Begin3 Title: MIME++ - C++ class library for MIME messages Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 17 Sep 1997 Description: MIME++ is a C++ class library for creating, parsing, and editing messages in MIME format. The class structure in MIME++ closely follows the BNF grammar specified in RFC-822 and RFC-12045, making the library intuitive for developers who are familiar with the MIME standard. MIME++ supports quoted-printable and base64 encoding/decoding, and all header fields specified in RFC-822, RFC-1036, and RFC-2045. MIME++ is extensible through inheritance and polymorphism. Keywords: MIME, C++, library, linux, email, HTTP, news Author: (Doug Sauder) Maintained-by: (Doug Sauder) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/ 183k mimepp-0.8.0.tar.gz Original-site: Platform: UNIX, Win32 Copying-policy: Free for non-commercial use End