234596 234806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1172 Type: TEXT Headline: Donn Seeley (Wint) A Tour of the Worm DocID: 234806 234952 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1173 Type: TEXT Headline: Barbara Smith-Thomas (Wint) Secure Multi-Level Windowing in a B1 Certifiable Secure UNIX Operating DocID: 234952 235170 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1174 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Snider (Wint) The Modix Kernel DocID: 235170 235331 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1175 Type: TEXT Headline: Eugene H. 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Reiss (Apri) FIELD Support for C++ DocID: 240037 240214 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1198 Type: TEXT Headline: Vincent F. Russo (Apri) C++ and Operating Systems Performance: A Case Study DocID: 240214 240472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1199 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas C. Schmidt (Apri) GPERF: A Perfect Hash Function Generator DocID: 240472 240670 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1200 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Seliger (Apri) Extended C++ DocID: 240670 240852 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1201 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Tiemann (Apri) An Exception Handling Implementation for C++ DocID: 240852 241015 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1202 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan M. Zweig (Apri) The Conduit: A Communication Abstraction in C++ DocID: 241015 241260 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1203 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Bahn (Augu) Beyond Bell-LaPadula: A Security Model for Real Applications DocID: 241260 241436 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1204 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall D. Abrams (Augu) Building Generalized Access Control on UNIX DocID: 241436 241649 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1205 Type: TEXT Headline: Ana Maria De Alvare (Augu) How Crackers Crack Passwords DocID: 241649 241830 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1206 Type: TEXT Headline: Fuat Baran (Augu) Security Breaches: Five Recent Incidents at Columbia University DocID: 241830 242064 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1207 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Augu) An Extensible Password Changing Program DocID: 242064 242236 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1208 Type: TEXT Headline: David S. Brown (Augu) Communicating Vulnerabilities: Perils and Pitfalls DocID: 242236 242470 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1209 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry Carlin (Augu) Gateway Security Measures DocID: 242470 242626 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1210 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Carson (Augu) Networked UNIX Without the Superuser DocID: 242626 242850 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1211 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary Christoph (Augu) Security Considerations of Going to a UNIX Based Supercomputer Operating Syst DocID: 242850 243080 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1212 Type: TEXT Headline: David Gill (Augu) Roles for Users and Privileges for System Processes: High Trust Mechanisms for Lo DocID: 243080 243294 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1213 Type: TEXT Headline: David Goldberg (Augu) The MITRE User Authentication System DocID: 243294 243453 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1214 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Kardel (Augu) Frozen Files DocID: 243453 243612 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1215 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Klein (Augu) Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security DocID: 243612 243835 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1216 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph Kuras (Augu) An Expert Systems Approach to Security Inspection of UNIX DocID: 243835 244040 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1217 Type: TEXT Headline: John Linn (Augu) Generic Security Service Application Program Interface DocID: 244040 244236 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1218 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven Lunt (Augu) Experiences with Kerberos DocID: 244236 244387 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1219 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Neely (Augu) System Design and Verification for Secure Applications Under UNIX DocID: 244387 244587 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1220 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey Roth (Augu) Hardening Anonymous FTP DocID: 244587 244751 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1221 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Augu) Perspectives and Solutions for Increasing Security in UNIX System Administrati DocID: 244751 244967 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1222 Type: TEXT Headline: Hermann Strack (Augu) Extended Access Controls in UNIX System V: ACLs and Context DocID: 244967 245170 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1223 Type: TEXT Headline: Joe Tardo (Augu) Public-Key-based Authentication Using Internet Certificates DocID: 245170 245411 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1224 Type: TEXT Headline: David Wichers (Augu) An Access Control List Approach to Anti-Viral Security DocID: 245411 245716 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1225 Type: TEXT Headline: Raymond Wong (Augu) A Survey of Secure UNIX Operating Systems DocID: 245716 245891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1226 Type: TEXT Headline: Michele Crabb (Augu) An Automatic Policy Checker for Controlling Undesirable Program Behaviors DocID: 245891 246308 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1227 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Comer (Fall) An Experimental Implementation of the Tilde Naming System DocID: 246308 246551 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1228 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephan Curran (Fall) A Comparison of Basic CPU Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprocessor UNIX DocID: 246551 246753 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1229 Type: TEXT Headline: Prasun Dewan (Fall) An Object Model for Conventional Operating Systems DocID: 246753 246944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1230 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald E. Barkley (Janu) A Dynamic File System Inode Allocation and Reclaim Policy DocID: 246944 247162 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1231 Type: TEXT Headline: Len Bass (Janu) Serpent: A User Interface Management System DocID: 247162 247442 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1232 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Bedichek (Janu) Some Efficient Architecture Simulation Techniques DocID: 247442 247638 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1233 Type: TEXT Headline: S.M. Bellovin (Janu) Pseudo-Network Drivers and Virtual Networks DocID: 247638 247826 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1234 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Berkley (Janu) Tickerplants on UNIX DocID: 247826 248053 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1235 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Berliner (Janu) CVS II: Parallelizing Software Development DocID: 248053 248231 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1236 Type: TEXT Headline: Deborah Caswell (Janu) Implementing a Mach Debugger for Multithreaded Applications DocID: 248231 248477 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1237 Type: TEXT Headline: Danny Chen (Janu) Insuring Improved VM Performance: Some No-Fault Policies DocID: 248477 248709 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1238 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel S. Emer (Janu) Integrated Interactive Access to Heterogeneous Distributed Services DocID: 248709 248926 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1239 Type: TEXT Headline: Raymond B. Essick (Janu) An Event-Based Fair Share Scheduler DocID: 248926 249100 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1240 Type: TEXT Headline: Dodi Francisco (Janu) Multiple Site Source Reconciliation DocID: 249100 249297 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1241 Type: TEXT Headline: Arun Garg (Janu) Parallel STREAMS: a Multi-Processor Implementation DocID: 249297 249490 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1242 Type: TEXT Headline: Mitchell Gart (Janu) Ada and Binary UNIX Standards DocID: 249490 249653 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1243 Type: TEXT Headline: Masami Hagiya (Janu) Parallel Object-Oriented UIMS with Macro and Micro Stubs DocID: 249653 249864 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1244 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven A. Heimlich (Janu) Traffic Characterization of the NSFNET National Backbone DocID: 249864 250070 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1245 Type: TEXT Headline: David Hitz (Janu) Using UNIX as One Component of a Lightweight Distributed Kernel for Microprocesso DocID: 250070 250350 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1246 Type: TEXT Headline: S.C. Johnson (Janu) Postloading for Fun and Profit DocID: 250350 250526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1247 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Langerman (Janu) A Highly-Parallelized Mach-Based Vnode Filesystem DocID: 250526 250779 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1248 Type: TEXT Headline: Allan Leinwand (Janu) Two Network Management Tools(How Many Packets Would a Packet Router Route if DocID: 250779 251047 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1249 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Maybee (Janu) pdb: A Network Oriented Symbolic Debugger DocID: 251047 251231 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1250 Type: TEXT Headline: John K. Ousterhout (Janu) Tcl: An Embeddable Command Language DocID: 251231 251429 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1251 Type: TEXT Headline: Margo Seltzer (Janu) Disk scheduling Revisited DocID: 251429 251644 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1252 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel D. Silverstein (Janu) The UNIX System Math Library, a Status Report DocID: 251644 251878 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1253 Type: TEXT Headline: Martha Szczur (Janu) TAE Plus: Transportable Application Environment Plus a User Interface Developm DocID: 251878 252178 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1254 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Thompson (Janu) Keynote - A Language and Extensible Graphical Editor for Music DocID: 252178 252383 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1255 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen a. Uhler (Janu) MTX - A Shell that Permits Dynamic Rearrangement of Process Connections and DocID: 252383 252620 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1256 Type: TEXT Headline: Ian Vessey (Janu) Implementing Berkeley Sockets in System V Release 4 DocID: 252620 252824 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1257 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Wilson (Janu) GENESIS and XODUS, General Purpose Neural Network Simulation Tool DocID: 252824 253121 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1258 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Janu) An Update on UNIX and C Standards Activity DocID: 253121 253294 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1259 Type: TEXT Headline: Mike Hawley (Janu) Book Review: Elements of Computer Music DocID: 253294 253433 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1260 Type: TEXT Headline: George W. Leach (Janu) Book Review: UNIX System Software Readings DocID: 253433 253579 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1261 Type: TEXT Headline: Nichlos H. Cuccia (July) Book Review: UNIX System Administration Handbook DocID: 253579 253711 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1262 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (July) An Update on UNIX and C Standards Activity DocID: 253711 253879 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1263 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (May/) Report on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG15 Rapporteur Group on Internationalization Mee DocID: 253879 254069 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1264 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (May/) International Standardization DocID: 254069 254207 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1265 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas A. Gwyn (May/) Book Review: Life with UNIX -A Guide For Everyone DocID: 254207 254335 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1266 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (May/) An Update on UNIX and C Standards Activity DocID: 254335 254500 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1267 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert C. 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Doster (Octo) Uniqname Overview DocID: 255692 255904 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1274 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas A. Fine (Octo) A Console Server DocID: 255904 256092 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1275 Type: TEXT Headline: Tinsley Galyean (Octo) Trouble-MH: A Work-Queue Management Package for a >3 Ring Circus DocID: 256092 256352 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1276 Type: TEXT Headline: Hellen E. Harrison (Octo) A Domain Mail System on Dissimilar Computers: Trials and Tribulations of DocID: 256352 256580 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1277 Type: TEXT Headline: Timothy Howes (Octo) Integrating X.500 Directory Service into a Large Campus Computing Environment DocID: 256580 256807 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1278 Type: TEXT Headline: Katy Kislitzin (Octo) Network Monitoring by Scripts DocID: 256807 256994 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1279 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Lammert (Octo) The AFS 3.0 Backup System DocID: 256994 257167 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1280 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Octo) Using expect to Automate System Administration Tasks DocID: 257167 257389 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1281 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth Manheimer (Octo) The Depot: A Framework for Sharing Software Installation Across Organizati DocID: 257389 257704 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1282 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Romig (Octo) Backup at Ohio State, Take 2 DocID: 257704 257887 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1283 Type: TEXT Headline: Staphen P. Shaefer (Octo) newu: Multi-host User Setup DocID: 257887 258127 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1284 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (Octo) Life Without Root DocID: 258127 258301 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1285 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin C. Smallwood (Octo) Guidelines and Tools for Software Maintenance DocID: 258301 258510 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1286 Type: TEXT Headline: Roland J. Stolfa (Octo) UDB - User Data Base System DocID: 258510 258709 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1287 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Urban (Octo) GAUD: RAND's Group and User Database DocID: 258709 258891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1288 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Octo) Policy as a System Administration Tool DocID: 258891 259144 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1289 Type: TEXT Headline: Ozalp Babaoglu (Octo) Fault-Tolerant Computing Based on Mach DocID: 259144 259332 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1290 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeremy Epstein (Octo) A Trusted X Window System Server for Trusted Mach DocID: 259332 259559 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1291 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel E. Geer Jr. (Octo) An Ultrix 4.0 Uniserver DocID: 259559 259741 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1292 Type: TEXT Headline: Francis Vaughan (Octo) A Persistent Distributed Architecture Supported by the Mach Operating System DocID: 259741 259971 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1293 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Van Sciver (Octo) Mach on a Virtually Addressed Cache Architecture DocID: 259971 260637 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1294 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Black (Octo) Transparent Recovery of Mach Applications DocID: 260637 261726 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1295 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Sept) Report on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG15 Meeting DocID: 261726 261881 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1296 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Sept) An Update on UNIX and C Standards Activity DocID: 261881 262055 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1297 Type: TEXT Headline: Stuart I. Feldman (Spri) Controversy: Portability - A No Longer Solved Problem DocID: 262055 262274 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1298 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Hawley (Spri) The Personal Orchestra, or Audio Data Compression by 10,000:1 DocID: 262274 262449 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1299 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter S. Langston (Spri) Little Languages for Music DocID: 262449 262580 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1300 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. O'Dell (Spri) Greetings DocID: 262580 262719 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1301 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Thompson (Spri) Keynote- A Language and Extensible Graphic Editor for Music DocID: 262719 262892 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1302 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Spri) A View of the Organisational Structure of POSIX Standards DocID: 262892 263090 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1303 Type: TEXT Headline: Gill Mogg (Spri) AT&T Column: C++ and Object Oriented Programming DocID: 263090 263269 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1304 Type: TEXT Headline: William Roberts (Spri) Windows Column DocID: 263269 263433 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1305 Type: TEXT Headline: Colston Sanger (Spri) Call Doc Strange DocID: 263433 263605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1306 Type: TEXT Headline: Cedric Thomas (Spri) From Unix To Open Systems DocID: 263605 263765 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1307 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Blinne (Spri) A Type Parameterization Language for C++ DocID: 263765 263963 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1308 Type: TEXT Headline: T.A. Cargill (Spri) Does C++ Really Need Multiple Inheritance? DocID: 263963 264120 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1309 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Coggins (Spri) Designing C++ Libraries DocID: 264120 264307 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1310 Type: TEXT Headline: Fergal Dearle (Spri) Designing Portable Application Frameworks for C++ DocID: 264307 264494 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1311 Type: TEXT Headline: Sean M. Dorward (Spri) Adding New Code to a Running C++ Program DocID: 264494 264715 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1312 Type: TEXT Headline: David W. Forslund (Spri) Experiences in Writing a Distributed Particle Simulation Code in C++ DocID: 264715 265030 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1313 Type: TEXT Headline: Yvon Gourhant (Spri) FOG/C++: a Fragmented-Object Generator DocID: 265030 265266 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1314 Type: TEXT Headline: Judith E. Grass (Spri) The C++ Information Abstractor DocID: 265266 265457 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1315 Type: TEXT Headline: Judith E. Grass (Spri) Object-Oriented Redesign Using C++: Experience with Parser Generators DocID: 265457 265701 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1316 Type: TEXT Headline: John A Interrante (Spri) Runtime Access to Type Information in C++ DocID: 265701 265903 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1317 Type: TEXT Headline: Preben Fisker Jensen (Spri) Writing a Gateway in C++ DocID: 265903 266085 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1318 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul R. Jossman (Spri) Climbing the C++ Learning Curve DocID: 266085 266297 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1319 Type: TEXT Headline: Bernd T. Kluth (Spri) SIC--A System for Stochastic Simulation in C++ DocID: 266297 266495 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1320 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Spri) Exception Handling for C++ (revised) DocID: 266495 266694 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1321 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Lea (Spri) Customization in C++ DocID: 266694 266846 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1322 Type: TEXT Headline: David J. Miller (Spri) RIPE: An Object-Oriented Robot Independent Programming Environment DocID: 266846 267085 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1323 Type: TEXT Headline: Graham D. Parrington (Spri) Reliable Distributed Programming in C++: The Arjuna Approach DocID: 267085 267303 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1324 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven P. Reiss (Spri) FIELD Support for C++ DocID: 267303 267477 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1325 Type: TEXT Headline: Vincent F. Russo (Spri) C++ and Operating Systems Performance: A Case Study DocID: 267477 267731 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1326 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas C. Schmidt (Spri) GPERF: A Perfect Hash Function Generator DocID: 267731 267927 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1327 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Seliger (Spri) Extending C++ to Support Remote Procedure Call, Concurrency, Exception Handli DocID: 267927 268195 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1328 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Tiemann (Spri) An Exception Handling Implementation for C++ DocID: 268195 268360 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1329 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Wybolt (Spri) Experiences With C++ and Object-Oriented Software Development DocID: 268360 268562 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1330 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan M. Zweig (Spri) The Conduit: a Communication Abstraction in C++ DocID: 268562 268795 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1331 Type: TEXT Headline: Lawrence M. Ruane (Summ) Process Synchronization in the UTS Kernel DocID: 268795 268955 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1332 Type: TEXT Headline: G. Spezzano (Summ) A Concurrent Programming Support for Distributed Systems DocID: 268955 269168 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1333 Type: TEXT Headline: Bernhard Wagner (Summ) Distributed Spooling in a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 269168 269327 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1334 Type: TEXT Headline: David F. Bacon (Summ) A Portable Run-Time System for the Hermes Distributed Programming Language DocID: 269327 269557 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1335 Type: TEXT Headline: William Cattey (Summ) The Evolution of Turnin: A Classroom Oriented File Exchange Service DocID: 269557 269755 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1336 Type: TEXT Headline: David R. Cheriton (Summ) Binary Emulation of UNIX Using the V Kernel DocID: 269755 269976 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1337 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Comer (Summ) A New Design for Distributed Systems: The Remote Memory Model DocID: 269976 270185 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1338 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Farmer (Summ) The Cops Security Checker System DocID: 270185 270398 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1339 Type: TEXT Headline: David Golub (Summ) UNIX as an Application Program DocID: 270398 270616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1340 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard G. Guy (Summ) Implementation of the Ficus Replicated File System DocID: 270616 270986 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1341 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Haahr (Summ) Montage: Breaking Windows into Small Pieces DocID: 270986 271158 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1342 Type: TEXT Headline: John H. Hartmann (Summ) Performance Measurements of a Multiprocessor Sprite Kernel DocID: 271158 271388 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1343 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Heuser (Summ) An Implementation of Real-Time Thread Synchronization DocID: 271388 271573 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1344 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael L. Kazar (Summ) DEcorum File System Architectural Overview DocID: 271573 271924 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1345 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce E. Keith (Summ) Perspectives on NFS File Server Performance Characterization DocID: 271924 272126 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1346 Type: TEXT Headline: Simon Kenyon (Summ) IAW - The Intelligence Analyst Workbench DocID: 272126 272298 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1347 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas E. LaStrange (Summ) swm: An X Window Manager Shell DocID: 272298 272464 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1348 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Summ) expect: Curing Those Uncontrollable Fits of Interaction DocID: 272464 272735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1349 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Kirk McKusick (Summ) A Pageable Memory Based File System DocID: 272735 272962 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1350 Type: TEXT Headline: Masataka Ohta (Summ) A Fast /tmp File System by Delay Mount Option DocID: 272962 273205 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1351 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Pedneault (Summ) USENIX Conference Proceedings DocID: 273205 273430 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1352 Type: TEXT Headline: Dennis Ritchie (Summ) Keynote Address DocID: 273430 273571 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1353 Type: TEXT Headline: Mendel Rosenblum (Summ) The LFS Storage Manager DocID: 273571 273764 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1354 Type: TEXT Headline: David S.H. Rosenthal (Summ) Evolving the Vnode Interface DocID: 273764 273932 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1355 Type: TEXT Headline: Vatsa Santhanam (Summ) Evolution of the Ucode Compiler Intermediate Language DocID: 273932 274142 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1356 Type: TEXT Headline: Donn Seeley (Summ) Shared Libraries as Objects DocID: 274142 274295 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1357 Type: TEXT Headline: Alex Siegel (Summ) Deceit: A Flexible Distributed File System DocID: 274295 274499 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1358 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Thompson (Summ) A Transparent Integration Approach for Rewritable Optical Autochangers DocID: 274499 274728 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1359 Type: TEXT Headline: R.D. Trammell (Summ) The Big Picture: Visualizing System Behavior in Real Time DocID: 274728 274906 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1360 Type: TEXT Headline: James Q. Arnold (Summ) Issues in Shared Libraries Design DocID: 274906 275254 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1361 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Linton (Summ) Dalek: A GNU, Improved Programmable Debugger DocID: 275254 275705 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1362 Type: TEXT Headline: David C. Steere (Summ) A Filesystem for Software Development DocID: 275705 276123 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1363 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Cheswick (Summ) Why Aren't Operating Systems Getting Faster as Fast as Hardware? DocID: 276123 276668 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1364 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph Boykin (Wint) Mach/4.3BSD: A Conservative Approach to Parallelization DocID: 276668 276860 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1365 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Dasgupta (Wint) The Design and Implementation of the Clouds Distributed Operating System DocID: 276860 277253 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1366 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Massalin (Wint) Fine-Grain Adaptive Scheduling using Feedback DocID: 277253 277424 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1367 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc F. Pucci (Wint) Using Hints in DUNE Remote Procedure Calls DocID: 277424 277568 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1368 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael L. Scott (Wint) Implementation Issues for the Psyche Multiprocessor Operating System DocID: 277568 277880 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1369 Type: TEXT Headline: David Anderson (Apri) Concurrent Real-Time Music in C++ DocID: 277880 278056 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1370 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Cargill (Apri) How Useful is Multiple Inheritance in C++? DocID: 278056 278290 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1371 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin Carroll (Apri) Problems with Non-invasive Inheritance in C++ DocID: 278290 278472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1372 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Cohen (Apri) Pragmatic Issues in the Implementation of Flexible Libraries in C++ DocID: 278472 278694 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1373 Type: TEXT Headline: David DeWitt (Apri) C++ + Persistence != An Object-Oriented DBMS DocID: 278694 279255 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1374 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Edelson (Apri) Copying Collector for C++ DocID: 279255 279421 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1375 Type: TEXT Headline: Mary Fontana (Apri) Experiences in the Design of a C++ Class Library DocID: 279421 279617 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1376 Type: TEXT Headline: Philippe Gautron (Apri) Porting and Extending the C++ Task System with the Support of Lightweight P DocID: 279617 279845 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1377 Type: TEXT Headline: Elana Granston (Apri) Signature-Based Polymorphism for C++ DocID: 279845 280060 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1378 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Kennedy (Apri) The Features of the Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy (OATH) DocID: 280060 280258 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1379 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Kernighan (Apri) An AWK to C++ Translator DocID: 280258 280422 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1380 Type: TEXT Headline: Juha Koivisto (Apri) OTSO - An Object-Oriented Approach to Distributed Computation DocID: 280422 280667 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1381 Type: TEXT Headline: Dmitry Lenkov (Apri) Type Identification in C++ DocID: 280667 280856 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1382 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Martin (Apri) The Separation of Interface and Implementation in C++ DocID: 280856 281037 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1383 Type: TEXT Headline: Randall Meyers (Apri) The Interaction of Pointers to Members and Virtual Base Classes in C++ DocID: 281037 281238 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1384 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Meyers (Apri) Automatic Detection of C++ Programming Errors: Initial Thoughts on a lint++ DocID: 281238 281459 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1385 Type: TEXT Headline: Walter Milliken (Apri) A Network Toolkit DocID: 281459 281614 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1386 Type: TEXT Headline: David Rosenblum (Apri) Representing Semantically Analyzed C++ Code with Reprise DocID: 281614 281828 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1387 Type: TEXT Headline: Shanun-inn Wu (Apri) LogiC++: An Integrated Logic and Object-Oriented Programming Language DocID: 281828 282036 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1388 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher Van Wyk (Apri) A Class Library for Solving Simultaneous Equations DocID: 282036 282223 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1389 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis-Felipe Cabrera (Fall) Swift: Using Distributed Disk Striping to Provide High I/O Data Rates DocID: 282223 282474 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1390 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Fall) A Comparison of Two Distributed Systems: Amoeba and Sprite DocID: 282474 282760 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1391 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan M. Smith (Fall) The Software Design Laboratory DocID: 282760 282911 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1392 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry W. Allen (Janu) Program Loading in OSF/1 DocID: 282911 283140 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1393 Type: TEXT Headline: Anupam Bhide (Janu) A Highly Available Network File Server DocID: 283140 283393 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1394 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Janu) An Authentication Mechanism for USENET DocID: 283393 283563 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1395 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Black (Janu) Processors, Priority and Policy: Mach Scheduling for New Environment DocID: 283563 283771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1396 Type: TEXT Headline: Andy Bond (Janu) DRUMS: A Distributed Statistical Server for STARS DocID: 283771 283982 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1397 Type: TEXT Headline: A.Lester Buck (Janu) An Experimental Implementation of Draft POSIX Asynchronous I/O DocID: 283982 284220 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1398 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Campbell (Janu) The Parallelization of UNIX System V Release 4.0 DocID: 284220 284568 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1399 Type: TEXT Headline: Roger Faulkner (Janu) The Process File System and Process Model in UNIX System V DocID: 284568 284758 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1400 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Freedman (Janu) Experience Building a Process Migration Subsystem for UNIX DocID: 284758 284953 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1401 Type: TEXT Headline: Alastair Fyfe (Janu) Compiling from Saved State: Fast Incremental Compilation with Traditional UNIX DocID: 284953 285218 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1402 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc Guillemont (Janu) A Second-Generation Micro-Kernel Based UNIX; Lessons in Performance and Comp DocID: 285218 285476 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1403 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert K. Israel (Janu) Evolutionary Path to Network Storage Management DocID: 285476 285731 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1404 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael B. Jones (Janu) Bringing the C Libraries with Us into a Multi-Threaded Future DocID: 285731 285936 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1405 Type: TEXT Headline: Andreas Lampen (Janu) Advancing Files to Attributed Software Objects DocID: 285936 286129 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1406 Type: TEXT Headline: Philip Leong (Janu) UNIX Password Encryption Considered Unsecure DocID: 286129 286347 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1407 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan LoVerso (Janu) The OSF/1 UNIX Filesystem (UFS) DocID: 286347 286603 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1408 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Macklem (Janu) Lessons Learned Tuning the 4.3BSD Reno Implementation of the NFS Protocol DocID: 286603 286810 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1409 Type: TEXT Headline: Alex Mahler (Janu) Organizing Tools in a Uniform Environment Framework DocID: 286810 287005 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1410 Type: TEXT Headline: Toshiyuki Masui (Janu) User Interface Construction Based On Parallel and Sequential Execution Speci DocID: 287005 287266 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1411 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Norwood (Janu) A NonStop UNIX Operating System DocID: 287266 287434 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1412 Type: TEXT Headline: M.L. Powell (Janu) SunOS Multi-thread Architecture DocID: 287434 287664 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1413 Type: TEXT Headline: Margo Seltzer (Janu) A New Hashing Package for UNIX DocID: 287664 287876 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1414 Type: TEXT Headline: Keith Sklower (Janu) A Tree-Based Packet Routing Table for Berkeley UNIX DocID: 287876 288077 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1415 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Spencer (Janu) Awk As a Major Systems Programming Language DocID: 288077 288258 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1416 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl Staelin (Janu) Smart Filesystems DocID: 288258 288433 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1417 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen A. Uhler (Janu) $HOME MOVIE - Tools for Building Demos on a Sparcstation DocID: 288433 288617 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1418 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Vasilatos (Janu) Partitioned Multiprocessors and the Coexistence of Heterogeneous Operating Sy DocID: 288617 288845 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1419 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Wayne Young (Janu) A Modular Architecture for Distributed Transaction Processing DocID: 288845 289085 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1420 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Janu) Report on ISO POSIX Working Group DocID: 289085 289232 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1421 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Janu) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 289232 289407 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1422 Type: TEXT Headline: Vern Paxson (Janu) Book Review: lex & yacc DocID: 289407 289545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1423 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain Williams (Janu) Report from EurOpen DocID: 289545 289650 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1424 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collinson (July) Book Review: POSIX Programmer's Guide DocID: 289650 289789 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1425 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collinson (July) Book Review: The POSIX.1 Standard DocID: 289789 289924 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1426 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (July) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 289924 290090 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1427 Type: TEXT Headline: F. Boyer (Marc) Supporting an Object-Oriented Distributed System: Experience with UNIX, Mach and Ch DocID: 290090 290447 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1428 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Bryant (Marc) Experiences Developing the RP3 Operating System DocID: 290447 290748 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1429 Type: TEXT Headline: Forbes J. Burcowski (Marc) Performance Evaluation of the Sylvan Multiprocessor Architecture DocID: 290748 291134 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1430 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark D. Campbell (Marc) Lock Granularity Tuning Mechanisms in SVR4/MP DocID: 291134 291405 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1431 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Cohn (Marc) Using Kernek-Level Support for Distributed Shared Data DocID: 291405 291748 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1432 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Comer (Marc) Virtual Memory Xinu DocID: 291748 291988 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1433 Type: TEXT Headline: Partha Dasgupta (Marc) Language and Operating System Support for Distributed Programming in Clouds DocID: 291988 292490 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1434 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Duchamp (Marc) Experience with Threads and RPC in Mach DocID: 292490 292741 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1435 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul J. Fortier (Marc) Experiences with Distributed Data Management in Real-time C3 Systems DocID: 292741 293106 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1436 Type: TEXT Headline: G. W. Gerrity (Marc) Can We Study Design Issues of Distributed Operating Systems In a Generalized W DocID: 293106 293475 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1437 Type: TEXT Headline: Prabha Gopinath (Marc) A Hybrid Approach to Load Balancing in Distributed Systems DocID: 293475 293795 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1438 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew S. Grimshaw (Marc) FALCON: A Distributed Scheduler for MIMD Architectures DocID: 293795 294135 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1439 Type: TEXT Headline: Eliseu M. Chaves Jr. (Marc) Kernel-Kernel Communication in a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor DocID: 294135 294513 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1440 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard P. Katseff (Marc) Experiences with the Liaison Network Multimedia Workstation DocID: 294513 294890 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1441 Type: TEXT Headline: Enrique Mafla (Marc) Implementation and Performance of a Communication Facility for the RAID Distr DocID: 294890 295237 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1442 Type: TEXT Headline: Noemi Paciorek (Marc) Debugging Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels DocID: 295237 295517 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1443 Type: TEXT Headline: Isabelle Puaut (Marc) Early Experience with Building and Using the Gothic Distributed Operating Sys DocID: 295517 295823 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1444 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc F. Pucci (Marc) The ION Data Engine DocID: 295823 296015 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1445 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen S. Raizen (Marc) Building a Semi-Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor System Based on Network Proce DocID: 296015 296315 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1446 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter L. Reiher (Marc) Debugging the Time Warp Operation System and Its Application Programs DocID: 296315 296646 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1447 Type: TEXT Headline: Vincent F. Russo (Marc) Process Scheduling and Synchronization in the Renaissance Object-Oriented M DocID: 296646 296970 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1448 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Welch (Marc) Measuring Performance of Caching in the Sprite Network File System DocID: 296970 297215 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1449 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Marc) EurOpen Standards Report DocID: 297215 297348 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1450 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Marc) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 297348 297518 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1451 Type: TEXT Headline: Michel Banatre (Nove) How to Design Reliable Servers using Fault Tolerant Micro-Kernel Mechanisms DocID: 297518 297812 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1452 Type: TEXT Headline: David Black (Nove) OSF/1 Virtual Memory Improvements DocID: 297812 298248 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1453 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Bolinger (Nove) Parallelizing Signal Handling and Process Management in OSF/1 DocID: 298248 298500 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1454 Type: TEXT Headline: Fabienne Boyer (Nove) A Causal Distributed Shared Memory Based on External Pagers DocID: 298500 298734 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1455 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Bryant (Nove) Supporting Structured Shared Virtual Memory Under Mach DocID: 298734 299014 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1456 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard P. Draves (Nove) Page Replacement and Reference Bit Emulation in Mach DocID: 299014 299242 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1457 Type: TEXT Headline: Alessandro Forin (Nove) An I/O System for Mach 3.0 DocID: 299242 299475 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1458 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey Heller (Nove) Kernel Support for Network Protocol Servers DocID: 299475 299730 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1459 Type: TEXT Headline: Rand Hoven (Nove) Mach Interfaces to Support Guest O.S. Debugging DocID: 299730 299935 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1460 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph S. Barrera III (Nove) A Fast Mach Network IPC Implementation DocID: 299935 300150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1461 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel P. Julin (Nove) Generalized Emulation Services for Mach 3.0 - Overview, Experiences and Curr DocID: 300150 300536 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1462 Type: TEXT Headline: David W. Mitchell (Nove) Mach Resource Control in OSF/1 DocID: 300536 300752 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1463 Type: TEXT Headline: Professor John Ousterhout (Nove) Operating Systems Research: Fads and True Value DocID: 300752 300996 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1464 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Rashid (Nove) DOS as a Mach 3.0 Application DocID: 300996 301244 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1465 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward John Sebes (Nove) Distributed Trusted Mach Architecture DocID: 301244 301458 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1466 Type: TEXT Headline: Stuart Sechrest (Nove) User-Level Physical Memory Management for Mach DocID: 301458 301689 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1467 Type: TEXT Headline: Indira Subramanian (Nove) Managing Discardable Pages with an External Pager DocID: 301689 301913 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1468 Type: TEXT Headline: Hideyuki Tokuda (Nove) Evaluation of Real-Time Synchronization in Real-Time Mach DocID: 301913 302164 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1469 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Welch (Nove) The File System Belongs in the Kernel DocID: 302164 302376 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1470 Type: TEXT Headline: Barbara J. Dyker (Nove) LISA V Conference Trip Report DocID: 302376 302520 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1471 Type: TEXT Headline: Judith E. Grass (Nove) Report from SUUG Meeting DocID: 302520 302658 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1472 Type: TEXT Headline: Russell Quong (Nove) Book Review: A C++ Toolkit and C++ Primer, 2nd Edition DocID: 302658 302819 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1473 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Nove) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 302819 302988 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1474 Type: TEXT Headline: David B. Golub (Summ) Spacio-Temporal Editing for HDTV Program Production DocID: 302988 303474 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1475 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Braunsdorf (Octo) Keeping up with the Manual System DocID: 303474 303663 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1476 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Christiansen (Octo) The Answer To All Man's Problems DocID: 303663 303844 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1477 Type: TEXT Headline: David Curry (Octo) ACMAINT: An Account Creation and Maintenance System For Distributed UNIX Systems DocID: 303844 304065 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1478 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Doster (Octo) UNIQNAME Overview DocID: 304065 304222 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1479 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Fine (Octo) A Console Server DocID: 304222 304377 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1480 Type: TEXT Headline: Tinsley Galyean (Octo) Trouble-MH: A Work-Queue Management System For A >3-ring Circus DocID: 304377 304613 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1481 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Octo) A Domain Mail System on Dissimilar Computers - Trials and Tribulations of DocID: 304613 304833 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1482 Type: TEXT Headline: Timothy Howes (Octo) Integrating X.500 Directory Service into a Large Campus Computing Environment DocID: 304833 305051 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1483 Type: TEXT Headline: Katy Kislitzin (Octo) Network Monitoring By Scripts DocID: 305051 305229 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1484 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Lammert (Octo) The AFS 3.0 Backup System DocID: 305229 305394 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1485 Type: TEXT Headline: Anne G. Leonard (Octo) Keynote Address: Structural Revelation: Towards a Mythology of the System DocID: 305394 305603 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1486 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Octo) Using expect to Automate System Administration Tasks DocID: 305603 305816 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1487 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Manheimer (Octo) The Depot: A Framework for Sharing Software Installation Across Organizational DocID: 305816 306134 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1488 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Romig (Octo) Backup At Ohio-State, Take 2 DocID: 306134 306300 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1489 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen P. Schaefer (Octo) newu: Multihost User Setup DocID: 306300 306456 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1490 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven C. Simmons (Octo) Life Without Root DocID: 306456 306628 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1491 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin C. Smallwood (Octo) Guidelines and Tools for Software Maintenance ina Productional Environmen DocID: 306628 306859 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1492 Type: TEXT Headline: Roland J. Stolfa (Octo) UDB - User Data Base System DocID: 306859 307051 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1493 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Urban (Octo) Gaud: RAND's Group and User Database DocID: 307051 307227 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1494 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Anderson (Sept) Managing Program Binaries In a Heterogeneous UNIX Network DocID: 307227 307435 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1495 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Arnold (Sept) If You've Seen One UNIX, You've Seen Them All DocID: 307435 307634 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1496 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Arnold (Sept) Configuration Control and Management DocID: 307634 307852 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1497 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Bettison (Sept) SHARE II - A User Administration and Resource Control System for UNIX DocID: 307852 308117 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1498 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Bumbulis (Sept) Integrating UNIX Within a Microcomputer-Oriented Development Environment DocID: 308117 308390 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1499 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Corbridge (Sept) Packet Filtering in an IP Router DocID: 308390 308607 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1500 Type: TEXT Headline: Nichlos H. Cuccia (Sept) The Design and Implementation of a Multihub Electronic Mail Environment DocID: 308607 308839 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1501 Type: TEXT Headline: Tine M. Darmohray (Sept) A Scheme for a Large Network DocID: 308839 309050 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1502 Type: TEXT Headline: John F. Detke (Sept) Host Aliases and Symbolic Links -or- How to Hide the Servers' Real Name DocID: 309050 309284 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1503 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Engquist (Sept) A Database for UNIX Backup DocID: 309284 309450 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1504 Type: TEXT Headline: John L. Furlani (Sept) Modules: Providing a Flexible User Environment DocID: 309450 309650 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1505 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Greely (Sept) A Flexible File System Cleanup Utility DocID: 309650 309840 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1506 Type: TEXT Headline: Bud Howell (Sept) We Have Met the Enemy, an Informal Survey of Policy Practices in the Internetwork DocID: 309840 310115 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1507 Type: TEXT Headline: George M. Jones (Sept) Cloning Customized Hosts(or Customizing Cloned Hosts) DocID: 310115 310345 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1508 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard W. Kint (Sept) SCRAPE(System Configuration, Resource And Process Exception) Monitor DocID: 310345 310594 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1509 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Sept) A New Step in Backup and Restore Technology DocID: 310594 310777 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1510 Type: TEXT Headline: Carla Moruzzi (Sept) Watson Share Scheduler DocID: 310777 310975 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1511 Type: TEXT Headline: Arch Mott (Sept) Link Globally, Act Locally: A Centrally Maintained Database of Symlinks DocID: 310975 311199 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1512 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Polk (Sept) Engineering a Commercial Backup Program DocID: 311199 311392 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1513 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth Rich (Sept) hobgoblin: A File and Directory Auditor DocID: 311392 311601 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1514 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Romig (Sept) Some Useful Changes for Boot RC Files DocID: 311601 311796 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1515 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Sept) Fdist: A Domain Based File Distribution System for Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 311796 312066 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1516 Type: TEXT Headline: John Sellens (Sept) Software Maintenance in a Campus Environment: The Xhier Approach DocID: 312066 312313 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1517 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl Shipley (Sept) Adding Additional Database Features to the Man System DocID: 312313 312557 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1518 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl Shipley (Sept) Monitoring Activity on a Large UNIX Network with Perl and Syslogd DocID: 312557 312830 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1519 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Shumway (Sept) Issues in On-line Backup DocID: 312830 312995 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1520 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Shumway (Sept) A Distributed Operator Interaction System DocID: 312995 313179 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1521 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven C. Simmons (Sept) Redundant Printer Configuration DocID: 313179 313376 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1522 Type: TEXT Headline: John Simonson (Sept) System Resource Accounting on UNIX DocID: 313376 313579 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1523 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Veber (Sept) Configurable User Documentation -or- How I Came to Write a Language with a Fut DocID: 313579 313870 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1524 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward Wang (Sept) Staying Small in a Large Installation: Autonomy and Reliability (And a Cute Hack DocID: 313870 314114 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1525 Type: TEXT Headline: Lisa Y. Weissler (Sept) Backup Without Tapes DocID: 314114 314288 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1526 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sept) Enchancing Your Apparent Psychic Abilities Through Software DocID: 314288 314501 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1527 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sept) Torture-testing Backup and Archive Programs: Things You Ought to Know Bu DocID: 314501 314754 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1528 Type: TEXT Headline: Dominic Dunlop (Sept) Report on OSI POSIX Working Group DocID: 314754 314902 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1529 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Haemer (Sept) Book Review: Open Systems: A Business Strategy for the 1990's DocID: 314902 315071 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1530 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Sept) Report on July IEEE POSIX Meeting DocID: 315071 315232 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1531 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Sept) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 315232 315404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1532 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain Williams (Sept) Report from EurOpen DocID: 315404 315510 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1533 Type: TEXT Headline: Erin H. Herrin (Spri) An ASCII Database for Fast Queries of Relatively Stable Data DocID: 315510 315704 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1534 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Spri) expect: Scripts for Controlling Interactive Processes DocID: 315704 315891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1535 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Waldo (Spri) Controversy: The Case for Multiple Inheritance in C++ DocID: 315891 316052 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1536 Type: TEXT Headline: Bharat Bhargava (Summ) Evolution of a Communication System for Distributed Transaction Processing i DocID: 316052 316316 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1537 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Byrant (Summ) Experience Developing the RP3 Operating System DocID: 316316 316526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1538 Type: TEXT Headline: Partha Dasgupte (Summ) Distributed Programming with Objects and Threads in the Clouds System DocID: 316526 316855 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1539 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc F. Pucci (Summ) Configurable Data Manipulation in an Attached Multiprocessor DocID: 316855 317016 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1540 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent B. Welch (Summ) Measured Performance of Caching in the Sprite Network File System DocID: 317016 317185 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1541 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan Angebranndt (Summ) Integrating Audio and Telephony in a Distributed Workstation Environment DocID: 317185 317471 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1542 Type: TEXT Headline: Walter Bender (Summ) Newspace: Mass Media and Personal Computing DocID: 317471 317737 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1543 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Blaze (Summ) Long-Term Caching Strategies for Very Large Distributed File Systems DocID: 317737 317949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1544 Type: TEXT Headline: Dick C. A. Bulterman (Summ) A Structure for Transportable, Dynamic Multimedia Documents DocID: 317949 318212 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1545 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis-Felipe Cabrera (Summ) Exploiting Multiple I/O Streams to Provide High Data-Rates DocID: 318212 318473 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1546 Type: TEXT Headline: Edward C. Cheng (Summ) An Open and Extensible Event-Based Transaction Manager DocID: 318473 318764 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1547 Type: TEXT Headline: Glorianna Davenport (Summ) The MIT Media Laboratory DocID: 318764 318919 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1548 Type: TEXT Headline: George D. Drapeau (Summ) MAEstro -- A Distributed Multimedia Authoring Environment DocID: 318919 319258 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1549 Type: TEXT Headline: Kazutoshi Fujikawa (Summ) Multimedia Presentation System "Harmony" with Temporal and Active Media DocID: 319258 319533 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1550 Type: TEXT Headline: Matthew Hodges (Summ) Plastic Editors for Multimedia Documents DocID: 319533 319743 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1551 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Hume (Summ) Fast String Searching DocID: 319743 319939 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1552 Type: TEXT Headline: Keishi Kandori (Summ) A Workstation-based Multi-media Environment for Broadcast Television DocID: 319939 320150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1553 Type: TEXT Headline: David G. Korn, (Summ) SFIO: Safe/Fast String/File IO DocID: 320150 320330 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1554 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Lansky (Summ) Musical Dreams and Musical Reality DocID: 320330 320490 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1555 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellen Lary (Summ) DIDDLY: Digital's Integrated Distributed Database LaboratorY DocID: 320490 320716 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1556 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Lindemann (Summ) The Architecture of the IRCAM Musical Workstation DocID: 320716 321037 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1557 Type: TEXT Headline: Sanjay Manandhar (Summ) Activity Server: You can run but you can't hide DocID: 321037 321214 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1558 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian D. Markey (Summ) Emerging Hypermedia Standards - Hypermedia Marketplace Prepares for HyTime a DocID: 321214 321463 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1559 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul G. Milazzo (Summ) Shared Video under UNIX DocID: 321463 321628 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1560 Type: TEXT Headline: Jun Nakajima (Summ) Multimedia/Realtime Extensions for the Mach Operating System DocID: 321628 321894 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1561 Type: TEXT Headline: R. E. Newman-Wolfe (Summ) A Brief Overview of the DCS Distributed Conferencing System DocID: 321894 322169 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1562 Type: TEXT Headline: Jennifer Overholt (Summ) Integrating Real-Time Video with Sun Workstation DocID: 322169 322367 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1563 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas W. Page, Jr. (Summ) Management of Replicated Volume Location Data in the Ficus Replicated Fi DocID: 322367 322690 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1564 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Pasieka (Summ) Distributed Multimedia: How Can the Necessary Data Rates be Supported? DocID: 322690 322978 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1565 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard L. Phillips (Summ) MediaView: An Editable Multimedia Publishing System Developed with an O DocID: 322978 323221 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1566 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) 8-1/2, the Plan 9 Window System DocID: 323221 323442 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1567 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Summ) A Minimalist Global User Interface DocID: 323442 323605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1568 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Venkat Rangan (Summ) A Testbed for Managing Digital Video and Audio Storage DocID: 323605 323988 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1569 Type: TEXT Headline: Dean Rubine (Summ) Integrating Gesture Recognition and Direct Manipulation DocID: 323988 324210 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1570 Type: TEXT Headline: Bernard I. Szabo (Summ) Design Considerations for JPEG Video and Synchronized Audio in a UNIX works DocID: 324210 324443 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1571 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Taunton (Summ) Compressed Executables: An Exercise in Thinking Small DocID: 324443 324627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1572 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Terek (Summ) Experiences with Audio Conferencing Using the X Window System, UNIX and TCP/IP DocID: 324627 324870 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1573 Type: TEXT Headline: Avadis Tevanian (Summ) Software Technology at NeXT Computer DocID: 324870 325088 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1574 Type: TEXT Headline: Matthew Witten (Summ) Neural Orchestration: From Cortical Simulation to Cortical Symphony DocID: 325088 325318 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1575 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Balter (Wint) Architecture and Implementation of Guide, an Object-Oriented Distributed System DocID: 325318 325528 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1576 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Bentley (Wint) A System for Algorithm Animation DocID: 325528 325684 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1577 Type: TEXT Headline: T.A. Cargill (Wint) Controversy: The Case Against Multiple Inheritance in C++ DocID: 325684 325841 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1578 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Bellovin (Wint) Limitations of the Kerberos Authentication System DocID: 325841 326128 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1579 Type: TEXT Headline: L.W. McVoy (Wint) Extent-like Performance from a UNIX file system DocID: 326128 326378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1580 Type: TEXT Headline: John K. Ousterhout (Wint) An X11 Toolkit Based on the Tcl Language DocID: 326378 326635 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1581 Type: TEXT Headline: Nariman Batlivala (Apri) Experience with SVR4 Over Chorus DocID: 326635 326998 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1582 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Bershad (Apri) The Increasing Irrelevance of IPC Performance for Microkernel-Based Operating DocID: 326998 327289 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1583 Type: TEXT Headline: Allen C. Bomberger (Apri) The KeyKOS(R) Nanokernel Architecture DocID: 327289 327595 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1584 Type: TEXT Headline: David Cutler, (Apri) NT DocID: 327595 327801 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1585 Type: TEXT Headline: Randall W. Dean (Apri) Data Movement in Kernelized Systems DocID: 327801 328044 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1586 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Draves (Apri) Mach DocID: 328044 328225 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1587 Type: TEXT Headline: Jochen Liedtke (Apri) Fast Thread Management and Communication Without Continuations DocID: 328225 328498 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1588 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Massalin (Apri) Reimplementing the Synthesis Kernel DocID: 328498 328750 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1589 Type: TEXT Headline: Jun Nakajima (Apri) Multimedia/Realtime Extensions for Mach 3.0 DocID: 328750 329040 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1590 Type: TEXT Headline: Toshio Okamoto (Apri) A Micro Kernel Architecture for Next Generation Processor DocID: 329040 329407 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1591 Type: TEXT Headline: David Presotto (Apri) Plan 9, A Distributed System DocID: 329407 329608 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1592 Type: TEXT Headline: Robbert van Renesse (Apri) Amoeba DocID: 329608 329803 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1593 Type: TEXT Headline: Robbert van Renesse (Apri) Reliable Multicast between Micro-Kernels DocID: 329803 330094 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1594 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc Rozier (Apri) Chorus (Overview of the Chorus Distributed Operating System) DocID: 330094 330332 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1595 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Schuller (Apri) Performance of the BirLix Operating System DocID: 330332 330614 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1596 Type: TEXT Headline: Marc Shapiro (Apri) Distributed Abstractions, Lightweight References DocID: 330614 330838 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1597 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Stumm (Apri) Designing a Scalable Operating System for Shared Memory Multiprocessor DocID: 330838 331152 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1598 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Walpole (Apri) Modularity and Interfaces in Microkernel Design and Implementation: A Case DocID: 331152 331549 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1599 Type: TEXT Headline: Cheryl A. Wiecek (Apri) A Model and Prototype of VMS Using the Mach 3.0 Kernel DocID: 331549 331787 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1600 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Hildebrand (Apri) An Architectural Overview of Alpha: A Real-Time, Distributed Kernel DocID: 331787 332229 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1601 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Blaze (Wint) NFS Tracing by Passive Network Monitoring DocID: 332229 332406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1602 Type: TEXT Headline: Doug Blewett (Wint) X Widget Based Software Tools for UNIX DocID: 332406 332642 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1603 Type: TEXT Headline: Nathaniel S. Borenstein (Wint) Multimedia Mail From the Bottom Up -or- Teaching Dumb Mailers to Sin DocID: 332642 332845 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1604 Type: TEXT Headline: Mitch Bradley (Wint) Open Boot Firmware DocID: 332845 333018 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1605 Type: TEXT Headline: Walt Burkhard (Wint) Storage Efficient Reliable Files DocID: 333018 333226 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1606 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Cheswick (Wint) An Evening with Berferd in Which a Cracker is Lured, Endured, and Studied DocID: 333226 333452 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1607 Type: TEXT Headline: Sailesh Chutani (Wint) The Episode File System DocID: 333452 333713 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1608 Type: TEXT Headline: Murthy Devarakonda (Wint) Issues in Implementation of Cache-Affinity Scheduling DocID: 333713 333943 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1609 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Emtage (Wint) archie - An Electronic Directory Service for the Internet DocID: 333943 334149 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1610 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert M. English (Wint) Loge: A Self-Organizing Disk Controller DocID: 334149 334363 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1611 Type: TEXT Headline: Stanley P. Hanks (Wint) Creating MANs using LAN Technology: Sometimes You Gotta Break the Rules DocID: 334363 334585 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1612 Type: TEXT Headline: Reed Hastings (Wint) Purify: A Tool for Detecting Memory Leaks and Access Errors in C and C++ Progr DocID: 334585 334815 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1613 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph L. Hellerstein (Wint) Control Considerations for CPU Scheduling in UNIX Systems DocID: 334815 335028 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1614 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Honeyman (Wint) Hijacking AFS DocID: 335028 335264 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1615 Type: TEXT Headline: Sharon Hopkins (Wint) Camels and Needles: Computer Poetry Meets the Perl Programming Language DocID: 335264 335472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1616 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan E. Kaplan (Wint) A History of the COSNIX Operating System: Assembly Language UNIX 1970 to July DocID: 335472 335708 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1617 Type: TEXT Headline: Mitch Kapor (Wint) Building the Open Road: The Internet as a Testbed for the National Public Networ DocID: 335708 335931 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1618 Type: TEXT Headline: Sandeep Khanna (Wint) Realtime Scheduling in SunOS 5.0 DocID: 335931 336131 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1619 Type: TEXT Headline: Eduardo Krell (Wint) COLA: Customized Overlaying DocID: 336131 336336 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1620 Type: TEXT Headline: Orran Krieger (Wint) Exploiting the Advantages of Mapped Files for Stream I/O DocID: 336336 336558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1621 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay Littman (Wint) Applying Threads DocID: 336558 336705 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1622 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Litzkow (Wint) Supporting Checkpointing and Process Migration Outside the UNIX Kernel DocID: 336705 336945 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1623 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Muntz (Wint) Multi-level Caching in Distributed File Systems -or- your cache ain't nuthin' but t DocID: 336945 337233 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1624 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt W. Mutka (Wint) The OpenSim Approach - Tools for Management and Analysis of Simulation Jobs DocID: 337233 337487 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1625 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Nelson (Wint) How and Why SCSI is Better Than IPI for NFS DocID: 337487 337678 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1626 Type: TEXT Headline: William D. Roome (Wint) 3DFS: A Time-Oriented File Server DocID: 337678 337867 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1627 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Rosenthal (Wint) Process Control and Communication in Distributed CAD Environments DocID: 337867 338138 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1628 Type: TEXT Headline: Robin Schaufler (Wint) Realtime Workstation Performance for MIDI DocID: 338138 338321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1629 Type: TEXT Headline: Margo Seltzer (Wint) LIBTP: Portable, Modular Transactions for UNIX DocID: 338321 338533 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1630 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Shaver (Wint) An Implementation of Large Files for BSD UNIX DocID: 338533 338748 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1631 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Shirriff (Wint) A Trace-Driven Analysis of Name and Attribute Caching in a Distributed System DocID: 338748 338998 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1632 Type: TEXT Headline: Dale Skeen (Wint) An Information Bus Architecture for Large-Scale, Decision-Support Environments DocID: 338998 339224 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1633 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Spencer (Wint) Faster String Functions DocID: 339224 339386 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1634 Type: TEXT Headline: Bernard Wagner (Wint) Application Software: Project Management and Privileges DocID: 339386 339627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1635 Type: TEXT Headline: Sun Wu (Wint) agrep - A Fast Approximate Pattern-Matching Tool DocID: 339627 339829 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1636 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Janu) Book Review: 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated DocID: 339829 339977 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1637 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Janu) Book Review: Illustrating Computer Documentation: The Art of Presenting Informat DocID: 339977 340198 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1638 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Janu) Report from EurOpen DocID: 340198 340341 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1639 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Janu) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 340341 340509 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1640 Type: TEXT Headline: David P. Anderson (Summ) The Continuous Media File System (Real-Time Disk Storage and Retrieval of DocID: 340509 340818 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1641 Type: TEXT Headline: Mary Baker (Summ) The Recovery Box: Using Fast Recovery to Provide High Availability in the UNIX En DocID: 340818 341070 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1642 Type: TEXT Headline: Ramesh Balan (Summ) A Scalable Implementation of Virtual Memory HAT Layer for Shared Memory Multipr DocID: 341070 341310 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1643 Type: TEXT Headline: Anupam Bhide (Summ) A Highly Available Lock Manager For HA-NFS DocID: 341310 341530 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1644 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Brachman (Summ) TDBM: A DBM Library With Atomic Transactions DocID: 341530 341737 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1645 Type: TEXT Headline: Nancy Crowther (Summ) TCP/IP and OSI Interoperability with the X Window System DocID: 341737 341957 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1646 Type: TEXT Headline: J.R. Eykholt (Summ) Beyond Multiprocessing: Multithreading the System V Release 4 Kernel DocID: 341957 342277 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1647 Type: TEXT Headline: James W. Franklin (Summ) Tiled Virtual Memory for UNIX DocID: 342277 342458 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1648 Type: TEXT Headline: F. Hemmer (Summ) Mainframe Services from Gigabit-Networked Workstations DocID: 342458 342696 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1649 Type: TEXT Headline: William Moran Jr. (Summ) Cheap Mutual Exclusion DocID: 342696 342922 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1650 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Libes (Summ) Regression Testing and Conformance Testing Interactive Programs DocID: 342922 343101 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1651 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Brook Long (Summ) VNS Retriever: Querying MEDLINE over the Internet (Developing a Network Ver DocID: 343101 343371 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1652 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Maybee (Summ) NED: The Network Extensible Debugger DocID: 343371 343545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1653 Type: TEXT Headline: Doug Moen (Summ) A Discipline of Error Handling DocID: 343545 343715 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1654 Type: TEXT Headline: Rita Pascale (Summ) Virtual Window Systems: A New Approach to Supporting Concurrent Heterogeneous W DocID: 343715 343963 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1655 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Kent Peacock (Summ) File System Multithreading in System V Release 4 MP DocID: 343963 344161 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1656 Type: TEXT Headline: Thuan Q. Pham (Summ) On Migrating a Distributed Application to a Multithreaded Environment DocID: 344161 344390 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1657 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Salemi (Summ) A Privilege Mechanism for System V Release 4 Operating Systems DocID: 344390 344631 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1658 Type: TEXT Headline: Rich Salz (Summ) InterNetNews: Usenet Transport for Internet Sites DocID: 344631 344818 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1659 Type: TEXT Headline: James da Silva (Summ) Performance of a Parallel Network Backup Manager DocID: 344818 345043 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1660 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven R. Snapp (Summ) The DIDS (Distributed Intrusion Detection System) Prototype DocID: 345043 345285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1661 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Spencer (Summ) #ifdef Considered Harmful or Portability Experience With C News DocID: 345285 345539 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1662 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Stein (Summ) Implementing Lightweight Threads DocID: 345539 345702 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1663 Type: TEXT Headline: David Tilbrook (Summ) Large Scale Porting through Parameterization DocID: 345702 345920 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1664 Type: TEXT Headline: Kiem-Phong Vo (Summ) Incl: A Tool to Analyze Include Files DocID: 345920 346112 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1665 Type: TEXT Headline: (Marc) System Support for High Performance Multiprocessing DocID: 346112 346413 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1666 Type: TEXT Headline: Vadim Abrosimov (Marc) A Distributed Consistency Server for the CHORUS System DocID: 346413 346703 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1667 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Ananthanarayanan (Marc) Application Specific Coherence Control for High Performance Distributed DocID: 346703 347048 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1668 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Capobianchi (Marc) Lessons from Implementing Active Objects on a Parallel Machine DocID: 347048 347355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1669 Type: TEXT Headline: Raymond C. Chen (Marc) Integrating Consistency Control and Distributed Shared Memory: The Travails DocID: 347355 347770 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1670 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Cohn (Marc) A Universal Distributed Programming Paradigm for Multiple Operating Systems DocID: 347770 348150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1671 Type: TEXT Headline: Nigel Davies (Marc) Experiences of Handling Multimedia in Distributed Open Systems DocID: 348150 348526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1672 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas G. Dennehy (Marc) Class Libraries as an Alternative to Language Extensions for Distributed P DocID: 348526 348820 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1673 Type: TEXT Headline: Dror G. Feitelson (Marc) Issues in Run-Time Support for Tightly-Coupled Parallel Processing DocID: 348820 349227 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1674 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert J. Fowler (Marc) Supporting User-Level Exception Handling on a Multiprocessor Micro-Kernel: DocID: 349227 349587 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1675 Type: TEXT Headline: David Y. Hollinden (Marc) Experiences Implementing the Mintabs System on a MasPar MP-1 DocID: 349587 349938 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1676 Type: TEXT Headline: Nayeem Islam (Marc) Design Considerations for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Message Systems DocID: 349938 350271 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1677 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Frans Kaashoek (Marc) Transparent Fault-Tolerance in Parallel Orca Programs DocID: 350271 350598 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1678 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Nicol (Marc) Experiences with Accommodating Heterogeneity in a Large Scale Telecommunicatio DocID: 350598 350962 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1679 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Kent Peacock (Marc) Experiences from Multithreading System V Release 4 DocID: 350962 351273 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1680 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter L. Reiher (Marc) Experiences with Optimistic Synchronization for Distributed Operating System DocID: 351273 351582 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1681 Type: TEXT Headline: H. Zhou and K. Schwan, (Marc) Dynamic Synchronization of Real-Time Threads for Multiprocessor Syste DocID: 351582 351908 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1682 Type: TEXT Headline: Frederick Wieland (Marc) Experience in Parallel Performance Measurement: The Speedup Bias DocID: 351908 352281 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1683 Type: TEXT Headline: Lisa A. Bloch (Marc) WIP Summaries DocID: 352281 352377 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1684 Type: TEXT Headline: Linda Branagan (Marc) Book Review: GNU Emacs DocID: 352377 352511 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1685 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Chapman (Marc) Building and Managing the Interop '91 Shownet DocID: 352511 352663 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1686 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. Clark (Marc) Automation in thr 20th Century DocID: 352663 352776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1687 Type: TEXT Headline: George Neville-Neil (Marc) Book Review: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX OS Answer DocID: 352776 352979 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1688 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas L. Pintar (Marc) Practice and Experience: Voices and FAXes and UNIX (Oh, my!) DocID: 352979 353152 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1689 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Marc) The Bookworm DocID: 353152 353263 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1690 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Waldon (Marc) Book Review: Inside Small Talk: Vols I and II DocID: 353263 353424 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1691 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Marc) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activity DocID: 353424 353590 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1692 Type: TEXT Headline: T. Stiemerling, T. Wilkin (Marc) Implementing DVSM on the TOPSY Multicomputer DocID: 353590 353865 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1693 Type: TEXT Headline: Vincent Cate (May ) Alex - A Global Filesystem DocID: 353865 354044 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1694 Type: TEXT Headline: Sedat Akyurek (May ) Placing Replicated Data to Reduce Seek Delays DocID: 354044 354259 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1695 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Blaze (May ) Issues in Massive Scale Distributed File Systems DocID: 354259 354513 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1696 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Carson (May ) Optimal Write Batch Size in Log-Structured File Systems DocID: 354513 354735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1697 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill Collins (May ) The Los-Alamos High-Performance Data System DocID: 354735 355082 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1698 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul R. Eggert (May ) An Intensional File System DocID: 355082 355314 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1699 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert M. English (May ) A Case for Intelligent Storage Devices DocID: 355314 355515 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1700 Type: TEXT Headline: John H. Hartman (May ) Zebra: A Striped Network File System DocID: 355515 355739 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1701 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce K. Hillyer (May ) Issues in BBFS, a Broadband Filesystem DocID: 355739 355956 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1702 Type: TEXT Headline: David Kotz (May ) Multiprocessor File System Interfaces DocID: 355956 356138 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1703 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael McClennan (May ) Introducing Multi-structured File Naming into UNIX DocID: 356138 356364 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1704 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey C. Mogul (May ) A Recovery Protocol for Spritely NFS DocID: 356364 356540 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1705 Type: TEXT Headline: Ashok V. Nadkami (May ) The "processor" File System in UNIX SVR4.2 DocID: 356540 356740 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1706 Type: TEXT Headline: B. Clifford Neuman (May ) The Prospero File System DocID: 356740 356934 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1707 Type: TEXT Headline: Cyril U. Orji (May ) The Delta File System DocID: 356934 357141 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1708 Type: TEXT Headline: Noemi Paciorek (May ) An Object Oriented, File System Independent, Distributed File Server DocID: 357141 357424 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1709 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Robertson (May ) Using SCSI to Control Almost Anything DocID: 357424 357618 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1710 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl Staelin (May ) The Coconut file system - Utilizing Tape-based Robotic Storage DocID: 357618 357907 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1711 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Stolarchuk (May ) Faster AFS: A Stacked Vnode Implementation DocID: 357907 358155 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1712 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl D. Tait (May ) An Efficient, Variable-Consistency, Replicated File Service DocID: 358155 358378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1713 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Welch (May ) A Comparison of the Vnode and Sprite File System Architectures DocID: 358378 358577 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1714 Type: TEXT Headline: John Wilkes (May ) DataMesh Research Project, Phase 1 DocID: 358577 358794 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1715 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert D. Carlitz (May/) Reflections DocID: 358794 358890 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1716 Type: TEXT Headline: Barbara J. Dyker (May/) Trip Report on NeXTWORLD DocID: 358890 359019 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1717 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Haemer (May/) Can UNIX Designers Learn Anything from PCs? DocID: 359019 359140 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1718 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Kellem (May/) What's Out There DocID: 359140 359247 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1719 Type: TEXT Headline: George Leach (May/) Book Review: Practical UNIX Security DocID: 359247 359359 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1720 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (May/) The Bookworm DocID: 359359 359467 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1721 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Smallwood (May/) BSDI BOF Report DocID: 359467 359581 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1722 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (May/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 359581 359746 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1723 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain Williams (May/) Report from EurOpen DocID: 359746 359843 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1724 Type: TEXT Headline: Judith E. Grass (Wint) Object-Oriented Design Archaeology with CIA++ DocID: 359843 360002 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1725 Type: TEXT Headline: Markku Sakkinen (Wint) A Critique of the Inheritance Principles of C++ DocID: 360002 360175 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1726 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel R. Edelson (Augu) Smart Pointers: They're Smart, But They're Not Pointers DocID: 360175 360371 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1727 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin D. Carroll (Augu) Not a Language Extension DocID: 360371 360535 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1728 Type: TEXT Headline: David Detlefs (Augu) Garbage Collection and Run-Time Typing as a C++ Library DocID: 360535 360733 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1729 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Linton (Augu) Encapsulating a C++ Library DocID: 360733 360894 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1730 Type: TEXT Headline: Walter R. Bischofberger (Augu) Sniff: A Pragmatic Approach to a C++ Programming Environment DocID: 360894 361102 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1731 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert B. Murray (Augu) A Statically Typed Abstract Representation for C++ Programs DocID: 361102 361291 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1732 Type: TEXT Headline: Carolyn K. Duby (Augu) CCEL: A Metalanguage for C++ DocID: 361291 361486 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1733 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Augu) Space-Efficient Trees in C++ DocID: 361486 361651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1734 Type: TEXT Headline: K. G. Budge (Augu) High-Performance Scientific Computing Using C++ DocID: 361651 361872 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1735 Type: TEXT Headline: Abdullah Alashqur (Augu) O-R Gateway: A System for Connecting C++ Application Programs and Relation DocID: 361872 362112 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1736 Type: TEXT Headline: John F. Reiser (Augu) Static Initializers: Reducing the Value Added Tax on Programs DocID: 362112 362310 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1737 Type: TEXT Headline: Judith E. Grass (Augu) Cdiff: A Syntax Directed Diff for C++ Programs DocID: 362310 362495 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1738 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew J. Palay (Augu) C++ in a Changing Environment DocID: 362495 362674 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1739 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter A. Buhr (Augu) Adding Concurrency to a Programming Language DocID: 362674 362874 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1740 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Cameron (Augu) A Portable Implementation of C++ Exception Handling DocID: 362874 363131 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1741 Type: TEXT Headline: Philippe Gautron (Augu) An Assertion Mechanism Based on Exceptions DocID: 363131 363320 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1742 Type: TEXT Headline: Afshin Daghi (Augu) A Communication Facility for Distributed Object-Oriented Applications DocID: 363320 363561 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1743 Type: TEXT Headline: Paulo Guedes (Augu) Writing a Client-Server Application in C++ DocID: 363561 363741 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1744 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert E. Minnear (Augu) Integrating the Sun Microsystems XDR/RPC Protocols into the C++ Stream Mod DocID: 363741 363999 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1745 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (Augu) Run Time Type Identification for C++ DocID: 363999 364212 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1746 Type: TEXT Headline: Doug Lea (Augu) Run Time Type Information and Class Design DocID: 364212 364399 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1747 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Bellovin (Sept) There Be Dragons DocID: 364399 364557 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1748 Type: TEXT Headline: Joergen Bo Madsen (Sept) The Greatest Cracker-Case in Denmark: The Detecting, Tracing, and DocID: 364557 364840 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1749 Type: TEXT Headline: Alessandro Berni (Sept) Experiences of Internet Security in Italy DocID: 364840 365053 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1750 Type: TEXT Headline: Herve Schauer (Sept) An Internet Gatekeeper DocID: 365053 365242 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1751 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Brent Chapman (Sept) Network (In)Security Through IP Packet Filtering DocID: 365242 365434 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1752 Type: TEXT Headline: David Koblas (Sept) SOCKS DocID: 365434 365633 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1753 Type: TEXT Headline: Wietse Venema (Sept) TCP WRAPPER: Network Monitoring, Access Control and Booby Traps DocID: 365633 365849 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1754 Type: TEXT Headline: William LeFebvre (Sept) Restricting Network Access to System Daemons Under SunOS DocID: 365849 366050 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1755 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen E. Hansen (Sept) Centralized System Monitoring with Swatch DocID: 366050 366252 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1756 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Galvin (Sept) Security Aspects of a UNIX PEM Implementation DocID: 366252 366473 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1757 Type: TEXT Headline: John F. Haugh, II (Sept) Introduction to the Shadow Password Suite DocID: 366473 366665 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1758 Type: TEXT Headline: Shabbir J. Safdar (Sept) Giving Customers the Tools to Protect Themselves DocID: 366665 366854 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1759 Type: TEXT Headline: Linda Baillie (Sept) ESSENSE: A Knowledge-Based Security Monitoring and Control DocID: 366854 367119 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1760 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Sept) Anatomy of a Proactive Password Changer DocID: 367119 367293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1761 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Sept) Audit: A Policy Driven Security Checker for a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 367293 367501 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1762 Type: TEXT Headline: Darrell Suggs (Sept) Secure Superuser Access Via the Internet DocID: 367501 367679 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1763 Type: TEXT Headline: Allan Heydon (Sept) Specifying and Checking UNIX Security Constraints DocID: 367679 367918 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1764 Type: TEXT Headline: J. David Thompson (Sept) A Secure Public Network Access Mechanism DocID: 367918 368155 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1765 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Davis (Sept) Network Security Via Private-Key Certificates DocID: 368155 368378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1766 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeremy Epstein (Sept) Is There a C2 UNIX System in the House? DocID: 368378 368558 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1767 Type: TEXT Headline: Rena A. Haynes (Sept) Software Security for a Network Storage Service DocID: 368558 368774 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1768 Type: TEXT Headline: John N. Stewart (Sept) SunOS, C2 and Kerberos - A Comparative Review DocID: 368774 368960 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1769 Type: TEXT Headline: Bart De Decker (Sept) Heterogeneous Intra-Domain Authentication DocID: 368960 369176 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1770 Type: TEXT Headline: Eugene Spafford (Sept) Observations on Reusable Password Choices DocID: 369176 369356 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1771 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Abrams (Sept) Reconciling a Formal Model and a Prototype Implementation: Lessons Learned DocID: 369356 369662 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1772 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruno d'Ausbourg (Sept) UNIX Operating Services on a Multilevel Secure Machine DocID: 369662 369856 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1773 Type: TEXT Headline: Charisse Castagnoli (Sept) Distributed Trusted UNIX Systems DocID: 369856 370042 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1774 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (July) The Bookworm DocID: 370042 370153 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1775 Type: TEXT Headline: Billy Barton (July) Zen and the Art of Internet DocID: 370153 370259 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1776 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (July) Simmons' Laws of System Administration DocID: 370259 370380 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1777 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (July) SAGE Book Reviews: Keeping the Link, Telecommunication Wiring DocID: 370380 370521 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1778 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (July) Name Frequency on Usenet DocID: 370521 370652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1779 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (July) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 370652 370835 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1780 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (July) ISO Monitor Report DocID: 370835 370990 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1781 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter S. Langston (July) Report on 1992 Workshop on Micro-Kernels and Other Kernel Architectures DocID: 370990 371146 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1782 Type: TEXT Headline: David N. Williams (July) 1992 USENIX Summer Conference Works-in-Progress Report DocID: 371146 371569 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1783 Type: TEXT Headline: Rich Salz (July) 1992 USENIX Summer Conference BOF Report DocID: 371569 371716 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1784 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Anderson (Octo) Effective Use of Local Workstation Disks in an NFS Network DocID: 371716 371928 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1785 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl L. Swartz (Octo) Optimal Routing of IP Packets to Multi-Homed Servers DocID: 371928 372147 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1786 Type: TEXT Headline: Andy Watson (Octo) LADDIS: A Multi-Vendor and Vendor-Neutral SPEC NFS Benchmark DocID: 372147 372383 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1787 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal L. Stern (Octo) NFS Performance And Network Loading DocID: 372383 372604 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1788 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Van Epp (Octo) Dropping the Mainframe Without Crushing the Users: Mainframe to Distributed UN DocID: 372604 372870 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1789 Type: TEXT Headline: Peg Schafer (Octo) Is Centralized System Administration the Answer? DocID: 372870 373052 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1790 Type: TEXT Headline: Carol Kubicki (Octo) Customer Satisfaction Metrics and Measurement DocID: 373052 373268 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1791 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Sharp (Octo) Request: A Tool for Training New Sys Admins and Managing Old Ones DocID: 373268 373506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1792 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Octo) Typecast: Beyond Cloned Hosts DocID: 373506 373692 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1793 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison (Octo) So Many Workstations, So Little Time DocID: 373692 373883 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1794 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Rosenstein (Octo) Mkserv - Workstation Customization and Privatization DocID: 373883 374109 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1795 Type: TEXT Headline: Dieter Pukatzki (Octo) AUTOLOAD: The Network Management System DocID: 374109 374361 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1796 Type: TEXT Headline: Jarkko Hietaniemi (Octo) ipasswd - Proactive Password Security DocID: 374361 374570 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1797 Type: TEXT Headline: Melissa Metz (Octo) DeeJay - The Dump Jockey: A Heterogeneous Network Backup System DocID: 374570 374829 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1798 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan Beecher (Octo) Dealing with Lame Delegations DocID: 374829 375015 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1799 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Brent Chapman (Octo) Majordomo: How I Manage 17 Mailing Lists Without Answering "-request" Mail DocID: 375015 375250 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1800 Type: TEXT Headline: Philippe Coq (Octo) SysView: A User-friendly Environment for Administration of Distributed UNIX Sy DocID: 375250 375499 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1801 Type: TEXT Headline: Wallace Colyer (Octo) Depot: A Tool for Managing Software Environments DocID: 375499 375724 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1802 Type: TEXT Headline: Ram R. Vangala (Octo) Software Distribution and Management in a Networked Environment DocID: 375724 375984 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1803 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Okamoto (Octo) ``Nightly'': How to Handle Multiple Scripts on Multiple Machines with One Conf DocID: 375984 376226 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1804 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael A. Cooper (Octo) Overhauling Rdist for the '90s DocID: 376226 376429 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1805 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Fletcher (Octo) doit: A Network Software Management Tool DocID: 376429 376622 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1806 Type: TEXT Headline: David Koblas (Octo) PITS: A Request Management System DocID: 376622 376854 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1807 Type: TEXT Headline: Darren R. Hardy (Octo) buzzerd: Automated Systems Monitoring with Notification in a Network Environ DocID: 376854 377120 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1808 Type: TEXT Headline: Peg Schafer (Octo) bbn-public - Contributions from the User Community DocID: 377120 377306 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1809 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Elling (Octo) user-setup: A System for Custom Configuration of User Environments, or Helpin DocID: 377306 377575 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1810 Type: TEXT Headline: Brad Morrison (Octo) Tcl and Tk: Tools for the System Administrator DocID: 377575 377788 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1811 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Lehman (Octo) Concurrent Network Management with a Distributed Management Tool DocID: 377788 378042 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1812 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Fletcher (Octo) nlp: A Network Printing Tool DocID: 378042 378224 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1813 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. North (Wint) Dictionary and Graph Libraries DocID: 378224 378415 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1814 Type: TEXT Headline: W. E. Garrett (Wint) Linking Shared Segments DocID: 378415 378696 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1815 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Mueller (Wint) A Library Implementation of POSIX Threads under UNIX DocID: 378696 378892 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1816 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Wint) Hello World DocID: 378892 379056 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1817 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Haahr (Wint) Es: A shell with higher-order functions DocID: 379056 379290 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1818 Type: TEXT Headline: James S. Plank (Wint) Jgraph - A Filter for Plotting Graphs in PostScript DocID: 379290 379482 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1819 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael T. Stolarchuk (Wint) Faster AFS DocID: 379482 379642 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1820 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald G. Minnich (Wint) The AutoCacher: A File Cache Which Operates at the NFS Level DocID: 379642 379856 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1821 Type: TEXT Headline: Sunil Saxena (Wint) Pitfalls in Multithreading SVR4 STREAMS and Other Weightless Processes DocID: 379856 380142 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1822 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Sterling (Wint) WARLOCK - A Static Data Race Analysis Tool DocID: 380142 380322 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1823 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Golan (Wint) DUEL - A Very High-Level Debugging Language DocID: 380322 380526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1824 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Peak (Wint) The San Diego ``Zoo'': A multicomputer stress test suite DocID: 380526 380740 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1825 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen A. Uhler (Wint) PhoneStation, Moving the Telephone onto the Virtual Desktop DocID: 380740 380932 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1826 Type: TEXT Headline: Vern Paxson (Wint) Glish: A User-Level Software Bus for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems DocID: 380932 381171 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1827 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruno d'Ausbourg (Wint) UNIX Services for Multilevel Storage and Communications Over a Secure LAN DocID: 381171 381397 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1828 Type: TEXT Headline: Joel McCormack (Wint) Sketch Of The Smart Frame Buffer DocID: 381397 381597 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1829 Type: TEXT Headline: Gustaf Neumann (Wint) Wafe - An X Toolkit Based Frontend for Application Programs in Various Progra DocID: 381597 381855 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1830 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl Schmidtmann (Wint) Design and Implementation of a Multi-Threaded Xlib DocID: 381855 382158 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1831 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael A. Olson (Wint) The Design and Implementation of the Inversion File System DocID: 382158 382377 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1832 Type: TEXT Headline: Neil Webber (Wint) Operating System Support for Portable Filesystem Extensions DocID: 382377 382575 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1833 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul R. Eggert (Wint) File Systems in User Space DocID: 382575 382788 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1834 Type: TEXT Headline: Hyuck Yoo (Wint) UNIX Kernel Support for OLTP Performance DocID: 382788 382982 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1835 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Kay (Wint) Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of UDP/IP Throughput for the DECstation DocID: 382982 383241 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1836 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven McCanne (Wint) The BSD Packet Filter: A New Architecture for User-level Packet Capture DocID: 383241 383480 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1837 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Presotto (Wint) The Organization of Networks in Plan 9 DocID: 383480 383684 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1838 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard Alt (Wint) Removable Media in Solaris DocID: 383684 383842 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1839 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher J. Calabrese (Wint) An Advanced Tape Cataloging System for UNIX Systems DocID: 383842 384048 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1840 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul E. McKenney (Wint) Efficient Kernel Memory Allocation on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor DocID: 384048 384287 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1841 Type: TEXT Headline: Margo Seltzer (Wint) An Implementation of a Log-Structured File System for UNIX DocID: 384287 384651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1842 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Fall (Wint) Exploiting In-Kernel Data Paths to Improve I/O Throughput and CPU Availability DocID: 384651 384903 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1843 Type: TEXT Headline: David C. M. Wood (Wint) Fremont: A System for Discovering Network Characteristics and Problems DocID: 384903 385163 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1844 Type: TEXT Headline: C. Mic Bowman (Wint) The Enterprise Distributed White-pages Service DocID: 385163 385370 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1845 Type: TEXT Headline: Darren R. Hardy (Wint) Essence: A Resource Discovery System Based on Semantic File Indexing DocID: 385370 385616 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1846 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew McRae (Wint) Hardware Profiling of Kernels DocID: 385616 385783 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1847 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven McCanne (Wint) A Randomized Sampling Clock for CPU Utilization Estimation and Code Profiling DocID: 385783 386026 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1848 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel R. Edelson (Wint) Fault Interpretation: Fine-Grain Monitoring of Page Accesses DocID: 386026 386230 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1849 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Ruemmler (Wint) UNIX Disk Access Patterns DocID: 386230 386414 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1850 Type: TEXT Headline: Ethan L. Miller (Wint) An Analysis of File Migration in a UNIX Supercomputing Environment DocID: 386414 386655 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1851 Type: TEXT Headline: John T. Kohl (Wint) HighLight: Using a Log-structured File System for Tertiary Storage Management DocID: 386655 387030 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1852 Type: TEXT Headline: Roman Zajcew (Wint) An OSF/1 UNIX for Massively Parallel Multicomputers DocID: 387030 387431 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1853 Type: TEXT Headline: Yousef A. Khalidi (Wint) An Implementation of UNIX on an Object-oriented Operating System DocID: 387431 387677 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1854 Type: TEXT Headline: Wayne A. Christopher (Wint) The Nachos Instructional Operating System DocID: 387677 387926 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1855 Type: TEXT Headline: John Ioannidis (Wint) The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Internetworking Architecture DocID: 387926 388164 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1856 Type: TEXT Headline: Hiromi Wada (Wint) Mobile Computing Environment Based on Internet Packet Forwarding DocID: 388164 388444 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1857 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Wint) The Compression Cache: Using On-line Compression to Extend Physical Memory DocID: 388444 388683 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1858 Type: TEXT Headline: Tatsuo Nakajima (Apri) Experiments with Real-Time Servers in Real-Time Mach DocID: 388683 388904 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1859 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul J. Roy (Apri) UNIX File Access and Caching in a Multicomputer Environment DocID: 388904 389089 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1860 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay Lepreau (Apri) In-Kernel Servers on Mach 3.0: Implementation and Performance DocID: 389089 389329 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1861 Type: TEXT Headline: Simon Patience (Apri) Redirecting System Calls in Mach 3.0, An alternative to the Emulator DocID: 389329 389526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1862 Type: TEXT Headline: Hilarie Orman (Apri) A Fast and General Implementation of Mach IPC in a Network DocID: 389526 389785 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1863 Type: TEXT Headline: Kenneth W. Koontz (Apri) Port Buffers: A Mach IPC Optimization for Handling Large Volumes of Small DocID: 389785 390000 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1864 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Ginsberg (Apri) Using the Mach Communication Primitives in X11 DocID: 390000 390220 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1865 Type: TEXT Headline: Stefan Savage (Apri) Real Time - Mach Timers: Exporting Time to the User DocID: 390220 390422 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1866 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Barton-Davis (Apri) Adding Scheduler Activations to Mach 3.0 DocID: 390422 390647 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1867 Type: TEXT Headline: Randall W. Dean (Apri) Using Continuations to Build a User-Level Threads Library DocID: 390647 390838 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1868 Type: TEXT Headline: Freeman L. Rawson III (Apri) An Architecture for Device Drivers Executing as User-Level Tasks DocID: 390838 391019 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1869 Type: TEXT Headline: David Golub (Apri) MVM - An Environment for Running Multiple DOS, Windows and DPMI Programs on the DocID: 391019 391293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1870 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Phelan (Apri) An OS/2 Personality on Mach DocID: 391293 391465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1871 Type: TEXT Headline: Inshik Song (Apri) Page Prefetching Based on Fault History DocID: 391465 391654 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1872 Type: TEXT Headline: Kien-Mien Chew (Apri) Kernel Support for Recoverable-Persistent Virtual Memory DocID: 391654 391990 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1873 Type: TEXT Headline: Philippe Bernadat (Apri) Real Memory Mach DocID: 391990 392155 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1874 Type: TEXT Headline: Miguel Castro (Apri) MIKE: A Distributed object-oriented programming platform on top of the Mach mi DocID: 392155 392411 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1875 Type: TEXT Headline: Dejan Milojicic (Apri) Task Migration on the top of the Mach Microkernel DocID: 392411 392654 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1876 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Swanson (Apri) The Design of the Schizophrenic Workstation System DocID: 392654 392884 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1877 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Kupfer (Apri) Sprite on Mach DocID: 392884 393044 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1878 Type: TEXT Headline: Drew Perkins (Sept) 1992 File Systems Workshop Report DocID: 393044 393158 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1879 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Smallwood (Sept) SAGE Views: Whither The Customer? DocID: 393158 393276 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1880 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Sept) SAGE Views: Counterpoint DocID: 393276 393378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1881 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (Sept) SAGE Book Review: Managing NFS and NIS DocID: 393378 393496 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1882 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan McDonald (Sept) SAGE Report on: World Conference on System Administration & Security DocID: 393496 393645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1883 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Kellum (Sept) What's Out There? 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Waggoner (Nov/) 1992 C++ Conference Report DocID: 394679 394789 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1893 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (Nov/) SAGE Report: 1992 LISA VI Conference DocID: 394789 394959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1894 Type: TEXT Headline: Wendy Nather (Nov/) SAGE Views: Whither the Customer, Part Two DocID: 394959 395096 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1895 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Nov/) SAGE Views: The Customer Isn't Always Right; the Customer Isn't Always Even DocID: 395096 395282 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1896 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Moriarty (Nov/) SAGE Views: What one quality do you value most in a System Administrator? DocID: 395282 395454 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1897 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Nov/) SAGE Book Reviews: UNIX for Super-Users DocID: 395454 395594 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1898 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Farmer (Nov/) SAGE Book Reviews: Practical UNIX Security DocID: 395594 395716 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1899 Type: TEXT Headline: Various (Nov/) SAGE Working Groups DocID: 395716 395811 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1900 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Bishop (Nov/) Privacy Enhanced Electronic Mail DocID: 395811 395924 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1901 Type: TEXT Headline: Geoff Collyer (Nov/) A Comment on Open Systems DocID: 395924 396028 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1902 Type: TEXT Headline: Rich Salz (Nov/) A Perspective on pathalias DocID: 396028 396132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1903 Type: TEXT Headline: Karen Shannon (Nov/) Nostalgia: the USENET Map DocID: 396132 396239 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1904 Type: TEXT Headline: George V. Neville-Neill (Nov/) Distributed Multi-Media: The Bandwidth Bandit DocID: 396239 396406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1905 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Vixie (Nov/) Modula-3 DocID: 396406 396493 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1906 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Nov/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 396493 396621 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1907 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Nov/) The Bookworm DocID: 396621 396713 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1908 Type: TEXT Headline: Billy Barton (Nov/) Book Review: Crossing the Internet Threshold DocID: 396713 396835 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1909 Type: TEXT Headline: Billy Barton (Nov/) Book Review: The Internet Companion DocID: 396835 396949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1910 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. Johnson (Nov/) President's Letter DocID: 396949 397050 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1911 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. Johnson (Jan/) President's Letter: Some of Your Best Friends are Marketeers... 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Johnson (Mar/) President's Letter: State of the Year DocID: 398909 399031 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1926 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Mar/) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 399031 399149 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1927 Type: TEXT Headline: John J. Wallace (Mar/) Winter 1993 Conference Reports DocID: 399149 399297 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1928 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Anderson (Mar/) Report from LISA '92 DocID: 399297 399454 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1929 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Christiansen (Mar/) SANS II & LISA - What's the Difference? 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Stella Atkins (Spri) Experiences: Overcoming Data Transfer Bottlenecks across SUN-Transputer Int DocID: 401564 401806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1946 Type: TEXT Headline: Luis-Filipe Cabrera (Summ) Fine-Grained Access Control in a Transactional Object-Oriented System DocID: 401806 402042 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1947 Type: TEXT Headline: Roy H. Campbell (Summ) Choices, Frameworks and Refinement DocID: 402042 402245 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1948 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Mock (Summ) Implementing Atomic Objects with the RelaX Transaction Facility DocID: 402245 402459 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1949 Type: TEXT Headline: John Rosenberg (Summ) Architectural and Operating System Support for Othogonal Persistence DocID: 402459 402652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1950 Type: TEXT Headline: Francis Vaughan (Summ) Casper: a Cached Architecture Supporting Persistence DocID: 402652 402901 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1951 Type: TEXT Headline: Markku Sakkinen (Summ) Corrigendum to "A Critique of the Inheritance Principles of C++" DocID: 402901 403092 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1952 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard A. Golding (Fall) A Weak-Consistency Architecture for Distributed Information Systems DocID: 403092 403291 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1953 Type: TEXT Headline: B. Clifford Neuman (Fall) The Prospero File System: A Global File System Based on the Virtual Syste DocID: 403291 403532 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1954 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter B. Danzig (Fall) Distributed Indexing of Autonomous Internet Services DocID: 403532 403743 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1955 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael F. Schwartz (Fall) A Comparison of Internet Resource Discovery Approaches DocID: 403743 404081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1956 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter M. McIlroy (Wint) Engineering Radix Sort DocID: 404081 404288 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1957 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Wint) United We Fall, or Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg DocID: 404288 404459 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1958 Type: TEXT Headline: (Wint) Index to Volumes 1-5 DocID: 404459 404555 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1959 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert J. Hall (Summ) Call Path Profiling of Monotonic Program Resources in UNIX DocID: 404555 404759 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1960 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Hoogenboom (Summ) Computer System Performance Problem Detection Using Time Series Models DocID: 404759 404976 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1961 Type: TEXT Headline: Janche Sang (Summ) Design and Implementation of a Simulation Library Using Lightweight Processes DocID: 404976 405213 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1962 Type: TEXT Headline: Joe Moran (Summ) The Restore-o-Mounter: The File Motel Revisited DocID: 405213 405406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1963 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Callaghan (Summ) The Autofs Automounter DocID: 405406 405572 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1964 Type: TEXT Headline: Erez Zadok (Summ) Discovery and Hot Replacement of Replicated Read-Only File Systems, DocID: 405572 405847 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1965 Type: TEXT Headline: G. Winfield Treese (Summ) X Through the Firewall, and Other Application Relays DocID: 405847 406151 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1966 Type: TEXT Headline: Howard P. Katseff (Summ) The Ferret Document Browser DocID: 406151 406337 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1967 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce E. Keith (Summ) LADDIS: The Next Generation in NFS File Server Benchmarking DocID: 406337 406582 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1968 Type: TEXT Headline: Raj Yavatkar (Summ) Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Protocol Suite in a BSD UNIX Kernel DocID: 406582 406855 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1969 Type: TEXT Headline: Graham Hamilton (Summ) The Spring Nucleus: A Microkernel for Objects DocID: 406855 407064 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1970 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn C. Skinner (Summ) "Stacking" Vnodes: A Progress Report DocID: 407064 407247 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1971 Type: TEXT Headline: Curtis Yarvin (Summ) Anonymous RPC: Low-Latency Protection in a 64-Bit Address Space DocID: 407247 407526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1972 Type: TEXT Headline: James Kempf (Summ) Integrating Handwriting Recognition into UNIX DocID: 407526 407712 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1973 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Evans (Summ) Optimizing UNIX Resource Scheduling for User Interaction DocID: 407712 407944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1974 Type: TEXT Headline: James Gettys (Summ) AudioFile: A Network-Transparent Audio Server DocID: 407944 408285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1975 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas B. Orr (Summ) Fast and Flexible Shared Libraries DocID: 408285 408524 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1976 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael N. Nelson (Summ) High Performance Dynamic Linking Through Caching DocID: 408524 408735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1977 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. Fowler (Summ) The Shell as a Service DocID: 408735 408894 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1978 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. Fowler (Summ) A User-Level Replicated File System DocID: 408894 409112 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1979 Type: TEXT Headline: Sue J. LoVerso (Summ) sfs: A Parallel File System for the CM-5 DocID: 409112 409387 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1980 Type: TEXT Headline: Sedat Akyurek (Summ) Adaptive Block Rearrangement Under UNIX DocID: 409387 409605 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1981 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Balter (Sept) Is Microkernel Technology Well Suited for the Support of Object-Oriented Systems DocID: 409605 409967 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1982 Type: TEXT Headline: William S.Frantz (Sept) Object-Oriented Transaction Processing in the KeyKOS Microkernel DocID: 409967 410240 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1983 Type: TEXT Headline: Ross Finlayson (Sept) From V to Vanguard: The Evolution of a Distributed Object-Oriented Microkern DocID: 410240 410543 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1984 Type: TEXT Headline: Kevin Murray (Sept) Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented 64-bit Single Address Space DocID: 410543 410994 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1985 Type: TEXT Headline: Bodhisattwa Mukherjee (Sept) Experimentation with a Reconfigurable Microkernel DocID: 410994 411264 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1986 Type: TEXT Headline: Christian Bac (Sept) Cohabitation and Cooperation of Chorus and MacOS DocID: 411264 411543 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1987 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven K. Reinhardt (Sept) Kernel Support for the Wisconsin Wind Tunnel DocID: 411543 411816 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1988 Type: TEXT Headline: Takuro Kitayama (Sept) RT-IPC: An IPC Extension for Real-Time Mach DocID: 411816 412164 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1989 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Stodolsky (Sept) Fast Interrupt Priority Management in Operating System Kernels DocID: 412164 412460 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1990 Type: TEXT Headline: D.Stuart Ritchie (Sept) User Level IPC and Device Management in the Raven Kernel DocID: 412460 412742 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1991 Type: TEXT Headline: Yousef A. Khalidi (Sept) A Flexible External Paging Interface DocID: 412742 412980 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1992 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Brecht (Sept) On the Importance of Parallel Application Placement in NUMA Multiprocessors DocID: 412980 413238 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1993 Type: TEXT Headline: Dejan S. Milojicic (Sept) Experiences with Load Distribution on Top of the Mach Microkernel DocID: 413238 413531 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1994 Type: TEXT Headline: Joseph P. CaraDonna (Sept) Measuring Lock Performance in Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels DocID: 413531 413830 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1995 Type: TEXT Headline: William J. Bolosky (Sept) False Sharing and its Effect on Shared Memory Performance DocID: 413830 414092 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1996 Type: TEXT Headline: Nayeem Islam (Sept) Parallel Distributed Application Performance and Message Passing: A Case Study DocID: 414092 414409 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1997 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald G. Minnich (Sept) Mether-NFS: A Modified NFS Which Supports Virtual Shared Memory DocID: 414409 414667 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1998 Type: TEXT Headline: Maya B. Gokhale (Sept) An Implementation of the Shared Data Formats Standard for Distributed Share DocID: 414667 414965 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 1999 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael N. Nelson (Sept) Experience Building a File System on a Highly Modular Operating System DocID: 414965 415268 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2000 Type: TEXT Headline: Silvano Maffeis (Sept) Electra - Making Distributed Programs Object-Oriented DocID: 415268 415505 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2001 Type: TEXT Headline: P.Y. Chevalier (Sept) Experience with Shared Object Support in the Guide System DocID: 415505 415834 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2002 Type: TEXT Headline: L. Gunaseelan (Sept) Debugging Objects and Threads in a Shared Memory System DocID: 415834 416116 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2003 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Sims (Sept) Performance of Concurrent Servers Generated Automatically from Sequential DocID: 416116 416421 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2004 Type: TEXT Headline: Raoul Bhoedjang (Sept) Panda: A Portable Platform to Support Parallel Programming Languages DocID: 416421 416772 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2005 Type: TEXT Headline: Christian Clemencon (Sept) Distributed Shared Abstractions (DSA) on Large-Scale Multiprocessors DocID: 416772 417081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2006 Type: TEXT Headline: Hui Li (Sept) NUMACROS: Data Parallel Programming on NUMA Multiprocessors DocID: 417081 417343 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2007 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael L. Scott (Sept) The Prospects for Parallel Programs on Distributed Systems DocID: 417343 417586 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2008 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent D. Fleisch (Sept) The Role of Distributed Shared Memory in Future Experimental Distributed Sy DocID: 417586 417863 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2009 Type: TEXT Headline: Roy H. Campbell (Sept) Whatever Happened to Large Packets or Are Tiny Messages Good? DocID: 417863 418125 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2010 Type: TEXT Headline: John Nichol (Sept) Convergence: A Triple Threat or How ATM will Change the World DocID: 418125 418378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2011 Type: TEXT Headline: Colin Allison (Sept) Coping with Concurrency in Real Time Groupware DocID: 418378 418634 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2012 Type: TEXT Headline: John B. Lacy (Octo) CryptoLib: Cryptography in Software DocID: 418634 418806 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2013 Type: TEXT Headline: A. D. Rubin (Octo) The Architecture and Implementation of Network Layer Security in UNIX DocID: 418806 419265 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2014 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan I. Kamens (Octo) Retrofitting Network Security to Third-Party Applications - The SecureBas DocID: 419265 419493 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2015 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Baldwin (Octo) Dial-In Security Firewall Software DocID: 419493 419722 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2016 Type: TEXT Headline: David R. Safford (Octo) Secure RPC Authentication (SRA) for TELNET and FTP DocID: 419722 419952 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2017 Type: TEXT Headline: Hyun Tae Jung (Octo) Caller ID System in the Internet Environment DocID: 419952 420232 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2018 Type: TEXT Headline: Massimo Cotrozzi (Octo) ATP - Anti-Tampering Program DocID: 420232 420421 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2019 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Safford (Octo) The TAMU Security Package: An Ongoing Response to Internet Intruders in an DocID: 420421 420702 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2020 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry M. Carlin (Octo) UNIX Security Update DocID: 420702 420853 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2021 Type: TEXT Headline: Eduardo Rodriguez (Octo) The Persistent Hacker: An Intruder Attacks A New Internet Host DocID: 420853 421056 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2022 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark E. Carson (Octo) Sendmail Without the Superuser DocID: 421056 421223 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2023 Type: TEXT Headline: Approximating Clark-Wilso (Octo) W. Timothy Polk DocID: 421223 421456 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2024 Type: TEXT Headline: Editor: Tina Darmohray (Octo) Job Descriptions for System Administrators DocID: 421456 421643 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2025 Type: TEXT Headline: Collaborative Networked C (Nove) Rmy Evard DocID: 421643 421851 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2026 Type: TEXT Headline: Sally Hambridge (Nove) Horses and Barn Doors: Evolution of Corporate Guidelines for Internet UsageI DocID: 421851 422108 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2027 Type: TEXT Headline: Laura de Leon (Nove) Our Users Have Root! DocID: 422108 422318 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2028 Type: TEXT Headline: Michel Dagenais (Nove) LUDE: A Distributed Software Library DocID: 422318 422693 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2029 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven W. Lodin (Nove) The Corporate Software Bank DocID: 422693 422882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2030 Type: TEXT Headline: Craig E. Wills (Nove) Customization in a UNIX Computing Environment DocID: 422882 423126 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2031 Type: TEXT Headline: Walter C. Wong (Nove) Local Disk Depot - Customizing the Software Environment DocID: 423126 423339 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2032 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Nove) Methods for Maintaining One Source Tree in a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 423339 423556 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2033 Type: TEXT Headline: Barrie Archer (Nove) Towards a POSIX Standard for Software Administration DocID: 423556 423742 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2034 Type: TEXT Headline: E. Scott Menter (Nove) Managing the Mission Critical Environment DocID: 423742 423957 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2035 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian William Keves (Nove) Open Systems Formal Evaluation Process DocID: 423957 424162 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2036 Type: TEXT Headline: John Schimmel (Nove) A Case Study on Moves and Mergers DocID: 424162 424347 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2037 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Hunter (Nove) Guerrilla System Administration: Scaling Small Group Systems Administration To a DocID: 424347 424627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2038 Type: TEXT Headline: Dinah McNutt (Nove) Role-based System Administration or Who, What, Where, and How DocID: 424627 424834 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2039 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean-Charles Grgoire (Nove) Delegation: Uniformity in Heterogeneous Distributed Administration DocID: 424834 425061 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2040 Type: TEXT Headline: Todd Miller (Nove) satool - A System Administrator's Cockpit, An Implementation DocID: 425061 425321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2041 Type: TEXT Headline: Salvatore DeSimone (Nove) Sysctl: A Distributed System Control Package DocID: 425321 425572 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2042 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen E. Hansen (Nove) Automated System Monitoring and Notification with Swatch DocID: 425572 425802 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2043 Type: TEXT Headline: Dinah McNutt (Nove) Where Did All The Bytes Go? DocID: 425802 426014 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2044 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary L. Schaps (Nove) A Practical Approach to NFS Response Time Monitoring DocID: 426014 426234 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2045 Type: TEXT Headline: James da Silva (Nove) The Amanda Network Backup Manager DocID: 426234 426476 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2046 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Nove) PLOD: Keep Track of What You're Doing DocID: 426476 426654 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2047 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Schnwlder (Nove) How to Keep Track of Your Network Configuration DocID: 426654 426875 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2048 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl L. Swartz (Nove) Forecasting Disk Resource Requirements for a Usenet Server DocID: 426875 427101 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2049 Type: TEXT Headline: Roland J. Stolfa (Nove) Simplifying System Administration Tasks: The UAMS Approach DocID: 427101 427321 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2050 Type: TEXT Headline: Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (Nove) System Administration as a User Interface: An Extended Metaphor DocID: 427321 427557 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2051 Type: TEXT Headline: Carol Kubicki (Nove) The System Administration Maturity Model - SAMM DocID: 427557 427775 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2052 Type: TEXT Headline: Sheri Byrne (Nove) Establishing and Administering a Public Access Internet facility DocID: 427775 427992 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2053 Type: TEXT Headline: Todd Gamble (Nove) Implementing Execution Controls in Unix DocID: 427992 428185 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2054 Type: TEXT Headline: Erez Zadok (Nove) HLFSD: Delivering Email to Your $HOME DocID: 428185 428416 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2055 Type: TEXT Headline: John E. Miller (Nove) Managing an Ever-Changing User Base DocID: 428416 428629 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2056 Type: TEXT Headline: Betty Jacob (Nove) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: An Interpersonal Tool fo System Administrators DocID: 428629 428889 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2057 Type: TEXT Headline: Craig Manning (Nove) Upgrading 150 Workstations in a Single Sitting DocID: 428889 429190 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2058 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Pack (Nove) Real-World Gigabit Networking DocID: 429190 429391 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2059 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (1993) The Evolution of C++: 1985 to 1989 DocID: 429391 429588 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2060 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjarne Stroustrup (1993) Possible Directions for C++ DocID: 429588 429778 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2061 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Linton (1993) The Design and Implementation of InterViews DocID: 429778 429999 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2062 Type: TEXT Headline: R. B. Murray (1993) Building Well-Behaved Type Relationships in C++ DocID: 429999 430204 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2063 Type: TEXT Headline: T. A. Cargill (1993) The Case Against Multiple Inheritance in C++ DocID: 430204 430409 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2064 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Waldo (1993) The Case Against Multiple Inheritance in C++ DocID: 430409 430610 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2065 Type: TEXT Headline: Elana D. Granston (1993) Signature-Based Polymorphism for C++ DocID: 430610 430832 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2066 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (1993) Exception of Handling for C++ DocID: 430832 431043 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2067 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Tiemann (1993) An Exception of Handling Implementation for C++ DocID: 431043 431256 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2068 Type: TEXT Headline: John A. Interrante (1993) Runtime Access to Type Information in C++ DocID: 431256 431481 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2069 Type: TEXT Headline: Dmitry Lenkov (1993) Type Identification in C++ DocID: 431481 431700 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2070 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. Tiemann (1993) Solving the RPC Problem in GNU C++ DocID: 431700 431900 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2071 Type: TEXT Headline: Graham D. Parrington (1993) Reliable Distributed Programming in C++: The Arjuna Approach DocID: 431900 432128 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2072 Type: TEXT Headline: Bruce Martin (1993) The Separation of Interface and Implementation in C++ DocID: 432128 432341 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2073 Type: TEXT Headline: Udi Manber (Wint) Finding Similar Files in a Large File System DocID: 432341 432548 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2074 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn Fowler (Wint) cql - A Flat File Database Query Language DocID: 432548 432724 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2075 Type: TEXT Headline: Udi Manber (Wint) GLIMPSE: A Tool to Search Through Entire File Systems DocID: 432724 432951 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2076 Type: TEXT Headline: Kurt J. Lidl (Wint) Drinking from the Firehose: Multicast USENET News DocID: 432951 433168 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2077 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard A. Golding (Wint) The refdbms Distributed Bibliographic Database System DocID: 433168 433467 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2078 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Summit (Wint) Filesystem Daemons as Unifying Mechanism for Network Information Access DocID: 433467 433682 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2079 Type: TEXT Headline: Joshua S. Auerbach (Wint) Concert/C: A Language for Distributed Programming DocID: 433682 433961 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2080 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan Ford (Wint) Evolving Mach 3.0 to A Migrating Thread Model DocID: 433961 434183 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2081 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Keleher (Wint) Tread Marks: Distributed Shared Memory on Standard Workstations and Operating DocID: 434183 434486 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2082 Type: TEXT Headline: Olof Hagsand (Wint) Workstation Support for Real-Time Multimedia Communication DocID: 434486 434712 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2083 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Black (Wint) Experience and Results from Implementation of an ATM Socket Family DocID: 434712 434953 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2084 Type: TEXT Headline: Masanobu Yuhara (Wint) Efficient Packet Demultiplexing for Multiple Endpoints and Large Messages DocID: 434953 435355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2085 Type: TEXT Headline: Alec Wolman (Wint) Latency Analysis of TCP on an ATM Network DocID: 435355 435627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2086 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven E. Speer (Wint) Improving UNIX Kernel and Networking Performance Using Profile Based Optimi DocID: 435627 435903 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2087 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Bradley Chen (Wint) Memory Behavior for an X11 Window System DocID: 435903 436115 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2088 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael N. Nelson (Wint) A Uniform Name Service for Spring's UNIX Environment DocID: 436115 436345 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2089 Type: TEXT Headline: Phil Winterbottom (Wint) ACID: A Debugger Built from a Language DocID: 436345 436525 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2090 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Pike (Wint) Acme: A User Interface for Programmers DocID: 436525 436696 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2091 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Hitz (Wint) File System Design for an NFS File Server Appliance DocID: 436696 436920 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2092 Type: TEXT Headline: Chet Juszczak (Wint) Improving the Write Performance of an NFS Server DocID: 436920 437113 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2093 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Macklem (Wint) Not Quite NFS, Soft Cache Consistency for NFS DocID: 437113 437342 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2094 Type: TEXT Headline: Kester Li (Wint) A Quantitative Analysis of Disk Drive Power Management in Portable Computers DocID: 437342 437641 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2095 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Wint) Thwarting the Power-Hungry Disk DocID: 437641 437861 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2096 Type: TEXT Headline: Mirjana Spasojevic (Wint) A Usage Profile and Evaluation of a Wide-Area Distributed File System DocID: 437861 438150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2097 Type: TEXT Headline: Diomidis Spinellis (Wint) Wux: UNIX Tools under Windows DocID: 438150 438377 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2098 Type: TEXT Headline: Alessandro Forin (Wint) An MS-DOS Filesystem for UNIX DocID: 438377 438595 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2099 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Minshall (Wint) An Overview of the NetWare Operating System DocID: 438595 438795 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2100 Type: TEXT Headline: Frederick M. Avolio (Apri) A Network Perimeter with Secure External Access DocID: 438795 439088 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2101 Type: TEXT Headline: Michele D. Crabb (Apri) Who's Trusting Whom? How To Audit and Manage Users' .rhosts Files DocID: 439088 439376 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2102 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Campbell (Apri) Campus Email for Everyone: Making It Work in Real Life DocID: 439376 439645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2103 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Barrett (Apri) Internet Information Resources for the System Administrator DocID: 439645 439912 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2104 Type: TEXT Headline: Amy K. Kreiling (Apri) An Introduction to Internet Discovery & Retrieval Tools (Invited) DocID: 439912 440202 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2105 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl A. Anderson (Apri) A Simple and Free System for Automated Network Backups DocID: 440202 440526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2106 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan Gottschick (Apri) Building an Integrated and Enterprise-specific Configuration Management DocID: 440526 440882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2107 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Apri) "Make" as a System Administration Tool DocID: 440882 441131 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2108 Type: TEXT Headline: Gene H. Kim (Apri) Experiences with Tripwire: Using Integrity Checkers for Intrusion Detection DocID: 441131 441457 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2109 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Cohan (Apri) Installing and Managing Remote Sites DocID: 441457 441744 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2110 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Neuman (Apri) The Operator Shell: A Means of Privilege Distribution Under Unix DocID: 441744 442054 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2111 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Apri) A New Network for the Cost of One Scsi Cable: A Simple Caching Strategy for Thi DocID: 442054 442358 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2112 Type: TEXT Headline: Michele D. Crabb (Apri) Guarding the Fortress: Efficient Methods to Monitor Security on 300 Systems DocID: 442358 442658 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2113 Type: TEXT Headline: Kris K. Bennett (Apri) The Change Agent Mind Set for Technology Infusion DocID: 442658 442944 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2114 Type: TEXT Headline: Theodore Goldstein (Apri) The Object Binary Interface: C++ Objects for Evolvable Shared Class Libra DocID: 442944 443190 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2115 Type: TEXT Headline: Arindam Banerji (Apri) A Framework for Building Extensible C++ Class Libraries DocID: 443190 443428 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2116 Type: TEXT Headline: Gerald Baumgartner (Apri) Implementing Signatures for C++ DocID: 443428 443620 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2117 Type: TEXT Headline: Lee Nackman (Apri) Base Class Composition with Multiple Derivation and Virtual Bases DocID: 443620 443841 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2118 Type: TEXT Headline: Martin Carroll (Apri) Faster Parsing via Prefix Analysis DocID: 443841 444022 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2119 Type: TEXT Headline: Hemant Pande (Apri) Static Type Determination for C++ DocID: 444022 444213 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2120 Type: TEXT Headline: Chris Laffra (Apri) HotWire -- A Visual Debugger for C++ DocID: 444213 444412 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2121 Type: TEXT Headline: Giuseppe Attardi (Apri) A Customizable Memory Management Framework DocID: 444412 444626 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2122 Type: TEXT Headline: John R. Ellis (Apri) Safe, Efficient Garbage Collection for C++ DocID: 444626 444834 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2123 Type: TEXT Headline: Ted Law (Apri) Template Base Delegation DocID: 444834 445000 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2124 Type: TEXT Headline: Goodwin Chin (Apri) C++ Design and Implementation Challenges in Technology Computer Aided Design Fr DocID: 445000 445311 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2125 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas Schmidt (Apri) ASX: An Object-Oriented Framework for Developing Distributed Applications DocID: 445311 445545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2126 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Linton (Apri) Interface Translation and Implementation Filtering DocID: 445545 445773 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2127 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Kofler (Apri) A Poor Man's Approach to String-Based Interfacing of C++ Objects DocID: 445773 446040 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2128 Type: TEXT Headline: Samuel Kendall (Apri) Sharing Between Translation Units in C++ Program Databases DocID: 446040 446285 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2129 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert Mecklenburg (Apri) A Dossier Driven Persistent Objects Facility DocID: 446285 446526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2130 Type: TEXT Headline: Israel Gold (Apri) Wrapping DCE/OSF Client/Server Applications DocID: 446526 446749 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2131 Type: TEXT Headline: Yih-Farn (Robin) Chen (Apri) Dagger: A Tool to Generate Program Graphs DocID: 446749 446957 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2132 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel Klein (Apri) Applications Development With a UIMS DocID: 446957 447145 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2133 Type: TEXT Headline: John Sellens (Apri) SPP - Low Tech, Practical, UNIX Software Portability DocID: 447145 447355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2134 Type: TEXT Headline: John F. Dooley (Apri) Creating a Configurable Compiler Driver for System V Release 4 DocID: 447355 447594 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2135 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher Seiwald (Apri) Jam -- Make(1) Redux DocID: 447594 447775 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2136 Type: TEXT Headline: Gene H. Kim (Apri) Writing, Supporting, and Evaluating Tripwire: A Publically Available Security To DocID: 447775 448032 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2137 Type: TEXT Headline: Arindam Banerji (Apri) Design, Distributions, and Management of Object Oriented Software DocID: 448032 448295 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2138 Type: TEXT Headline: Ed Lycklama (Apri) Better Widget Design: A Practioner's Approach DocID: 448295 448485 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2139 Type: TEXT Headline: Cui-Qing Yang (Apri) Implementing a Generalized Drag-and-Drop in X DocID: 448485 448712 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2140 Type: TEXT Headline: Jordan M. Hayes (Apri) The Xt Intrinsics as a General Purpose Application Development Platform or A DocID: 448712 449050 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2141 Type: TEXT Headline: Jay S. Lark (Apri) Bridging the Technology Generation Gap: Upgrading a Network Management Applicati DocID: 449050 449326 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2142 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Davey (Apri) Porting and Maintaining with X and Motif; a Retrospective View DocID: 449326 449556 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2143 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (Apri) Software Design for Installability DocID: 449556 449739 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2144 Type: TEXT Headline: Larry B. Huston (Augu) Disconnected Operation for AFS DocID: 449739 449945 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2145 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Satyanarayanan (Augu) Experience with Disconnected Operation in a Mobile Environment DocID: 449945 450256 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2146 Type: TEXT Headline: B. Clifford Neuman (Augu) Using Prospero to Support Integrated Location-Independent Computing DocID: 450256 450544 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2147 Type: TEXT Headline: Phil Karn (Augu) The Qualcomm CDMA Digital Cellular System DocID: 450544 450731 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2148 Type: TEXT Headline: Norman Adams (Augu) An Infrared Network for Mobile Computers DocID: 450731 450975 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2149 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Bender (Augu) UNIX For Nomads: Making UNIX Support Mobile Computing DocID: 450975 451372 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2150 Type: TEXT Headline: Pravin Bhagwat (Augu) A Mobile Networking System Based on Internet Protocol (IP) DocID: 451372 451645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2151 Type: TEXT Headline: Kimberly Keeton (Augu) Providing Connection-Oriented Network Services to Mobile Hosts DocID: 451645 451955 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2152 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Athan (Augu) Agent-Mediated Message Passing for Constrained Environments DocID: 451955 452187 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2153 Type: TEXT Headline: Terri Watson (Augu) Local Area Mobile Computing on Stock Hardware and Mostly Stock Software DocID: 452187 452437 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2154 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher A. Kantarjiev (Augu) Experiences with X in a Wireless Environment DocID: 452437 452709 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2155 Type: TEXT Headline: Bill N. Schilit (Augu) Customizing Mobile Applications DocID: 452709 452928 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2156 Type: TEXT Headline: Israel Z. Ben-Shaul (Spri) An Architecture for Multi-User Software Development Environments DocID: 452928 453149 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2157 Type: TEXT Headline: Dorab Patel (Spri) A UNIX Toolkit for Distributed Synchronous Collaborative Applications DocID: 453149 453342 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2158 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Knister (Spri) Issues in the Design of Toolkit for Supporting Multiple Group Editors DocID: 453342 453544 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2159 Type: TEXT Headline: Alain Karsenty (Spri) GroupDesign: Shared Editing in a Heterogeneous Environment DocID: 453544 453767 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2160 Type: TEXT Headline: Jiansan Chen (Summ) The Implementation of Cooperative Mechanisms amoung System Components in a Hete DocID: 453767 454033 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2161 Type: TEXT Headline: Y. Breitbart (Summ) Performance Evaluation of Two Multidatabase Transaction Managment Algorithms DocID: 454033 454266 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2162 Type: TEXT Headline: Hassan N. Srinidhi (Summ) Managing Data Redundancy in Interoperable Heterogeneous Environments DocID: 454266 454440 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2163 Type: TEXT Headline: Whan-Kyu Whang (Summ) Relational Schema Integration: Dealing with Inter-relational Correspondances DocID: 454440 454766 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2164 Type: TEXT Headline: Roy H. Campbell (Fall) A Technique for Documenting the Framework of an Object-Oriented System DocID: 454766 454987 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2165 Type: TEXT Headline: Pedro Sousa (Fall) Distribution and Persistence in the IK Platform: Overviez and Evaluation DocID: 454987 455294 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2166 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean-Serge Banino (Fall) The DUNE-iX Real-Time Operating System DocID: 455294 455617 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2167 Type: TEXT Headline: Willis H Ware (Wint) Policy Consideration for Data Networks DocID: 455617 455766 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2168 Type: TEXT Headline: Raphael Yahalom (Wint) Trust-Based Navigation in Distributed Systems DocID: 455766 455995 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2169 Type: TEXT Headline: Marjan Krajewski, Jr. (Wint) Application of Smart Cards to Network User Authentication DocID: 455995 456237 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2170 Type: TEXT Headline: Allan Heydon (Wint) Specifying and Checking UNIX Security Constraints DocID: 456237 456476 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2171 Type: TEXT Headline: Leonard J. LaPadula (Wint) A Rule-Set Approach to Formal Modeling of a Trusted Computer System DocID: 456476 456664 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2172 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Mitchell (May/) Mach Symposium Report DocID: 456664 456765 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2173 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (May/) SAGE Views DocID: 456765 456923 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2174 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (May/) SAGE: Solaris Developers Conference Report DocID: 456923 457071 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2175 Type: TEXT Headline: (May/) SAGE - AU Conference DocID: 457071 457156 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2176 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Kellem (May/) What's Out There? DocID: 457156 457267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2177 Type: TEXT Headline: John N. Stewart (May/) AMD - The Berkeley Automounter, Part 1 DocID: 457267 457386 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2178 Type: TEXT Headline: Pace Willison (May/) The TCP/IP Bakeoff DocID: 457386 457483 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2179 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Adams (May/) More Old USENET Maps DocID: 457483 457582 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2180 Type: TEXT Headline: Gunter Ahrendt (May/) Big Iron DocID: 457582 457673 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2181 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas M. Stoughton (May/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 457673 457809 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2182 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (May/) The Bookworm DocID: 457809 457901 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2183 Type: TEXT Headline: Henry Spencer (May/) Review: Numerical Recipies in FORTRAN DocID: 457901 458021 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2184 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Birss (May/) Review: Inside Windows NT DocID: 458021 458132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2185 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (May/) Review: UNIX Power Tools DocID: 458132 458237 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2186 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Jul/) President's Letter DocID: 458237 458336 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2187 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Jul/) Summer '93 Conference Reports DocID: 458336 458567 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2188 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan McDonald (Jul/) From the SAGE Editor DocID: 458567 458669 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2189 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Jul/) Perl Practicum DocID: 458669 458776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2190 Type: TEXT Headline: Wendy Natter (Jul/) SAGE Views DocID: 458776 458869 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2191 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Jul/) SAGE Review DocID: 458869 458964 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2192 Type: TEXT Headline: Wendy Nater (Jul/) SAGE Humor DocID: 458964 459073 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2193 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Jul/) Opinion on NT DocID: 459073 459167 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2194 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Jul/) USA Computing Olympiad DocID: 459167 459271 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2195 Type: TEXT Headline: Duncan Idaho (Jul/) Opinion DocID: 459271 459379 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2196 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Jul/) ;login: 50 and 100 Years Ago DocID: 459379 459486 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2197 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Stoushton (Jul/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 459486 459621 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2198 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Jul/) The Bookworm DocID: 459621 459716 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2199 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Jul/) Review: UNIX System V Network Programming DocID: 459716 459836 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2200 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kling (Jul/) Review: Connections DocID: 459836 459949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2201 Type: TEXT Headline: George Neville-Neil (Jul/) Review: The X Resource DocID: 459949 460096 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2202 Type: TEXT Headline: Pace Willison (Sep/) Mobile Computing Symposium Reports DocID: 460096 460228 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2203 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Sep/) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 460228 460327 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2204 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Rose (Sep/) Summer '93 Conference Report DocID: 460327 460433 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2205 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Parseghian (Sep/) SAGE Board Meeting Highlights DocID: 460433 460545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2206 Type: TEXT Headline: Tina M. Darmohray (Sep/) SAGE Job Descriptions DocID: 460545 460652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2207 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan McDonald (Sep/) From the SAGE Editor DocID: 460652 460752 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2208 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sep/) System Administration Tools DocID: 460752 460864 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2209 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Sep/) Perl Practicum DocID: 460864 460959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2210 Type: TEXT Headline: Bjorn Satdeva (Sep/) After the Fact DocID: 460959 461055 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2211 Type: TEXT Headline: Keith Bostic (Sep/) 4.4BSD Release DocID: 461055 461150 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2212 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Sep/) ;login: 50 and 100 Years Ago DocID: 461150 461255 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2213 Type: TEXT Headline: Tony Sanders (Sep/) International Hypertext is Here DocID: 461255 461367 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2214 Type: TEXT Headline: (Sep/) The TeleRead Solution DocID: 461367 461453 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2215 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Stoughton (Sep/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 461453 461586 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2216 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Sep/) The Bookworm DocID: 461586 461681 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2217 Type: TEXT Headline: Calum D. McKay (Nov/) UNIX Security Symposium Report DocID: 461681 461792 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2218 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Nov/) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 461792 461891 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2219 Type: TEXT Headline: Peg Schafer (Nov/) From the SAGE Board DocID: 461891 461987 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2220 Type: TEXT Headline: Janet Jackson (Nov/) Impressions of SAGE-AU '93 DocID: 461987 462095 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2221 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark A. Monroe (Nov/) Security Tool Review: TCP Wrappers DocID: 462095 462212 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2222 Type: TEXT Headline: Wendy Nather (Nov/) SAGE Views DocID: 462212 462326 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2223 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Nov/) Perl Practicum DocID: 462326 462421 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2224 Type: TEXT Headline: translated by Judith E. G (Nov/) True Science DocID: 462421 462528 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2225 Type: TEXT Headline: J. R. Oldroyd (Nov/) Debate: To Certify of Not? DocID: 462528 462651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2226 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Nov/) ;login: 50 and 100 Years Ago DocID: 462651 462756 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2227 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Christiansen (Nov/) Perl 5.0 Overview DocID: 462756 462858 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2228 Type: TEXT Headline: Wm. Randolph Franklin (Nov/) PEM DocID: 462858 462948 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2229 Type: TEXT Headline: Lee Damon (Nov/) Pragmatica: The Alias Builder DocID: 462948 463055 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2230 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas M. Stoughton (Nov/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 463055 463191 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2231 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Nov/) The Bookworm DocID: 463191 463283 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2232 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Nov/) Review: Words, Words, Words DocID: 463283 463392 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2233 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collinson (Nov/) Review: DNS and BIND DocID: 463392 463495 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2234 Type: TEXT Headline: George W. Leach (Nov/) Review: C++ Programming Style DocID: 463495 463609 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2235 Type: TEXT Headline: Bob Borss (Nov/) Review: Learning the Korn Shell DocID: 463609 463719 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2236 Type: TEXT Headline: Vern Paxson (Nov/) Review: High Performance Computing DocID: 463719 463834 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2237 Type: TEXT Headline: Betsy Gillies (Nov/) Review: Learning the UNIX Operating System DocID: 463834 463956 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2238 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Jan/) President's Letter - A Tale of Two Companies DocID: 463956 464080 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2239 Type: TEXT Headline: numerous reporters (Jan/) LISA '93 Conference Reports DocID: 464080 464193 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2240 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Jan/) SAGE Views DocID: 464193 464288 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2241 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Wilson (Jan/) Factoids: Fun Things to Tell and Know DocID: 464288 464401 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2242 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Jan/) Perl Practicum DocID: 464401 464493 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2243 Type: TEXT Headline: Tony Sanders (Jan/) Response: On Certification DocID: 464493 464612 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2244 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Jan/) So You Want to Hire a Cheap System Administrator DocID: 464612 464737 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2245 Type: TEXT Headline: Lou Katz (Jan/) Review of BSD/386 DocID: 464737 464831 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2246 Type: TEXT Headline: (Jan/) What's New DocID: 464831 464910 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2247 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffery S. Haemer (Jan/) Imake Rhymes with Mistake DocID: 464910 465021 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2248 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Dubois (Jan/) Imake Responce DocID: 465021 465115 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2249 Type: TEXT Headline: Donald T. Piele (Jan/) The Fifth International Olympiad in Informatics DocID: 465115 465246 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2250 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Taber (Jan/) Computers Could Be Like Autos DocID: 465246 465351 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2251 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Stoughton (Jan/) An Update on UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 465351 465484 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2252 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Jan/) The Bookworm DocID: 465484 465576 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2253 Type: TEXT Headline: Adam S. Moskowitz (Jan/) Review: Learning th Korn Shell DocID: 465576 465693 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2254 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Jan/) Review: Learning Perl DocID: 465693 465792 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2255 Type: TEXT Headline: numerous reporters (Mar/) Winter '94 Conference Reports DocID: 465792 465901 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2256 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Mar/) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 465901 466002 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2257 Type: TEXT Headline: (Mar/) USL and UC Berkeley Reach Agreement DocID: 466002 466103 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2258 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Mar/) Living with CC:mail DocID: 466103 466203 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2259 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Mar/) SAGE Views DocID: 466203 466296 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2260 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Mar/) Perl Practicum DocID: 466296 466391 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2261 Type: TEXT Headline: David R. Woolley (Mar/) PLATO: The Emergence of On-Line Community DocID: 466391 466517 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2262 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Rose (Mar/) The God of Backup DocID: 466517 466612 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2263 Type: TEXT Headline: (Mar/) What's New DocID: 466612 466691 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2264 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Mar/) ;login: 50 and 100 Years Ago DocID: 466691 466796 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2265 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Stoughton (Mar/) An Update on UNIX-related Activies DocID: 466796 466917 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2266 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Mar/) The Bookworm DocID: 466917 467006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2267 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Hecker (Mar/) Review: A Second Look DocID: 467006 467109 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2268 Type: TEXT Headline: Donald T. Davis (Mar/) Review: Applied Cryptography DocID: 467109 467219 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2269 Type: TEXT Headline: Vern Paxson (Mar/) Review: TCP/IP Illustrated DocID: 467219 467323 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2270 Type: TEXT Headline: David J. Fiander (Mar/) Review: Sendmail DocID: 467323 467422 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2271 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (May/) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 467422 467526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2272 Type: TEXT Headline: E. Scott Mentor (May/) On the Glory of Being First DocID: 467526 467671 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2273 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (May/) Attitude Problems DocID: 467671 467791 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2274 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (May/) System Administration Tools Your Vendor Never Told You About: the Door DocID: 467791 467966 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2275 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (May/) 1992 LISA Time Expenditure Survey DocID: 467966 468084 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2276 Type: TEXT Headline: Various (May/) What's New? DocID: 468084 468171 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2277 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (May/) An Update in UNIX-Related Standards Activities DocID: 468171 468300 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2278 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (May/) The Bookworm DocID: 468300 468392 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2279 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Simmons (May/) Review: A C User's Guide to ANSI C DocID: 468392 468506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2280 Type: TEXT Headline: Rik Farrow (May/) Review: Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker DocID: 468506 468649 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2281 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (May/) Review: Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing DocID: 468649 468807 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2282 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (May/) Review: A Quarter Century of UNIX DocID: 468807 468923 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2283 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (May/) Review: Information Security Policies Made Easy DocID: 468923 469053 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2284 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey S. Haemer (Summ) A New Object-oriented Programming Language: sh DocID: 469053 469231 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2285 Type: TEXT Headline: Evan Adams, (Summ) The Old Man and the C DocID: 469231 469374 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2286 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Blaze (Summ) Key Management in an Encrypting File System DocID: 469374 469545 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2287 Type: TEXT Headline: Marcus K. Ranum (Summ) A Toolkit and Methods for Internet Firewalls DocID: 469545 469754 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2288 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Y.C. Woo (Summ) SNP: An Interface for Secure Network Programming DocID: 469754 469993 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2289 Type: TEXT Headline: Robert A. Alfieri (Summ) An Efficient Kernel-Based Implementation of POSIX Threads DocID: 469993 470204 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2290 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrea H. Skarra (Summ) Using OS Locking Services to Implement a DBMS: An Experience Report DocID: 470204 470404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2291 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Bonwick (Summ) The Slab Allocator: An Object-Caching Kernel Memory Allocator DocID: 470404 470588 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2292 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey C. Mogul (Summ) A Better Update Policy DocID: 470588 470744 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2293 Type: TEXT Headline: Morgan Clark (Summ) The Desktop File System DocID: 470744 470920 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2294 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Shirriff (Summ) Sawmill: A High Bandwidth Logging File System DocID: 470920 471128 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2295 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Pawlowski (Summ) NFS Version 3: Design and Implementation DocID: 471128 471482 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2296 Type: TEXT Headline: Cheng-Zen Yang (Summ) Clue Tables: A Distributed, Dynamic-Binding Naming Mechanism DocID: 471482 471717 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2297 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Duchamp (Summ) Optimistic Lookup of Whole NFS Paths in a Single Operation DocID: 471717 471902 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2298 Type: TEXT Headline: Pei Cao (Summ) Application-Controlled File Caching Policies DocID: 471902 472100 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2299 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Reiher (Summ) Resolving File Conflicts in the Ficus File System DocID: 472100 472334 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2300 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Griffioen (Summ) Reducing File System Latency using a Predictive Approach DocID: 472334 472540 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2301 Type: TEXT Headline: Sape J. Mullender (Summ) Operating System Support for Distributed Multimedia DocID: 472540 472759 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2302 Type: TEXT Headline: Lincoln Stein (Summ) Splicing UNIX into a Genome Mapping Laboratory DocID: 472759 473056 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2303 Type: TEXT Headline: Liam R. E. Quin (Summ) A Text Retrieval Package for the Unix Operating System DocID: 473056 473235 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2304 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas E. Comer (Summ) Probing TCP Implementations DocID: 473235 473409 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2305 Type: TEXT Headline: James D. Guyton (Summ) Experiences with a Survey Tool for Discovering Network Time Protocol Servers DocID: 473409 473651 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2306 Type: TEXT Headline: Timothy W. Curry Sun Micr (Summ) Profiling and Tracing Dynamic Library Usage Via Interposition DocID: 473651 473858 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2307 Type: TEXT Headline: Lily B. Mummert (Summ) Large Granularity Cache Coherence for Intermittent Connectivity DocID: 473858 474082 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2308 Type: TEXT Headline: Geoffrey H. Kuenning (Summ) An Analysis of Trace Data for Predictive File Caching in Mobile Computi DocID: 474082 474314 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2309 Type: TEXT Headline: Trevor Blackwell (Summ) Secure Short-Cut Routing for Mobile IP DocID: 474314 474674 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2310 Type: TEXT Headline: Dr. Magnus Harlander (Sept) Central System Administration in a Heterogeneous Unix Environment: GeNU DocID: 474674 474906 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2311 Type: TEXT Headline: John P. Rouillard (Sept) Config: A Mechanism for Installing and Tracking System Configurations DocID: 474906 475159 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2312 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Anderson (Sept) Towards a High-Level Machine Configuration System DocID: 475159 475355 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2313 Type: TEXT Headline: Imazu Hideyo (Sept) OMNICONF - Making OS Upgrades and Disk Crash Recovery Easier DocID: 475355 475557 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2314 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Riddle (Sept) Automated Upgrades in a Lab Environment DocID: 475557 475758 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2315 Type: TEXT Headline: Remy Evard (Sept) Tenwen: The Re-engineering Of A Computing Environment DocID: 475758 475954 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2316 Type: TEXT Headline: William LeFebvre (Sept) Soft: A Software Environment Abstraction Mechanism DocID: 475954 476578 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2317 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Eirich (Sept) Beam: A Tool for Flexible Software Update DocID: 476578 476782 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2318 Type: TEXT Headline: John P. Rouillard (Sept) Depot-Lite: A Mechanism for Managing Software DocID: 476782 477013 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2319 Type: TEXT Headline: Jerry Scharf (Sept) SENDS: a Tool for Managing Domain Naming and Electronic Mail in a Large Organiz DocID: 477013 477272 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2320 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth D. Zwicky (Sept) Getting More Work Out Of Work Tracking Systems DocID: 477272 477465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2321 Type: TEXT Headline: Remy Evard (Sept) Speeding Up UNIX Login by Caching the Initial Environment DocID: 477465 477861 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2322 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher Rath (Sept) The BNR Standard Login (A Login Configuration Manager) DocID: 477861 478070 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2323 Type: TEXT Headline: David Clear (Sept) Exporting Home Directories on Demand to PCs DocID: 478070 478360 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2324 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon Finke (Sept) Monitoring Usage of Workstations with a Relational Database DocID: 478360 478573 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2325 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl L. Swartz (Sept) Adventures in the Evolution of a High-Bandwidth Network for Central Servers DocID: 478573 478838 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2326 Type: TEXT Headline: Helen E. Harrison, (Sept) Pong: A Flexible Network Services Monitoring System DocID: 478838 479081 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2327 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon Finke (Sept) Automating Printing Configuration DocID: 479081 479267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2328 Type: TEXT Headline: Harry Kaplan (Sept) Highly Automated Low Personnel System Administration in a DocID: 479267 479506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2329 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Abbey (Augu) Modular Communication Subsystem Implementation Using A Synchronous Approach DocID: 479506 479958 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2330 Type: TEXT Headline: Parag K. Jain (Augu) A Framework for the Non-Monolithic Implementation of Protocols in the x-kernel DocID: 479958 480226 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2331 Type: TEXT Headline: D. Scott Alexander (Augu) Embedding High Speed ATM in UNIX IP (abstract only) DocID: 480226 480504 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2332 Type: TEXT Headline: John Michael Tracey (Augu) Device Driver Issues in High-Performance Networking DocID: 480504 480719 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2333 Type: TEXT Headline: Bilal Chinoy (Augu) TCP/IP and HIPPI Performance in the CASA Gigabit Testbed DocID: 480719 480933 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2334 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Tierney (Augu) System Issues in Implementing High Speed Distributed Parallel Storage Systems DocID: 480933 481225 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2335 Type: TEXT Headline: Ron Minnich (Augu) A 1.2 Gbit/sec, 1 Microsecond Latency ATM Interface DocID: 481225 481446 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2336 Type: TEXT Headline: W. T. Strayer (Augu) XTP as a Transport Protocol for Distributed Parallel Processing DocID: 481446 481685 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2337 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher J. Lindblad (Augu) ViewStation Applications: Intelligent Video Processing Over a Broadb DocID: 481685 482093 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2338 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Koenig (Octo) An Anecdote about ML Type Inference DocID: 482093 482278 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2339 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent W. Benson Jr. (Octo) libscheme: Scheme as a C Library DocID: 482278 482467 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2340 Type: TEXT Headline: Adam Sah (Octo) A New Architecture for the Implementation of Scripting Languages DocID: 482467 482704 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2341 Type: TEXT Headline: Karin Petersen (Octo) Tcl/Tk for a Personal Digital Assistant DocID: 482704 482886 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2342 Type: TEXT Headline: Christopher J. Lindblad (Octo) Using Tcl to Control a Computer-Participative Multimedia Programming DocID: 482886 483146 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2343 Type: TEXT Headline: Dr. Malcolm Beattie (Octo) TkPerl -- A port of the Tk toolkit to Perl5 DocID: 483146 483362 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2344 Type: TEXT Headline: Dr. Andy Scherr (Octo) Rapid Programming with Graph Rewrite Rules DocID: 483362 483579 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2345 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. Fowler (Octo) End-User Systems, Reusability and High-Level Design DocID: 483579 483822 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2346 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen C. Johnson (Octo) Compiling Matlab DocID: 483822 484033 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2347 Type: TEXT Headline: David G. Korn (Octo) ksh: An Extensible High Level Language DocID: 484033 484225 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2348 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Storrs Hall (Octo) Fornax: A General-Purpose Programming Language DocID: 484225 484464 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2349 Type: TEXT Headline: Clinton L. Jeffery (Octo) Graphics Programming in Icon Version 9 DocID: 484464 484678 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2350 Type: TEXT Headline: David A. Ladd (Octo) Two Application Languages in Software Production DocID: 484678 484906 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2351 Type: TEXT Headline: Gary F. Pollice (Octo) Using a Very High Level Language to Build Families of High Quality Reusable DocID: 484906 485192 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2352 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Stockton Gaines (Octo) Dixie Languages and Interpreter Issues DocID: 485192 485434 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2353 Type: TEXT Headline: Glenn S. Fowler (Octo) Feature-Based Portability DocID: 485434 485667 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2354 Type: TEXT Headline: R. Jagannathan (Octo) Application Experience with an Implicitly Parallel Composition Language DocID: 485667 485931 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2355 Type: TEXT Headline: Carl A. Waldspurger (Nove) Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management DocID: 485931 486183 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2356 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Weiser (Nove) Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy DocID: 486183 486426 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2357 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Nove) Storage Alternatives for Mobile Computers DocID: 486426 486808 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2358 Type: TEXT Headline: James O'Toole (Nove) Opportunistic Log: Efficient Installation Reads in a Reliable Storage Server DocID: 486808 487058 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2359 Type: TEXT Headline: Gregory R. Ganger (Janu) Portals in 4.4BSD DocID: 487058 492327 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2360 Type: TEXT Headline: Aju John (Janu) Dynamic Vnodes - Design and Implementation DocID: 492327 492514 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2361 Type: TEXT Headline: Jan-Simon Pendry (Janu) Union Mounts in 4.4BSD-Lite DocID: 492514 492735 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2362 Type: TEXT Headline: Murthy Devarakonda (Janu) Evaluation of Design Alternatives for a Cluster File System DocID: 492735 493010 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2363 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan S. Goldick (Janu) Multi-resident AFS: An Adventure in Mass Storage DocID: 493010 493293 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2364 Type: TEXT Headline: Ethan L. Miller (Janu) RAMA: Easy Access to a High-Bandwidth Massively Parallel File System DocID: 493293 493579 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2365 Type: TEXT Headline: Ian Wakeman (Janu) Implementing Real Time Packet Forwarding Policies Using Streams DocID: 493579 493910 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2366 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey I. Schiller (Janu) Scaling the Web of Trust: Combining Kerberos and PGP to Provide Large Sc DocID: 493910 494146 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2367 Type: TEXT Headline: Puneet Kumar (Janu) Flexible and Safe Resolution of File Conflicts DocID: 494146 494360 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2368 Type: TEXT Headline: John Dilley (Janu) OODCE: A C++ Framework for the OSF Distributed Computing Environment DocID: 494360 494564 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2369 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Mark Stevenson (Janu) Mach-US: UNIX On Generic OS Object Servers DocID: 494564 494805 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2370 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Waldo (Janu) Events in an RPC Based Distributed System DocID: 494805 495052 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2371 Type: TEXT Headline: Jacques Talbot (Janu) Turning the AIX Operating System into an MP-capable OS DocID: 495052 495234 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2372 Type: TEXT Headline: Atsuo Kawaguchi (Janu) A Flash-Memory Based File System DocID: 495234 495441 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2373 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Berman (Janu) TRON: Process-Specific File Protection for the UNIX Operating System DocID: 495441 495691 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2374 Type: TEXT Headline: Tak W. Yan (Janu) SIFT - a Tool for Wide-Area Information Dissemination DocID: 495691 495907 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2375 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey C. Mogul (Janu) Performance Implications of Multiple Pointer Sizes DocID: 495907 496201 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2376 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Golding (Janu) Idleness is Not Sloth DocID: 496201 496437 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2377 Type: TEXT Headline: James S. Plank (Janu) Libckpt: Transparent Checkpointing under UNIX DocID: 496437 496710 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2378 Type: TEXT Headline: W. Wilson Ho (Janu) Optimizing the Performance of Dynamically-Linked Programs DocID: 496710 496959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2379 Type: TEXT Headline: David M. Arnow (Janu) DP: A Library for Building Portable, Reliable Distributed Applications DocID: 496959 497175 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2380 Type: TEXT Headline: Margo Seltzer (Janu) File System Logging versus Clustering: A Performance Comparison DocID: 497175 497535 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2381 Type: TEXT Headline: Uresh Vahalia (Janu) Metadata Logging in an NFS Server DocID: 497535 497803 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2382 Type: TEXT Headline: Trevor Blackwell (Janu) Heuristic Cleaning Algorithms in Log-Structured File Systems DocID: 497803 498042 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2383 Type: TEXT Headline: Norman Ramsey (Janu) The New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit DocID: 498042 498273 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2384 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Eustace (Janu) ATOM: A Flexible Interface for Building High Performance Program Analysis Tools DocID: 498273 498554 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2385 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan L. Graham (Janu) Adaptable Binary Programs DocID: 498554 498771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2386 Type: TEXT Headline: P. Krishna (Apri) A Cluster-based Approach for Routing in Ad-Hoc Networks DocID: 498771 499039 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2387 Type: TEXT Headline: Ajay Bakre (Apri) Handoff and Systems Support for Indirect TCP/IP DocID: 499039 499268 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2388 Type: TEXT Headline: John Trotter (Apri) A Wireless Adapter Architecture for Mobile Computing DocID: 499268 499506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2389 Type: TEXT Headline: Ramki Rajagopalan (Apri) MCE: An Integrated Mobile Computing Environment and Simulation Testbed DocID: 499506 499791 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2390 Type: TEXT Headline: Nigel Davies (Apri) A Network Emulator to Support the Development of Adaptive Applications DocID: 499791 500086 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2391 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian Noble (Apri) A Programming Interface for Application-Aware Adaptation in Mobile Computing DocID: 500086 500372 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2392 Type: TEXT Headline: Gabriel Montenegro (Apri) System Isolation and Network Fast Fail Capability in Solaris DocID: 500372 500623 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2393 Type: TEXT Headline: Silvano Maffeis (Apri) A Generic Multicast Transport Service to Support Disconnected Operation DocID: 500623 500987 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2394 Type: TEXT Headline: L.B. Huston (Apri) Partially Connected Operation DocID: 500987 501207 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2395 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas G. Dennehy (Apri) A Distributed Software Architecture for GPS-Driven Mobile Applications DocID: 501207 501475 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2396 Type: TEXT Headline: Tomasz Imielinski (Apri) Energy Efficient Data Filtering and Communication in Mobile Wireless Compu DocID: 501475 501759 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2397 Type: TEXT Headline: Fred Douglis (Apri) Adaptive Disk Spin-down Policies for Mobile Computers DocID: 501759 502100 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2398 Type: TEXT Headline: Ira S. Winkler (June) Information Security Technology? Don't Rely on It. A Case Study in Social En DocID: 502100 502363 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2399 Type: TEXT Headline: Laurent Joncheray (June) A Simple Active Attack Against TCP DocID: 502363 502542 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2400 Type: TEXT Headline: Alec Muffet (June) WAN-hacking with AutoHack: Auditing Security Behind the Firewall DocID: 502542 502747 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2401 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Davis (June) Kerberos Security with Clocks Adrift DocID: 502747 502968 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2402 Type: TEXT Headline: Pau-Chen Cheng (June) Design and Implementation of Modular Key Management Protocol and IP Secure Tu DocID: 502968 503269 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2403 Type: TEXT Headline: Chee-Seng Chow (June) Network Randomization Protocol: A Proactive Pseudo-Random Generator DocID: 503269 503515 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2404 Type: TEXT Headline: Gene H. Kim (June) Implementing a Secure rlogin Environment: A Case Study of Using a Secure Network DocID: 503515 503786 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2405 Type: TEXT Headline: David Vincenzetti (June) STEL: Secure TELnet DocID: 503786 504041 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2406 Type: TEXT Headline: Matt Blaze (June) Session-Layer Encryption DocID: 504041 504229 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2407 Type: TEXT Headline: Toshinari Takahashi (June) File-Based Network Collaboration System DocID: 504229 504450 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2408 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian L. Kahn (June) Safe Use of X Window System Protocol Across a Firewall DocID: 504450 504650 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2409 Type: TEXT Headline: Andrew Molitor (June) An Architecture for Advanced Packet Filtering DocID: 504650 504848 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2410 Type: TEXT Headline: Lee Badger (June) A Domain and Type Enforcement UNIX Prototype DocID: 504848 505130 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2411 Type: TEXT Headline: Spencer E. Minear (June) Providing Policy Control Over Object Operations in a Mach-Based Systemo DocID: 505130 505358 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2412 Type: TEXT Headline: William A. Adamson (June) Joining Security Realms: A Single Login for NetWare and Kerberos DocID: 505358 505604 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2413 Type: TEXT Headline: Aviel D. Rubin (June) Independent One-Time Passwords DocID: 505604 505768 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2414 Type: TEXT Headline: Daniel L. McDonald (June) One-Time Passwords in Everything (OPIE): Experiences with Building and U DocID: 505768 506125 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2415 Type: TEXT Headline: Ennio Pozzetti (June) Improving the Trustworthiness of Evidence Derived from Security Trace Files DocID: 506125 506387 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2416 Type: TEXT Headline: Steven M. Bellovin (June) Using the Domain Name System for System Break-ins DocID: 506387 506588 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2417 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul A. Vixie (June) DNS and BIND Security Issues DocID: 506588 506769 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2418 Type: TEXT Headline: James M. Galvin (June) MIME Object Security Services: Issues in a Multi-User Environment DocID: 506769 507013 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2419 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Augu) From the Editor: Technology Marches On DocID: 507013 507128 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2420 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen Walli (Augu) UNIX Applications Development Symposium Report DocID: 507128 507254 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2421 Type: TEXT Headline: Pace Willison (Augu) Summer '94 Conference Reports DocID: 507254 507378 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2422 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Augu) Board Meeting Summary DocID: 507378 507485 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2423 Type: TEXT Headline: Barry Shein (Augu) ;login: 50 and 100 Years Ago DocID: 507485 507590 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2424 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Augu) Letter from the SAGE President DocID: 507590 507702 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2425 Type: TEXT Headline: Bryan McDonald (Augu) Highlights from the June SAGE Board DocID: 507702 507907 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2426 Type: TEXT Headline: Kate Lance (Augu) SAGE-AU Code of Ethical Conduct DocID: 507907 508017 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2427 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Augu) System Administration Tools Your Vendor Never Told You About: The Beeper DocID: 508017 508172 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2428 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Augu) Who Are My Peers? DocID: 508172 508271 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2429 Type: TEXT Headline: Vicki E. Jones (Augu) Celebrating Women in Computing DocID: 508271 508384 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2430 Type: TEXT Headline: Jean Pooquet (Augu) Beneath Who Knows How Many Freudian and Calvinistic Strata DocID: 508384 508520 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2431 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Augu) Optimizing Your Shell Scripts DocID: 508520 508637 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2432 Type: TEXT Headline: Tim Daneliuk (Augu) Conquering Corporate Computing With Message-Oriented Middleware DocID: 508637 508781 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2433 Type: TEXT Headline: (Augu) What's New DocID: 508781 508860 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2434 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (Augu) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 508860 508992 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2435 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Augu) The Bookworm DocID: 508992 509087 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2436 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Rob Kolstad (Augu) REVIEW: Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Techn DocID: 509087 509266 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2437 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by George Nevill (Augu) REVIEW: Internetworking with TCP/IP DocID: 509266 509403 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2438 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Adam Moskowit (Augu) REVIEW: Connecting to the Internet DocID: 509403 509528 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2439 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Octo) From the Editor: Woodstock II DocID: 509528 509635 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2440 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Octo) President's Letter DocID: 509635 509734 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2441 Type: TEXT Headline: Various Authors (Octo) Letters to ;login: DocID: 509734 509835 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2442 Type: TEXT Headline: Casey Leedom (Octo) High Speed Networking Symposium Report DocID: 509835 509954 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2443 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Collingson (Octo) Summer '94 Conference Reports DocID: 509954 510095 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2444 Type: TEXT Headline: Susan E. Waggoner Shopiro (Octo) USENIX C++ Conference Report DocID: 510095 510238 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2445 Type: TEXT Headline: Tom Limoncelli (Octo) On Professionalism DocID: 510238 510340 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2446 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Octo) Surviving Solaris 2.X DocID: 510340 510444 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2447 Type: TEXT Headline: Win Bent (Octo) Your Voice DocID: 510444 510533 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2448 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Octo) System Administration Models DocID: 510533 510648 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2449 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Octo) Understanding UNIX Workstation Performance DocID: 510648 510780 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2450 Type: TEXT Headline: (Octo) What's New DocID: 510780 510860 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2451 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (Octo) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 510860 510993 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2452 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Octo) The Bookworm DocID: 510993 511089 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2453 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Dece) From the Editor: The World Just Keeps Getting More Complicated DocID: 511089 511230 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2454 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Dece) President's Letter DocID: 511230 511329 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2455 Type: TEXT Headline: JR Oldroyd (Dece) LISA VIII Conference Reports DocID: 511329 511437 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2456 Type: TEXT Headline: JR Oldroyd (Dece) Summer '94 Conference Reports DocID: 511437 511548 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2457 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Dece) USENIX Board Meeting Summary DocID: 511548 511665 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2458 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Dece) SAGE 1994 System Administrator Profile and Salary Survey DocID: 511665 511824 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2459 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Dece) Perl Practicum: A Plea for Clarity DocID: 511824 511943 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2460 Type: TEXT Headline: George Spellvin (Dece) Point/Counterpoint DocID: 511943 512063 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2461 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Dece) Wherever You Go, There You Are DocID: 512063 512181 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2462 Type: TEXT Headline: Elizabeth Zwicky (Dece) System Administration Tools Your Vendor Never Told You About: The Toy DocID: 512181 512336 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2463 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Dece) System Administration Tools Your Vendor Never Told You About: Painkiller DocID: 512336 512489 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2464 Type: TEXT Headline: Chet Ramey (Dece) Bash - The GNU shell DocID: 512489 512590 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2465 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Dece) Business Survival Skills 101: The Interview DocID: 512590 512725 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2466 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Chastain (Dece) Taking Analogies to the Limit DocID: 512725 512839 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2467 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Piele (Dece) Results of the International Computer Olympiad DocID: 512839 512963 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2468 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (Dece) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 512963 513097 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2469 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Dece) The Bookworm DocID: 513097 513194 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2470 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Bob Birss (Dece) REVIEW: Application Development for Distributed Environments DocID: 513194 513343 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2471 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewd by George Neville (Dece) REVIEW: ATM User-Network Interface Specifiication Version 3.0 DocID: 513343 513506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2472 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewd by George Neville (Dece) REVIEW: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Solution for Broadband ISDN DocID: 513506 513669 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2473 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Gregory C. De (Dece) REVIEW: Building a Successful Software Business DocID: 513669 513814 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2474 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Billy Barron (Dece) REVIEW: Zen and the Art of the Interent, 3rd Edition DocID: 513814 513961 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2475 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Billy Barron (Dece) REVIEW: A DOS User's Guide to the Internet - E-mail, Netnews DocID: 513961 514142 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2476 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Febr) From the Editor: Words DocID: 514142 514243 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2477 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Febr) President's Letter DocID: 514243 514341 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2478 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Haemer (Febr) Very High Level Languages Symposium Report DocID: 514341 514465 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2479 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Mitchell (Febr) Report on the First Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation DocID: 514465 514626 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2480 Type: TEXT Headline: ROSE '94 - The Romanian O (Febr) Alexandru Rotaru DocID: 514626 514781 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2481 Type: TEXT Headline: (Febr) 1995 Lifetime Achievement Award DocID: 514781 514880 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2482 Type: TEXT Headline: Various Authors (Febr) LISA VIII Conference Reports DocID: 514880 514994 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2483 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Abbey (Febr) Response to LISA Summary on GASH DocID: 514994 515108 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2484 Type: TEXT Headline: Cindy A. Harris (Febr) User Interface Development Tools DocID: 515108 515227 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2485 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Febr) Some Thoughts on the Economics of Information DocID: 515227 515363 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2486 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Crone (Febr) TCP/IP Addressing Strategies for Switched Networks DocID: 515363 515511 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2487 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (Febr) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 515511 515645 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2488 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Febr) The Bookworm DocID: 515645 515742 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2489 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by George Nevill (Febr) REVIEW: The FDDI Handbook DocID: 515742 515871 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2490 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Jeff Haemer (Febr) REVIEW: Japanese Information Processing DocID: 515871 516006 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2491 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewd by Rob Kolstad (Febr) REVIEW: Computer-Releated Risks DocID: 516006 516128 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2492 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Apri) From the Editor: Sustaining Performance DocID: 516128 516242 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2493 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Rose (Apri) PGP, Phil Zimmerman, Life, the Universe, and so on DocID: 516242 516367 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2494 Type: TEXT Headline: Various Authors (Apri) 1995 USENIX Technical Conference Reports DocID: 516367 516489 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2495 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (Apri) USENIX Board Meeting Summary DocID: 516489 516596 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2496 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Apri) Thanks to Bryan DocID: 516596 516687 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2497 Type: TEXT Headline: Tina M. Darmohray (Apri) I Dare You! DocID: 516687 516783 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2498 Type: TEXT Headline: Debby Hungerford (Apri) A Moving Experience DocID: 516783 516886 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2499 Type: TEXT Headline: (Apri) Summary of the Actions Taken at the 1994 SAGE Board of Directors Meetings DocID: 516886 517027 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2500 Type: TEXT Headline: M. Satyanarayanan (Apri) Report on the IEEE Mobile Computing Systems and Application Workshop DocID: 517027 517180 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2501 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Apri) What Good is a Gig? DocID: 517180 517286 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2502 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (Apri) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 517286 517417 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2503 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Apri) The Bookworm DocID: 517417 517511 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2504 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Don Libes (Apri) REVIEW: Exploring Expect DocID: 517511 517625 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2505 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Curt Schimmel (Apri) REVIEW: UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures, Symmetri DocID: 517625 517827 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2506 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by Rik Farrow (Apri) REVIEW: O'Reilly's Internet Talk Radio Tapes DocID: 517827 517959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2507 Type: TEXT Headline: Richard Golding (Apri) About Refdbms and USENIX References DocID: 517959 518074 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2508 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (June) From the Editor: Good Ideas DocID: 518074 518177 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2509 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (June) President's Letter DocID: 518177 518271 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2510 Type: TEXT Headline: (June) 1994 Financial Statements DocID: 518271 518359 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2511 Type: TEXT Headline: Ellie Young (June) Member Dues DocID: 518359 518453 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2512 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles J. Antonelli (June) Report on the 2nd Mobile & Location-Independent Computing Symposium DocID: 518453 518607 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2513 Type: TEXT Headline: Tina Darmohray (June) From the SAGE Editor DocID: 518607 518705 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2514 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (June) Perl Practicum: Fun With Formats DocID: 518705 518817 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2515 Type: TEXT Headline: Shawn Instenes (June) Getting to Know SATAN DocID: 518817 518919 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2516 Type: TEXT Headline: John E. Schimmel (June) So What's This Tickle Stuff All About? DocID: 518919 519040 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2517 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Wilson (June) 10 Questions for Sysadmins DocID: 519040 519143 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2518 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Evans (June) Another Maxim of System Administration DocID: 519143 519258 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2519 Type: TEXT Headline: Ronald van Driel (June) The X Station: A High-end Workstation in Disguise DocID: 519258 519406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2520 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (June) Object Oriented? DocID: 519406 519508 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2521 Type: TEXT Headline: Rick Umali (June) Making a Living in Technical Sales Support DocID: 519508 519627 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2522 Type: TEXT Headline: Lee Damon (June) On Glass Houses and Thrown Power Bricks; or: A Solaris Hater Eats His Hat DocID: 519627 519776 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2523 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen R. Walli (June) Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about X/Open UNIX, and the Single UNI DocID: 519776 519949 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2524 Type: TEXT Headline: Nick Stoughton (June) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 519949 520079 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2525 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (June) The Bookworm DocID: 520079 520173 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2526 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by George V. Nev (June) REVIEW: The Early History of Data Networks DocID: 520173 520317 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2527 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by W. Richard St (June) REVIEW: Casting the Net; From ARPANET to Internet and DocID: 520317 520472 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2528 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Honeyman (Spri) Guest Editorial DocID: 520472 520599 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2529 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Welch (Spri) A Comparison of Three Distributed File System Architectures: Vnode, Sprite, and DocID: 520599 520786 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2530 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeffrey C. Mogul (Spri) Recovery in Spritely NFS DocID: 520786 520964 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2531 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Carson (Spri) Optimal Write Batch Size in Log-Structured File Systems DocID: 520964 521177 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2532 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. O'Dell (Summ) Greetings DocID: 521177 521307 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2533 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter H. Salus (Summ) Announcements DocID: 521307 521410 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2534 Type: TEXT Headline: Alan Dearle (Summ) Grasshopper: An Orthogonally Persistent Operating System DocID: 521410 521740 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2535 Type: TEXT Headline: David B. Ingham (Summ) Delayline: A Wide-Area Network Emulation Tool DocID: 521740 521928 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2536 Type: TEXT Headline: Darrell D. E. Long (Summ) Swift/RAID: A Distributed RAID System DocID: 521928 522190 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2537 Type: TEXT Headline: Andreas Winckler (Summ) A Distributed Look-Ahead Workload Assignment Algorithm for Interdependent T DocID: 522190 522388 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2538 Type: TEXT Headline: Yen-Jen Oyang (Summ) Optimal Design of Megabyte Second-Level Caches for Minimizing Bus Traffic in S DocID: 522388 522639 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2539 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael D. O'Dell (Fall) Greetings DocID: 522639 522767 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2540 Type: TEXT Headline: Oliver Laumann (Fall) Elk: The Extension Language Kit DocID: 522767 522960 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2541 Type: TEXT Headline: Raphael Yahalom (Fall) Secure Timeliness: On the Cost of Non-Synchronized Clocks DocID: 522960 523132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2542 Type: TEXT Headline: Kelvin Nilsen (Fall) Reliable Real-Time Garbage Collection of C++ DocID: 523132 523288 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2543 Type: TEXT Headline: David L. Presotto (Wint) Editorial DocID: 523288 523410 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2544 Type: TEXT Headline: Marshall Kirk McKusick (Wint) The Virtual Filesystem Interface in 4.4BSD DocID: 523410 523572 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2545 Type: TEXT Headline: Luca Cardelli (Wint) A Language with Distributed Scope DocID: 523572 523750 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2546 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles L. Viles (Wint) Availabily and Latency of World Wide Web Information Servers DocID: 523750 523945 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2547 Type: TEXT Headline: Ann Wollrath (June) Simple Activation for Distributed Objects DocID: 523945 524176 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2548 Type: TEXT Headline: Ajay Mohindra (June) Dynamic Insertion of Object Services DocID: 524176 524468 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2549 Type: TEXT Headline: Douglas C. Schmidt (June) Object-Oriented Components for High-speed Network Programming DocID: 524468 524742 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2550 Type: TEXT Headline: Danny B. Lange (June) Program Explorer: A Program Visualizer for C++ DocID: 524742 524990 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2551 Type: TEXT Headline: Mick Jordan (June) Configuration Management in an Object-Oriented Database DocID: 524990 525230 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2552 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Detlefs (June) Debugging Storage Management Problems in Garbage-Collected Environments DocID: 525230 525511 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2553 Type: TEXT Headline: Antony Courtney (June) Phantom: An Interpreted Language for Distributed Programming DocID: 525511 525749 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2554 Type: TEXT Headline: Konstantin Laufer (June) A Framework for Higher-Order Functions in C++ DocID: 525749 525970 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2555 Type: TEXT Headline: Patrick Muckelbauer (June) Lingua-Franca: An IDL for Structural Subtyping Distributed Object Syste DocID: 525970 526232 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2556 Type: TEXT Headline: Silvano Maffeis (June) Adding Group Communication and Fault-Tolerance to CORBA DocID: 526232 526451 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2557 Type: TEXT Headline: Jun-ichiro Itoh (June) Using Meta-Objects to Support Optimisation in the Apertos Operating System DocID: 526451 526775 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2558 Type: TEXT Headline: Sanjay Radia (June) The Spring Object Model DocID: 526775 527011 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2559 Type: TEXT Headline: Carlos Baquero (June) Integration of Concurrency Control in a Language with Subtyping and Subclassi DocID: 527011 527301 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2560 Type: TEXT Headline: Carsten Weich (June) Generic Containers for a Distributed Object Store DocID: 527301 527526 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2561 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Arnold (June) Media-Independent Interfaces in a Media-Dependent World DocID: 527526 527862 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2562 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter T. Liu (July) Tcl-DP Name Server DocID: 527862 528063 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2563 Type: TEXT Headline: Adam Sah (July) Multiple Trace Composition and Its Uses DocID: 528063 528250 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2564 Type: TEXT Headline: Sunanda Iyengar (July) TclProp: A Data-Propagation Formula Manager for Tcl and Tk DocID: 528250 528478 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2565 Type: TEXT Headline: Benjamin B. Bederson (July) Advances in the Pad++ Zoomable Graphics Widget DocID: 528478 528693 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2566 Type: TEXT Headline: George A. Howlett (July) A Table-based Layout Editor DocID: 528693 528844 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2567 Type: TEXT Headline: Shannon Jaeger (July) Mega-widgets in Tcl/Tk: Evaluation and Analysis DocID: 528844 529032 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2568 Type: TEXT Headline: Ioi K. Lam (July) Designing Mega Widgets in the Tix Library DocID: 529032 529216 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2569 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark L. Ulferts (July) [incr Widgets] An Object-Oriented Mega-Widget Set DocID: 529216 529416 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2570 Type: TEXT Headline: Ray Johnson (July) Cross Platform Support in Tk 77 DocID: 529416 529614 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2571 Type: TEXT Headline: Wolfgang Heidrich (July) Automatic Generation of Tcl Bindings for C and C++ Libraries DocID: 529614 529871 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2572 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas Lord (July) An Anatomy of Guile: The Interface to Tcl/Tk DocID: 529871 530047 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2573 Type: TEXT Headline: Forest R. Rouse (July) A Tcl to C Compiler DocID: 530047 530267 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2574 Type: TEXT Headline: George C. Moon (July) Using Tcl/Tk to Program a Full Functional Geographic Information System DocID: 530267 530502 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2575 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Crowley (July) TkReplay: Record and Replay for Tk DocID: 530502 530683 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2576 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Lonczewski (July) PLUG-IN: Using Tcl/Tk for Plan-Based User Guidance DocID: 530683 530888 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2577 Type: TEXT Headline: Stephen A. Uhler (July) A Graphical User Interface Builder for Tk DocID: 530888 531083 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2578 Type: TEXT Headline: Charles Crowley (July) Tcl and Tk in the Classroom: Lessons Learned (Panel) DocID: 531083 531412 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2579 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael J. McLennan (July) The New [incr Tcl]: Objects, Mega-Widgets, Namespaces and More DocID: 531412 531623 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2580 Type: TEXT Headline: Pedja Bogdanovich (July) Objective-Tcl: An Object-Oriented Tcl Environment DocID: 531623 531812 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2581 Type: TEXT Headline: David Wetherall (July) Extending Tcl for Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming DocID: 531812 532051 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2582 Type: TEXT Headline: Dean Sheehan (July) Interpreted C++, Object Oriented Tcl, What next? DocID: 532051 532233 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2583 Type: TEXT Headline: Mark Roseman (July) When is an object not an object? DocID: 532233 532406 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2584 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan L. Herlocker (July) Tcl Commands as Media in a Distributed Multimedia Toolkit DocID: 532406 532636 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2585 Type: TEXT Headline: Frank Stajano (July) Taming the Complexity of Distributed Multimedia Applications DocID: 532636 532857 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2586 Type: TEXT Headline: Maximilian Ott (July) Plug-And-Play with Wires DocID: 532857 533030 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2587 Type: TEXT Headline: Jonathan Swartz (July) RIVL: A Resolution Independent Video Language DocID: 533030 533235 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2588 Type: TEXT Headline: Thomas A. Phelps (July) Two Years with TkMan: Lessons and Innovations DocID: 533235 533438 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2589 Type: TEXT Headline: Brion D. Sarachan (July) Prototyping NBC's GEnesis Broadcast Automation System Using Tcl/Tk DocID: 533438 533720 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2590 Type: TEXT Headline: Brent Welch (July) Customization and Flexibility in the exmh Mail User Interface DocID: 533720 533910 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2591 Type: TEXT Headline: Brian W. Kernighan (July) Experience with Tcl/Tk for Scientific and Engineering Visualization DocID: 533910 534124 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2592 Type: TEXT Headline: J. Shonwalder (July) Tcl Extensions for Network Management Applications DocID: 534124 534351 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2593 Type: TEXT Headline: Roland J. Schemers, III (Sept) lbnamed: A Load Balancing Name Server in Perl DocID: 534351 534542 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2594 Type: TEXT Headline: Patrick Powell (Sept) LPRng - An Enhanced Printer Spooler System DocID: 534542 534812 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2595 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff R. Allen (Sept) Finding a Needle in a Virtual Haystack: Whois++ and the Whois++ Client Library DocID: 534812 535049 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2596 Type: TEXT Headline: Sam Lipson (Sept) Capital Markets Trading Floors, Current Practice DocID: 535049 535234 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2597 Type: TEXT Headline: Xev Gittler (Sept) Morgan Stanley's Aurora System: a Next Generation Global Production Unix Environ DocID: 535234 535506 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2598 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael E. Shaddock (Sept) How to Upgrade 1500 Workstations on Saturday, and still have time to Mow DocID: 535506 535805 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2599 Type: TEXT Headline: Karen A. Casella (Sept) Security Administration in an Open Networking Environment DocID: 535805 536035 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2600 Type: TEXT Headline: Nathaniel Sammons (Sept) Multi-platform Interrogation and Reporting with Rscan DocID: 536035 536257 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2601 Type: TEXT Headline: Karl Ramm (Sept) Exu - A System for Secure Delegation of Authority on an Insecure Network DocID: 536257 536538 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2602 Type: TEXT Headline: Dan Mosedale (Sept) Administering Very High Volume Internet Services DocID: 536538 536779 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2603 Type: TEXT Headline: Archibald C.R. Mott (Sept) Bringing the MBONE Home: Experiences with Internal Use of Multicast-Base DocID: 536779 537038 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2604 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Sedayao (Sept) LACHESIS: A Tool for Benchmarking Internet Service Providers DocID: 537038 537272 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2605 Type: TEXT Headline: Gretchen Phillips (Sept) From Something to Nothing (and back) DocID: 537272 537475 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2606 Type: TEXT Headline: Christine Hogan (Sept) Metrics for Management DocID: 537475 537655 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2607 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon Finke (Sept) SQL_2_HTML: Automatic Generation of HTML Database Schemas DocID: 537655 537882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2608 Type: TEXT Headline: Christine Hogan (Sept) Decentralising Distributed Systems Administration DocID: 537882 538160 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2609 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael A. Cooper (Sept) SPM: System for Password Management DocID: 538160 538374 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2610 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Riddle (Sept) AGUS: An Automatic Multi-Platform Account Generation System DocID: 538374 538701 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2611 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter W. Osel (Sept) OpenDist - Incremental Software Distribution DocID: 538701 538938 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2612 Type: TEXT Headline: John Sellens (Sept) filetsf: A File Transfer Ssytem Based on lpr/lpd DocID: 538938 539149 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2613 Type: TEXT Headline: Atsushi Futakata (Sept) Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software DocID: 539149 539404 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2614 Type: TEXT Headline: Stuart McRobert (Sept) From Twisting Country Lanes to MultiLane Ethernet SuperHighways DocID: 539404 539661 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2615 Type: TEXT Headline: Arnold de Leon (Sept) From Thinnet to 10base-T, From Sys Admin to Network Manager DocID: 539661 539878 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2616 Type: TEXT Headline: Rex Walters (Sept) Tracking Hardware Configurations in a Heterogeneous Network with syslogd DocID: 539878 540120 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2617 Type: TEXT Headline: Rok Sosic (Spri) The Dynascope Directing Server: Design and Implememtation DocID: 540120 540286 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2618 Type: TEXT Headline: Graham D. Parrington (Spri) A Stub Generation System for C++ DocID: 540286 540455 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2619 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeremy Casas (Spri) MPVM: A Migration Transparent Version of PVM DocID: 540455 540729 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2620 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Augu) From the Editor: Dreams Fulfilled DocID: 540729 540839 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2621 Type: TEXT Headline: Jeff Bacon (Augu) Opinion: Thoughts on the Net DocID: 540839 540945 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2622 Type: TEXT Headline: John Sechrest (Augu) Opinion: Gnu and Solaris DocID: 540945 541048 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2623 Type: TEXT Headline: Rik Farrow (Augu) Report on the Fifth USENIX UNIX Security Symposium DocID: 541048 541176 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2624 Type: TEXT Headline: Zana Vella (Augu) USENIX and the CitySpace Project DocID: 541176 541284 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2625 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Wilson (Augu) Call for Nominations for Election to SAGE Board of Directors DocID: 541284 541420 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2626 Type: TEXT Headline: Tina M. Darmohray (Augu) Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere DocID: 541420 541540 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2627 Type: TEXT Headline: Melissa Metz (Augu) Some SANS Conference Highlights DocID: 541540 541652 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2628 Type: TEXT Headline: Hal Pomeranz (Augu) Perl Practicum: The Camel Spins a Web DocID: 541652 541771 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2629 Type: TEXT Headline: Shawn Instenes (Augu) Musings about Authentication DocID: 541771 541882 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2630 Type: TEXT Headline: John E. Schimmel (Augu) Free Network Management Using Tcl DocID: 541882 542000 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2631 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Gschwind (Augu) Practical Guide to Internationalization, Part I DocID: 542000 542132 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2632 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Rose (Augu) UNIX Tip: I Can Never Remember Those Pesky Options DocID: 542132 542262 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2633 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Augu) Possible Future User Interfaces DocID: 542262 542381 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2634 Type: TEXT Headline: Rik Farrow (Augu) Musings DocID: 542381 542467 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2635 Type: TEXT Headline: Various (Augu) Top Ten Anagrams for Information Superhighway DocID: 542467 542585 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2636 Type: TEXT Headline: Rob Kolstad (Octo) From the Editor: Wherein RBK's Eyes Are Opened DocID: 542585 542711 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2637 Type: TEXT Headline: Steve Johnson (Octo) President's Letter DocID: 542711 542808 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2638 Type: TEXT Headline: Nayeem Islam (Octo) Report on the USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies DocID: 542808 542951 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2639 Type: TEXT Headline: Greg Rose (Octo) Status Update on PGP and Legal Actions DocID: 542951 543064 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2640 Type: TEXT Headline: (Octo) Call for Nominations for Two Awards DocID: 543064 543165 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2641 Type: TEXT Headline: Tina M. Darmohray (Octo) From the SAGE Editor DocID: 543165 543272 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2642 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Mayer (Octo) Top 10 Tools for Lonely Sys Admins DocID: 543272 543385 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2643 Type: TEXT Headline: John Sellens (Octo) The Seminar DocID: 543385 543478 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2644 Type: TEXT Headline: Ken Arnott (Octo) Monitoring User's Idle Time DocID: 543478 543582 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2645 Type: TEXT Headline: Eric Anderson (Octo) Results of the 1995 SANS Survey DocID: 543582 543696 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2646 Type: TEXT Headline: Shawn Instenes (Octo) A Secure Rsh Replacement DocID: 543696 543802 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2647 Type: TEXT Headline: John Schimmel (Octo) What's Up on the Tcl Front? DocID: 543802 543913 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2648 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Evans (Octo) Opinion: Professionalism DocID: 543913 544019 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2649 Type: TEXT Headline: Pat Wilson (Octo) Call for Nominations for Election to SAGE DocID: 544019 544137 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2650 Type: TEXT Headline: Paul Evans (Octo) Community News: A New Form of Professional Recognition DocID: 544137 544269 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2651 Type: TEXT Headline: Michael Gschwind (Octo) A Practical Guide to Internationalization, Part 2: Using National Characte DocID: 544269 544444 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2652 Type: TEXT Headline: Jon Finke (Octo) What We Mean by Trust DocID: 544444 544544 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2653 Type: TEXT Headline: Dave Taylor (Octo) Web Designer Notes DocID: 544544 544644 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2654 Type: TEXT Headline: Rik Farrow (Octo) Musings DocID: 544644 544732 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2655 Type: TEXT Headline: Scott Hazen Mueller (Octo) Impact DocID: 544732 544827 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2656 Type: TEXT Headline: Don Piele (Octo) USA Wins Medals at Computer Olympics in the Netherlands DocID: 544827 544959 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2657 Type: TEXT Headline: Nicholas Stoughton (Octo) An Update on Standards Relevant to USENIX Members DocID: 544959 545096 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2658 Type: TEXT Headline: Jim Isaak (Octo) Information Infrastructure DocID: 545096 545201 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2659 Type: TEXT Headline: Peter Salus (Octo) The Bookworm DocID: 545201 545294 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2660 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by: George W. Le (Octo) Book Review: The Object Advantage: Business Process Reengineering DocID: 545294 545481 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2661 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by: Henry Spence (Octo) Book Review: Tcl and the Tk Toolkit DocID: 545481 545613 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2662 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by: Henry Spence (Octo) Book Review: The Cartoon Guide to Statistics DocID: 545613 545751 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2663 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by: Bob Birss (Octo) Book Review: The Craft of Software Testing: Subsystem Testing Includ DocID: 545751 545953 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index Document # 2664 Type: TEXT Headline: Reviewed by: Rob Kolstad (Octo) Book Review: Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets DocID: 545953 546094 /gopherdir/obi/book/Usenix/index