Flight Gear Subsystem List
Flight Gear Subsystem List
- System tasks
- The main task swapper
- Menu system
- Controls monitoring subsystem (keyboard/joystick)
- Internal airplane modules (relating to "self")
- Flight Model subsystem ("low-pressure molecular motion" model?)
- Engine subsytem
- Electrical subsystem
- Vacuum subsystem
- Certain instruments may need special modeling.
- Flight Recorder
- External modules (relating to our surroundings; optionally networked)
- Environment module (weather, etc.)
- Static Scenery module (terrain, airports, cities, water, etc.;
will understand multiple formats)
- Dynamic Scenery module (those people we fly with)
- ATC module (perhaps combined with dynamic scenery)
- Adventures
- Time (daytime, season...)
- Machine dependent modules (to be isolated as much as possible)
- Display:
- scenery display
- instruments display
- map display (navaids, runways, radials, side view)
- Sound effects player
- Network interface module