Begin3 Title: poppy - simple perl POP3/IMAP mail processor with SMTP support. Version: 3.1 Entered-date: 27MAR2001 Description: A simple perl script to retrieve mail headers from a POP3 or IMAP server and individually view, save or delete them. Requires perl. Simple mail reader which relies on the POP3 or IMAP server to do most the work. A good use is to delete or to skip over ranges of emails on a POP3 server when on a slow link. You may also view only a specified number of lines from a message to see if you would like to download the whole message. Also has support for replying to emails using SMTP servers. Author: (Chris Bagwell) Primary-site: Alternate-site: Platforms: Linux, SunOS, Solaris, Win95/NT, most un*x with perl Copying-policy: GPL End